DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Well I decided to rant about this, and maybe make myself feel a little better, here I go. Well, I've been sick for the last few days, I think it might be food poisoning from some food my mother cooked the other night. I've been constantly throwing up, even though I don't eat anything. Throwing up blood and bile is no fun at all. I complained about this for the first time on MSN to my friend today, and this is what I read in return. "you know what cramps feel like now". How the fuck can you compare vomiting blood to cramps? I mean, when a woman has a baby I don't say "Now you know what it feels like to be kicked in the nuts." do I? Here's what's different about men and women, when it comes to this. A woman: "God, these cramps are so bad." The response (From a female friend, or a boyfriend.): "Can I get you anything? How can I make you feel better?" From random men: "I'll just be over there... If you need me. :: Avoids the woman on her period. ::" A man: "God my stomach hurts, I don't even want to move." A woman's response: "Now you know what cramps are like." Man's response: "Suck it up, pussy." Or something like "Can you help me move this heavy furniture?" I understand, men normally have a higher tolerance for pain, but that's no reason to disregard them when they mention it. (This next statement I guess could really be considered an attack against a gender, but don't take it personally.) How is it that some women still seem to find a way to make a man feel like a complete asshole, even when the man is in extreme pain? I honestly felt like the world's largest ass for complaining about my stomach pains. It's like "You think that's bad? We go through that every month." But the thing is, you aren't VOMITING BLOOD THREE TIMES A DAY. I mean, for fuck's sake, I've destroyed my esophagus with all the bile I regurgitated. Every time I move I have to rush to the bathroom, or risk staining my carpets. I haven't eaten anything besides yogurt for the last two days, and everyone around me seems to be complaining about something pointless, like having to go to TWO stores instead of ONE, or how they hate that they go to the doctors just to find out they're 100% healthy. =_= Seriously, it pisses me off, and I know I can't complain, because if I do they'll either 1) Think I'm joking, or 2) Just not care. Quote
CGSMWriter Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Dude, I sympathize...and I'm female. There are a FEW of us who don't fit into the stereotype, thankfully. I'm the rare female with a high pain tolerence who rarely gets those cramps (thank goodness). Actually broke my arm once and didn't realize it until a week later when going to the doc I mentioned a "slight pain" in my arm. It was broken in 2 places! LOL Noticed this was posted yesterday, hope you're feeling better! Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 OMG!! ARE YOU OK? DID YOU GO TO THE DOCTOR YET? THERE'S MORE THAN JUST FOOD POISONING IF YOU'RE HACKING UP BLOOD! WHY ARE YOU BITCHING ON THE FORUM INSTEAD OF SEEKING PROFESSIONAL HELP?!?!?!?! Ok... now that the mother side of me is done with... I would not say "now you know what cramps feel like"... that's just rude... Nope I'd say something like the first thing I said to you in this... And I'm really sorry for not noticing this topic earlier! I had no idea you've been so sick!!! And here I am bitching to myself and boyfriend that I've been sick with the flu or something for a freaking week... Seriously... go see a doctor and figure out what's wrong... you might have a whole in your stomach or something else that’s also very major and needs surgery to fix!!! DON'T DIE ON ME!!!! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!!! IF YOU DIE I'M RESURECTING YOUR ASS, KICKING IT, AND THEN KILLING YOU AGAIN!!!!! Ok... I've said my peace... DOCTOR! NOW! Quote
Lost_Soul Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 I understand, men normally have a higher tolerance for pain, but that's no reason to disregard them when they mention it.Actually... it depends on either person when it comes to pain tolerance. The myth of men or women on who has the highest pain tolerance is not true. I have a high tolerance of pain, but so does my lover too. But it is true that women go through more pain then men. Sorry that you are sick. You should get looked at, that doesn't seem normal. I hope you feel better. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Instance #1: Fu (my cousin): *cough* Me: Are you ok? Fu: *cough* I've just been couging for a few days, but I'll get over it Me: You should definitely go see a doctor about that Fu: *coughs up blood* Me: WHAT THE FUCK?! 0.o Fu: It's no big deal, it's been on and off for the past three days, but I think I'm getting over it Me: GO TO THE BLOODY HOSPITAL!! Fu: *sigh* Fine. Sheesh Note: anytime blood comes out of place it's not supposed to, I will freak out. Yes, I'm a girl and I've had cramps so bad that I've actually thrown up and blacked out, but guys aren't used to that and there's no way in hell I'd compared the two. I'm sorry, but that person is an idiot. I had to get a cat out of a barbed wire fence once and my skin got all mangled. I went to work and had trouble using the cash register. When I mentioned how much it was hurting me, one of the older woman said: you have no right to complain. I've given birth to three kids, that's much worse. Um, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?! Have you ever pulled a cat out of a barbed wire fence? No? Then what right do you have to compare my pain to yours? No one has the right to down play your pain and don't let them say that shit to you. As for vomitting blood, that's serious shit. Fu had lung cancer a few years ago and his lungs have been punctured many times via broken ribs, so when he coughed blood, that should have been a serious sign. Turns out all those punctures left small splinters of bone in his lungs that hemmoraged his lungs. Subtle things like that could also contribute to stomach problems. Huge problems are ulcers, but there are also little things like blood vessels bursting in the stomach. Anyway, I feel really sorry for you. I've had strep and migraines for the past three days and no one gives a shit. Pain is reletive and no one has the same experiences. I mean, if I was coughing up blood, I'd be feaking out, but it didn't bother my cousin at all. My sister can't even handle slamming her hand in the door. Me? Something like that doesn't bother me, but everyone feels things differently, us girls were just cursed with having to deal with it regularly and stomach pain does not equal cramps at all. Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 I've been puking blood off and on since I was about.... I don't know, seven maybe? Hell, even then, my mother just brushed it off and thought I had put food coloring in the toilet. >_> All because I've been self reliant since I was little, never did that whole crying or freaking out thing when I'm sick, always hated doctors, and I've made myself better almost all the times I was sick. A few years back, I had the flu for three weeks, never went to the doctor... I got over it. >_> The year before that, I had been sick for three days straight and couldn't eat, wasn't even hungry. I didn't even want water, so I didn't drink anything either. After that three days, I blacked out a few times, my dad thought I was faking it, so I didn't go to a doctor. I eventually got over it... >.>;; I'll get over this, seriously, watch, I'll be fine tomorrow. Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Be thankful I don't know where you live because I'd so kick your ass for that statement... You should SERIOUSLY see a doctor about this... There could be something major that could be life threatening... Don't mess around with you life Dark... Just don't... I know I hate going to the doctors and really don't even when it seems serious... but BLOOD? Even I would go and see... For me atleast... and your girl... And everyone else that loves you in the Forum and every where... Seriously consider going to the doctor... PLEASE You need money... I might be short but I'll find a way to send it to you... I don't care... You just really need to see a doctor... PLEASE Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 I'll get over it, I swear. >> I'm better already! See? :: Does a cartwheel :: Quote
cu-kid9 Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Nothing against the women in your life, but if this is the response your getting...well...I wouldn't ever tell a guy that having stomach problems, or having food poisoning, is anything like having cramps. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but my cramps kick my ass. There's nothing like 'em. The only time I've ever felt anything similar was when I had my appendix removed and I had air bubbles stuck in my intestines -ouchie. Not to get all cu-kid M.D. on you, but if your throwing up a lot, you really should at least try to eat something -crackers, dry toast (no butter! I know it sounds gross, but milk products tend to just make things worse). Having something in your stomach when you do puke will at least keep the stomach acid from eating up your esophagus. And keep hydrated -water, tea...not those energy drinks you're so fond of No juice either since they're acidic and just upset your stomach more. I tend to turn into Florence-freakin-Nightingale when my friends or boyfriend get sick -I can't help it. But, when I'm sick, I just want everyone to leave me alone and let me get my own chicken noodle soup, damn it! Hope you feel better soon! Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 All I drink is tea, unless I have excess money to spend on Full Throttle. xD It's been a while since I've had one. >.> Over a month now. Quote
greenwizard Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 I agree with Becca. Trust me, if there's blood, that means something is bleeding. The human body is not meant to leak blood. Just because your parents never cared (and I know what that's like) doesn't mean you shouldn't cupcake. If you don't go get checked out i'll... i'll... hunt you down wrap a rope around your neck and drag you! I'm a healer can't ya tell... As for the cramps comment... way off. It's not that men have a higher pain tolerence, it's that we're programmed from birth to be macho and pretend like it doesn't bother us. And me, I have something wrong with my digestive tract. I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, but I"m not entirely sure about that diagnosis. I get very intense stomach cramps every time I have to shit. And if I so much as eat a fucking cracker less than three hours before bed I'm up most of the night on the toilet whimpering and getting blury vision. Last night was one of those nights. And yet, I'm not saying to you 'at least you know what I go through on a daily basis'. Nope. I'm threatening to hunt you down and hurt you if you don't seek medical help. I care because it's in my nature. Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 I'll get over it, I swear. >> I'm better already! See? :: Does a cartwheel :: You're so full of shit... Unless you have a video up and I KNOW it's you... no "does cartwheel" crap is going to make me feel any better! Stop being "manly" and go see a doctor!! Geez! It's like pullin teeth with you!!! lol Here's a question for ya... Are you STILL throwing up blood? YES? Than that should be your answer to "Hmmm... Should I go to the doctor?" GO.... NOW! Before you die!!! Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 But I don't care because I was programmed from birth to act all macho. :3 Okay, kidding... :: Yawn :: I'm tired. Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 And look... look at that! Two other people that care about you without actually knowing you are asking you to take better care of yourself! Cu-kid is right about the milk productions and acidic too, they’re most likely to mess you up more than make you better. Avoid sugars at all costs, your tea has natural sugar and might not be helping all that much, you might have to cut back and only drink water. Also, you might have an intense allergic reaction to some of your more common foods and that’s why you’re couching up blood. You might also have a weak stomach to which you need to take pills… Hell, what if your stomach for some reason is creating too much acid and is eating itself??? You need to go to the doctor! People that don’t really know you care! That shows you something... NOW GO! I want to see some kind or receipt or perception thingies or something a proof, of I'll never leave you alone about it!!! And Greenwizard… Are you taking pills for your condition? It sounds so painful! You have to be taking something… Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 But I don't care because I was programmed from birth to act all macho. :3Okay, kidding... :: Yawn :: I'm tired. Oh I am SO kicking your ass if we ever meet! ~grrr~ ~sighs~ If you're so tired get some rest and don't strain yourself. I can't image what might be causing you all this pain but I hope for you stubborn sake that it isn't anything major... WE LOVE YOU DARK! AND WE WANT YOU TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF!!! ~hugs without squeezing too hard for fear of your spilling more blood~ Get better soon... Ok? Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 I'm fine today. I swear it. ^^;; Would you like me to do cartwheels and show you the video? Seriously, I'm fine. >.>;; I told you! Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 I'm fine today. I swear it. ^^;; Would you like me to do cartwheels and show you the video? Seriously, I'm fine. >.>;; I told you! I might feel a little better... but I'll still be suspicious! BRING ON THE CARTWHEELS! Quote
greenwizard Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 When I was diagnosed the dr told me to take fiber suppliments. Those don't work. Now eating stuff with whole grains helps... And last night's little problem wasn't helped by the fact that I had donuts for dinner. Yeah, I'm supposed to be on a diet low in fat and high in fiber and protein. I don't follow it... The more junkfood I eat the worse it is. And yes, I wanna see the cartwheels for myself. If you die I'm gonna reserrect you, and after my nap I'll tie you up and do evil things to you. Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 Lol!! OOOOO I want to help with the naghty things for not taking care of himself!!! Can I? Can I? Can I? lol... Donuts? You're kidding... though I could go for a dounut right about now... oo and a bagel with cream cheese.... mmmm cream cheese.... I bet it's hard to stick to your diet though with all these tempting fast food places, but you should still try so you're not in so much pain! Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 No molestation plzkthx. ; - ; And if I could actually do a proper cartwheel... I'd record it. >> Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 So you LIED to us!!! That's it... Time for punishment! lol... BRING OUT THE PADLE! Bwahahahahahaha!!! lol... I'm one for spanking... both receiving and delivering... lol So is your opinion still the same about the difference about Men and Women when it comes to this particular topic? I'd hope not... Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 Well I was generalizing, I tend to do that. I didn't mean ALL women. =/ Also, spank away. >3> As long as spanking isn't cheating. D: I'm one for a little submission. XD Quote
Becca Star Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 LMAO! Well that was unexpected... lol And I really have no idea if that would be considered cheating or not.... hmmmm.... Quote
greenwizard Posted February 7, 2008 Report Posted February 7, 2008 Nah... spanking isn't cheating. And we should take turns! I had other evil things in mind too. I"m so good at being evil I scare myself. Quote
DarkInuLord Posted February 7, 2008 Author Report Posted February 7, 2008 OH dear.... The sad thing is, my girlfriend would just laugh at me and say 'It's your own fault.'... Hell, she might even want a turn spanking me. >.>';; Quote
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