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Need Suggestions: Movement Description And Seduction


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Gals and guys, can I ask you for some suggestions? First I need to describe this movement...


[animated gif, 900kb]

Second, in the story I'm currently trying to write, I've got a beautiful woman trying to seduce a man who resisted her advances so far because he was still brooding over his dead lover. Any suggestions on what the seducer can do to make him go to bed with her?

Thanks in advance...

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Gals and guys, can I ask you for some suggestions? First I need to describe this movement...


[animated gif, 900kb]

Her two legs slithered over each other, offering tantalizing hints of her body. Unfortunately, nothing was revealed that you couldn't see on a beach or a dance floor.

Second, in the story I'm currently trying to write, I've got a beautiful woman trying to seduce a man who resisted her advances so far because he was still brooding over his dead lover. Any suggestions on what the seducer can do to make him go to bed with her?


"Once in the checkout line Amy noticed an oddly appropriate caption on the cover of Cosmo. 'Ten tricks to move a widower's fixation from the grave to your bedroom.' Slowly, fearfully, her hand reached out to take up the issue. She glanced inside, found the article...and placed it immediately on the conveyor.


Ten hours later, she padded naked across the floor from the bathroom to her bed, and to her new lover. The tip of the magazine poked out from the bed's skirt. She slid it back in with her toe before sliding into the sheets. John sleepily wrapped his arm around her and held her close. She sighed in contentment. "And that was only one through four," she said softly.

The oven mitt was a disconcerting lump under her leg. She fished it out and tossed it to the floor, between the half-empty bowl of pasta and the remains of the pinata.

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Her two legs slithered over each other, offering tantalizing hints of her body. Unfortunately, nothing was revealed that you couldn't see on a beach or a dance floor.



"Once in the checkout line Amy noticed an oddly appropriate caption on the cover of Cosmo. 'Ten tricks to move a widower's fixation from the grave to your bedroom.' Slowly, fearfully, her hand reached out to take up the issue. She glanced inside, found the article...and placed it immediately on the conveyor.


Ten hours later, she padded naked across the floor from the bathroom to her bed, and to her new lover. The tip of the magazine poked out from the bed's skirt. She slid it back in with her toe before sliding into the sheets. John sleepily wrapped his arm around her and held her close. She sighed in contentment. "And that was only one through four," she said softly.

The oven mitt was a disconcerting lump under her leg. She fished it out and tossed it to the floor, between the half-empty bowl of pasta and the remains of the pinata.

Hmm, in my story, the two wasn't that close from the start. The seductress was trying to get the man into that position later...

Ideas and suggestions still welcome!

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While asking him about his past, his profession, what ever, she could touch him "per accident".

She can fall over so that he has to catch her (and feels her breasts etc...).

Spill cocoa over his shirt so he will have to change clothing?

When they are in his flat together, she is afraid of lightning (or something else)?

She could ask him to help her with carrying or repairing something and use the situation to make him see of feel parts of her body.

I don't know the people in your story and how far she could go and if it would work or scare him away.

Depending on the situation, there are many opportunities.

You know your characters better, you will find something I am sure.

Thanks for the suggestions. I could use and modify some of those.

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