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Well my mother just HAPPENED to get my mail today. I got this very.. Flamboyant card, from a guy I play FFXI with....

And now my mother thinks I'm gay... Well, gayer... She always has thought I was gay, the whole family thinks so because well... I have long hair, I don't have male friends, and I wear toe socks and my scarf. Oh well.





Toesocks and scarves don't make you gay! They just make you well dressed... :blink:

And I'm confused about the long hair=gay...I don't know any gay guys with long hair. They all have fancy-schmancy hair cuts that require much gel and time in front of a mirror.

It's okay...for some reason, a lot of people think I'm a lesbian because I don't have a boyfriend, hang out with my roomie all the time, and get along better with guys usually...the not having a boyfriend equaling lesbian thing really irritates me *grr*


My mom thinks I either witnessed a murder or was abused...

Just because I don't talk much. (neither is true btw)


Well I'm from an Italian family, on my mother's side. Well, actually I only have one uncle on that side, and he has long hair too so I guess I don't know what the men on that side were like..... But he's missing 4 fingers, used to do cocaine, and he's not all there. His hair is a bit like Einsteins, too.

Anyways, they're mainly bible thumping Christians, homophobes to a large extent. In fact, here's a conversation I was stuck in the middle of the other day, when the family was over for dinner.

My sister: "Those flaming faggots are getting married in Disney World now, in front of the children!"

Her husband: "This is the reason God destroyed the earth the first time!"

Me: "Gay dinosaurs?"

Anyways, the fact that I'm not homophobic like the rest of the family, and I'm different... That's why they think I'm gay. =_=

With my mother, I tell her I already have a girlfriend but she thinks that it's a guy, because I won't introduce her.

With my father, he thinks I'm gay because I don't talk about sex constantly, or at all for that matter.

My brother always says I'm gay... Don't know why, I guess brothers just do that.

My sisters think I'm gay because I listen to them. >_> Seriously, if I had to listen to one more of my sister's girl issues, I was going to explode. I seriously don't care about her last abortion.

Anyways, I think I went off topic.... Yes, my family thinks I'm gay for dumb reasons.

  DarkInuLord said:
Her husband: "This is the reason God destroyed the earth the first time!"

Me: "Gay dinosaurs?"

:blink: LMAO!!

That's the best response ever.

My mom thought I was doing drugs at some point when I was in high school because she found a box full of herbs in my closet. The reality of the matter was that there was this great Wiccan shop here that sold all kinds of crazy things that a friend and I would buy just for the hell of it.

I guess it was better than her thinking I was into Satanism or something...she kinda blew me away when I found out she knew that she couldn't touch my Tarot cards.


LOL, a friend of mine had been dying to get his hands on the weed for ages back when he was fifteen.

so one day one of the teachers wanted to have a talk with him.

"some of the teachers think you're doing drugs" The teacher said.

But he wasn't

and it was funny.

you probably had to be there.


gee, i wish I had this problem. I finally told my mom that I'm a lesbian, and she's still in denial! Of course, my cousin's been married to another guy for seven years now and she's still trying to set him up with girlfriends... ugh. And he does have long hair, but he dresses like a japanese rocker, so I wouldn't call him overly feminine. Of course he would say that there is no such thing as masculine or feminine. shrug, I still think it's hysterical when he showed up at his brother's wedding in a kilt, combat boots, and a 'motherless bastard' t-shirt.


Ha ha, that's actually pretty funny, DarkInu.

Luckily for me, I've never had the problem of being mistaken for a lesbian, even though I only have guy friends and generally don't get along with most of the girls in my school-area. Girls can be so retarded, at least in my area and my high school. :/ I also recently got a pixie-type cut, and my dad got a little freaked out, but that's about it. Granted, I've always had at least one boy after me for some reason or another since I was about 13.

...Damn. That makes me sound so full of myself, doesn't it?


AHHHH!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!

Use your mom to your advantage and if you and your girl don't make it... well... let's just say us girls don't fantasize about gay guys for NUFFIN!!!

"I'd turn straight with you... I know it!"

Ah hahahahahahahahaha!

I'd so do it if I was a dude....

On a serious note though, that stuff doesn't make you gay... It makes you an art student!


Yeah... Speaking of which. "I'm gay." wasn't the best excuse I could have used during school...

I'll explain.

Okay, so I got into trouble in highschool, and my mother chose to place me in a 'special' school. A school for ex druggies and rapists...

Anyways, one day, this girl who always dressed really slutty came and sat next to me. She scooted closer and started staring at me, batting her eyelashes. Then she moves her face really close to mine and goes "Juuuustiiiiin?" And not thinking, this is what I said. "Um... I'm gay."

Unfortunately, the entire school and staff heard me say that. And... There was really a gay guy in school, made the remaining days I had there really, really awkward.


OOOOOOOh...... my goodness!

That had to suck!

In my school gay guys were idolized... same thing in College...

I'm sorry things didn't turn out so nicely for you...

But at least the slut left you alone...

You know what? You should have gone with "I'm Asexual."

That would have been an interesting look on her face... hmmm...


  1.   Juno said:

    Ha ha, that's actually pretty funny, DarkInu.

    Luckily for me, I've never had the problem of being mistaken for a lesbian, even though I only have guy friends and generally don't get along with most of the girls in my school-area. Girls can be so retarded, at least in my area and my high school. :/ I also recently got a pixie-type cut, and my dad got a little freaked out, but that's about it. Granted, I've always had at least one boy after me for some reason or another since I was about 13.

    ...Damn. That makes me sound so full of myself, doesn't it?

    You're lucky... When I was younger in the whole GRUNGE stage of life I wore a lot of flannel and my dad thought I was lesbian... though he mostly called my butch... I hated it... made me have a slightly slutty looking stage after that until my bf and guy BFF of the time told not I looked like an OBT whore... I really did too.... ~sighs~

    In middle school I was asked out by the leading Lesbian and though I thought she was really cool I didn't really think we'd click romantically....

    She came back around in High School and asked again... I said no and then I never saw her after...

    On opposite day during spirit week I taped down my boobs, pulled back my hair, wore my favorite dark green cargo pants and my dad's old "want woman" shirt with Animal from the Muppets... I received so many devilish and "mmmmmmmm" looks from passing females I practically raped my boyfriend to feel like a chick... He didn't exactly help though saying that I looked to much of a guy to make him feel comfortable kissing me.... -___- He left me for a butch too... go figure...

    In college I had this one really cool girl friend that was lesbian... we met in our drawing class and her best friend was this cute little gay guy... We all clicked and tried to hang out as much as possible but it always felt like she was trying to convince me to leave my boyfriend and turn lesbian... It was weird....

    When I was working at Chipotle I had a lesbian manager and the last week I was there before leaving to return to school she kept... hinting... things... Like this one time I was cutting some avocadoes and one of the girls was passing out the tips and didn't know how to give it to me so I said.. "Just put it in my back pocket... I'm comfortable with my sexuality." she laughed and put it in my pocket but then my manager yelled out "Are you sure???" With a gleam in her eye and smirk on her face while raising her brows.... Even my boyfriend said she had a thing for me and so did one of my cute coworkers! She was a great person and I loved hanging out with her... but... not like that...

    Also while I was working one night another manager was flirting with a girl and for some reason she wanted nothing to do with him. When he didn't have her pay she insisted but I told her no because it's management orders. She looked at me with a smile and tried to give me the twenty she had... I told her to place it in the bucket for everyone bt she said she only wanted to give it to me... I said it was a group effort to make her food so wonderful and then she grabbed my collar and threw the twenty down my shirt with a smile... it was weird...

    We also had a continuing customer from a neighboring store that I would talk to going down the line. Sometimes I'd even make her food the way I knew she liked it and if there were no more chips I'd make her a fresh batch since that's one of the only reasons she ever came in and she loved them so much... I'm all about customer satisfaction... ANYWAY my last day of work I went over to her store and we talked and I mentioned my Boyfriend and she became all serious and angry... Her eyes even looked a little hurt... I didn't know that I was leading her on or something! That's what my boyfriend said I was doing! I didn't know!!!!!

    And from what my boyfriend told me about how a female teacher was acting toward me in College she might have had a thing for me too… I was so close to her and confided in her about personal… I looked at her as a best friend… I think he was just jealous… "No teacher asks to have lunch sometime with just ONE student alone…." Whatever… -__-

    Now... now I believe I'm bi... I guess everyone just finally got to me.... hmmmmm

  DarkInuLord said:
Well my mother just HAPPENED to get my mail today. I got this very.. Flamboyant card, from a guy I play FFXI with....

And now my mother thinks I'm gay... Well, gayer... She always has thought I was gay, the whole family thinks so because well... I have long hair, I don't have male friends, and I wear toe socks and my scarf. Oh well.



ROTFLMFAO :( ah maan~ XD well... it does seem like your gay... >.>; I don't know any straight guy who wears toe socks, a scarf... yeah I can see it and have and long hair, I have guy friends who have long hair and date girls. Has no guy friends... hmm, makes you wonder. I'll be your guy friend~! X3

But that card is quite cute, introduce me to your pal JAM JAM! XD; I would like to get a card like that! I would feel... special~! X3 And I get free money thats folded and shaped into a shirt! :huh: thats so cool! Tell Jam I had surgery and needs some lovin' too, send me a 'Get Well' card! XD;


I'm not gay! ; - ; I'm not, I swear. D: The toe socks and scarf were gifts from my girlfriend, and they're special to me. >> Sure, I might be less like your average 'straight guy', but that just means I'm awesome, not gay. xD;;


lol ooh ok! XD *^is secretly gay^*

Yeah I know, getting gifts from the ones you love is a special keepsake to oneself and yeah... it makes you awesome! XD; I mean... I have long hair >.>; but... I'm BI! X3 soo I guess... that doesn't count? :(;

Ah what the hell! XD ...it doesn't matter!! >_<;

and about your friend JAM JAM >_>; you gonna hook me up and share the love~ XD;


::goes to look at the card for JAM JAM's number:: >D

eh heh heh heh sweet~ don't worry, your secrets safe with me! >D :think:

though I don't know how a guy who sends a card like THAT could be straight! :huh: guess we got a little feminine in us after all... heh we got a woman inside each and every one of us! XD; lol

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