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Transferring phoenix potions to someone will not revive them.

The way to do that is to get to their profile. Clicking on their name on the Target list will usually do this

Once there, find the tab for the ibProBattle profile.

If they are dead, and you are alive, you will have the option to revive them., with a Phoenix Down or the Elixir of Life, if you own at least one of each.

Click on the potion you wish to use and thy will be done.

If you don't click on a potion, the system automatically uses the Elixir.

If you are attempting to be friendly to a member of your guild, go to your guildhouse, find the Member List, and there will be an option of using items on anyone who is below perfect health. This would include reviving and simple healing with tonics.

You can also be friendly to any allyof your guild, go to your guildhouse, find the Ally List, and there will be an option of using items on anyone who is below perfect health. This would include reviving and simple healing with tonics.


I don't even think reviving and giving potions or whatnot is that important, if you wanna do you do it, what should be more important is the etiquette involved AFTER the kill. Mainly the PM's. Perhaps people being more friendly, by not being rude and snotty when sending an altered PM. As I have had.... the priviledge of experiencing already. I admit I was leaving small comments at the bottom of the PMs the first few times I attacked, but it was mainly random crap, because I had no idea what I was doing. But to change it completely and pretty much blatantly taunt the person you've killed is beyond unfreindly.

Sure being revived it great, but maybe a little courtesy shouldn't be beyond that?

Sure being revived it great, but maybe a little courtesy shouldn't be beyond that?

I'm afraid i've been on the planet too long to demand courtesy. Or expect it. In a virtual game about killing people to death and such, friendly notes seem oddly out of character.

To me, actions speak loudly more than words are doing. Reviving, fighting, slaying, and hiding the bodies is what you can do.

Trash talk bespeaks a smallity of soul. Or, trying to get into the fun of what they thing the battle mod is or is supposed to be?


I suppose. Perhaps I've just been dealing with too many people bashing me in one way or another in too short an amount of time on here that it's getting to me. >.<

I feel somewhat bad. I just revived the Tarot guild members within attacking range, with Elixers just so they would have full HP, just so I could kill them and get full exp for it. >>
What? Never feel bad about strategy.

If it feels you make any better, i tend to revive guildies with Elixir, and opponents with Down, esp. those that are at my level. Figure that there's a 50-50 chance you're online and will restore yourself, or if you're not there, being at five HP makes you a more attractive target than me.

Then Becca throws herself on your sword.... :blink:

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