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In The Mountains

Becca Star

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Hey everyone! I just thought I should let you all know that chapter four to my first fanfic is finally up on AFF...

I'd love for you to check it out and leave some reviews...

Title: In the Mountains

Author: Becca Star

Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome go after a jewel shard up a mountain and get caught in an avalanche. Between talking in ones sleep and confusion on true feelings, tensions rise complicating an already complicated situation. Can love reign supreme? Language, UST, WAFF, WIP

Rating: Adult (For now)

Pairings: InuYasha and Kagome

Feedback: I really want some critics on my writing technique, style, what may need improvements and of course any and all love you have for it...

URL: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092561

Thank you for checking out this post!!!!

Much Love,


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