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Beta Application

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Guest seductivemessiah
Posted (edited)

  • How long have you been reviewing fanfiction? Describe your average reviewing style. Quote some of your previous reviews and provide links to the corresponding stories. Reviews posted outside of AFF is acceptable as well. i've been reading and reviewing fanfic on and off for about five years or so. i'm not usually able to post official "reviews", depending on the site i'm on [not usually as i usually gravitate toward private sites] but when reading i keep in mind canon and dialogue...dialogue is a biggie for me, to be believable, as well as actions, character descriptions, and plotlines...i'm a stickler for no mary-sues, as well, i believe si can be done very well and tastefully, as i have seen it done in stacey lee's in a strange land [which i did not beta or help in any capacity, simply refering b/c of good non-mary-sue si]
  • How many years have you been posting fanfiction / original fiction online? i've been writing fanfic since i was about 13, so that would make writing fanfiction about 7 or 8 years, give or take. i have not posted any, either because i never finished [i hate to read unfinished stories, and likewise would hate to leave readers hanging if i know i could have avoided by never posting in the first place] or because i didn't think it was good enough to post
  • If you have any stories posted outside of AFF, can you please provide links to them or the corresponding profile? This especially applies to non-adult fics. n/a
  • Which capacities are your strong areas when it comes to writing/reviewing? (Spelling/grammar, canon, characterization, etc.) i'm very big on spelling and grammar, and i'm a pretty good stickler for canon and characterization as well...nothing irkes me more than an obvious mary-sue [have i mentioned that yet? lol]
  • Which capacities are your weak areas? i would have said "work" before, but now that i have internet access at my job and it's pretty slow, i don't think it's a problem anymore
  • What types of potentially objectionable content have you written? Correspond it to warning tags if possible. n/a [haven't posted any, except for my one hellraiser fic on aff]
  • Which types of potentially objectionable content do you read? Which types of potentially objectionable content would you be willing to work with? pretty much anything on aff...i'm very, very open [VERY, VERY, VERY open] pretty much the only way you could offend me is make fun of my jewish heritage and be serious about it, but i think we're all adults here :huh:
  • What are your personal limits/boundaries when it comes to reading, writing, and reviewing? (capacities, objectionable content, etc.) like i said, it is EXTREMELY hard to offend me...i can't ennunciate that enough
  • For which fandoms have you written? In which fandoms have you reviewed? Which fandoms do you frequent? Do you consider yourself well-versed on any specific characters? i started out writing star wars fanfic, being an avid fan, and then started with lotr...i've also done an rpg round robin in the star trek fandom [original storyline and characters] and, of course, hellraiser. i would love to do a 10th kingdom fanfic one of these days
  • Why do you want to become a beta? What do you think it entails? i love to read and review fanfic, and i think i'm pretty damn good at it, if i do say so myself. of course, being a beta isn't just about reading, but diving into the story, the plotline, the characters, the dialogue...everything about it, turning it inside out to check everything in it
  • Do you have any knowledge/experiences/abilities outside of the world of fanfiction that could serve as good qualifications for a beta? not sure what this means? i'm a very fast reader as well as a very fast typist, so i suppose that would help, would it not?
  • Is there anything else that you'd like to include here? please pick me :P

Edited by seductivemessiah
  • 1 month later...
Guest seductivemessiah

would like to add that i am currently out of a job [wahhhhhh] but, that does free up my time a bit. i am currently beta-ing one story, but i'm open for more.

  • 2 months later...
Guest seductivemessiah
Posted (edited)

sorry i haven't replied sooner...if you want me to beta something, please send me a pm first, and then i'll give you my e-mail address for easier correspondance

also, as part of my application [would like to say that i would like to be an official beta here at aff] i have been beta-ing for chaoschild in her story - destiny: the list of twenty i actually came in after the first few chapters, but have been beta-ing her work ever since. :)

Edited by seductivemessiah
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