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My story Secret Bit of Right from Wrong, has had a notice from a moderator, MertMidnightAngel, posted to it that may be in error. The notice is as follows:

Please correct your disclaimer
Your disclaimer does not contain one of the two required elements. It must disclaim the actual fandom by name. Disclaiming just the owners/creators of the fandom is not enough nor is it enough to disclaim only the characters from the fandom.
If your disclaimer is not corrected, your story will be hidden from public view (but not deleted) 7 days from the date of this warning. You may still correct your disclaimer via your control panel, and the story will then be unhidden again as soon as possible. However, if the disclaimer is not corrected after your story has been hidden for 30 days, the story will be deleted. Re-uploads of hidden stories are deleted immediately with no additional warning given
Below is a link to the Terms of Service in its entirety:
In addition, the next link listed is to the FAQ regarding disclaimers
We also suggest taking a few minutes to read the Content Guidelines
You can remove this review once your disclaimer is corrected.
Thank you,
MertMidnightAngel, AFF Archive Moderator

My objection is to the statement in red. I disclaimed both Captain America and The Avengers (as in the comics/movies). These are the names of characters, but they are also the names of the relevant fandoms. I could only broaden that disclaimer if I were to disclaim all of the Marvel 'Verse, and that would disclaim the authors/owners of Marvel, not the Fandom. What do I do reguarding this?

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