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Okay so basically Im mostly an Original writer -one shot.

Im looking for someone that can clean up my work and possibly make plot line suggestions. Im in serious writers block. Im not in a good situation right now with my story and quite honestly, I need help. In terms of grammar and spelling, I believe I only need a little light editing on that part, because I evidently miss some things when I go over my work. I dont get offended easily, and I am open to all and any suggestions when it comes to creating something.

Basically I need someone who will get me out of this funk. Its irritating me and effecting my mood and writing abilities.

So if you are:

-Available to Beta

-Able to brainstorm with someone and make suggestions

-Capable of good grammar and good spelling

-Ready and willing to Beta

Im waiting haha.

But seriously, I need help.

Destiny: The List of Twenty

This is like my baby. I have high hopes for this story and BIG big plans as well. There are only four chapters uploaded for it but I have seven completed. Please read the first two and see if you might be interested in Betaing it. I am totally open to suggestions, comments and critiques. Again, be aware that I have big plans for this. If you want to know more about it, please contact me and I will discuss.


This is not going to be as long. Maybe ten to fifteen chapters at least. Im kind of in a rut with this one. Definitely need help and comments.

Edited by Chaos
  • 6 months later...
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