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Posted (edited)

I'm looking for a co-writer, I always start writing but get stuck halfway most of the time. I've found out that writing with somebody else eliminates this writers-block-esque problem... So, I'm looking for another writer (this time one that'll stay B)) to write stories together.

Fandoms include, amongst others:

X-men (Wolverine/Gambit)

HP (Harry/Draco)

LOTR (Anyone human or elvish/anyone elvish)

Robin of Sherwood (Anyone/Gisburne)

Angel (Angel(us)/Spike)

My focus usually is on the harder side of stories, but I'm willing to experiment :2tubs:. So if you are a (talented) writer and want to write great stories with me, contact me by PM, thanks!

Edited by TheMistressMystery
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I can help write any Harry/Draco fic you want, but before you accept me; I want you to look at my own H/D fics A Dragon's Love and Bonds of Trust and Family on my profile. If this is agreeable?

My email is darksireness929@gmail.com

Edited by DarkSiren929

Hey I don't suppose you'd be interested in doing a Wolverine/Nightcrawler or a Gambit/Nightcrawler fic would you?

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