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I have a trilogy posted on the Gensomaden Saiyuki section ("The Maze," still in page one of that section), carefully uploaded in 23th December 2007 so the three parts would be displayed together with Part III topping Parts I and II, respectively. I'm not editing details or doing anything similar, but still, more than 10 days after having posting the final chapter of my trilogy, Parts I, II and III keep changing places amongst themselves. It seems everytime someone uploads a new story or adds a chapter to an older story, my fic suffers with the "wave" created by the new addition and Part I goes on top of Part III or something like that. What can be happening?


PS - And it happened again yesterday, when a story was updated. Note, I'm not referring to my stories being pushed down from the top of the page when a new one is added/updated. *Besides* being pushed down, Parts I, II and III change places like crazy amongst themselves, messing with the logical order I had chosen for them. Why everytime someone plays with their own stories, *mine* end up affected like that?


The way story sorting works is that each story has the date and time it's been last updated stored, and when you look at a category you get an ordered list, based on that date, of the X most recently-updated stories.

However, the way it used to work (and still does sometimes, sadly) is by storing the date but not the time of the update, which meant that every story updated on any day was tied with all other stories also updated on that day. When there's a tie, the sort order is more-or-less random, but the order only changes when there's an update to the table. Hence, your stories jump around each time someone updates their story.

I can't immediately fix your problem due to administrative issues, but give me a week or so and I'll alter the timestamps on your stories to have them order correctly, always.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
I can't immediately fix your problem due to administrative issues, but give me a week or so and I'll alter the timestamps on your stories to have them order correctly, always.

Thanks. Also, I'm editing those stories, so I hope I will be able to break the "tie" when I upload their newest version.

Edited by edalmarino
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