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*I have found a Beta! Thank you all for looking at my post. ^___^*

I am dispirtly lookeing for a Beta, who will work 'happly' on self-inserts. :fear: Yes people I said the taboo word "Self-inserts". <_< I have two that I am working on, but have yet to find a beta for, and I flat out refuse to post anything without a Beta. I did that before and I am not doing it again. ><

Fandomes are:

Yu Yu Haskusho


One or both fics will cover, angst, drama, romantice, maybe a dash of m/m and f/f, posibley some other stuff but nothing to dark or drastic I promise. Nothing is set in stone at this stange of the game.

I need a beta who will help with spelling, gramer, chearter develaments, sentence struter, flow of plot, and just plan out coments, subjestions, and input, and maybe even some help with resurch as well, if they have the time to spaire.

(Note: Helping with resurch is not a must, just a pluse on my side. :P )

Please if there is someone out there who will help me with one or both storys, please emaile me. Like I said I am dispirte! Please someone tack mursy on me, and help me with this. :help::tomato::help::cry:

Thank you for your time,


Edited by AngelicChaos
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