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Er, becoming a beta?

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Guest Luinil_Telcontar

I've never been a beta before. Still, I've got to start somewhere if I want to become one. I want to become an official beta on AFF.

I've been reviewing fan fiction for a while, though most of it is just my ravings about how much I adore it. I apologize that there are no links to travel to.

I have been posting both fan fiction and original fiction online for around 3 years now. I post on writing.com, AFF, LiveJournal, fictionpress, fanfiction.net and many other places; some are no longer around.

All of my outside stories are actually also posted on AFF, so no worries about missing something good. It's all here as well.

Okay, wait, I lied! You can view some of my stories by clicking:


Sorry about that guys but I try not to post non-adult content here. *sheepish grin*

My strong areas are cannon and characterization. I'm good at spelling as well but I'm not the best grammar gal. However, I am willing to learn.

I have written a bit of objectionable content and I still do. They include incest and pedofelia, though not rape or violence in any way. All my relationships in these areas are concentual though still very objectionable.

I read everything, that includes potentially objectionable content such as incest or pedofelia.

I will pretty much read, write and review anything. However, I do have a few no-nos. Rape, violence or abuse with no plot or just because the author can sickens me. Please, if there must be such terror, let it have a point! Other than that, that's about it. Oh, beastiality kind of squicks me but I won't not beta because of it.

I write, read and review Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Inheritance trilogy and original fandoms. As for being well versed in characters, I've gotta say I know Aragorn, Harry, Hermione and Ginny Weasley pretty much down to a T. I love them. I guess you could throw Frodo in there as well, though I focus mostly on my ranger. Oh, and Arwen too.

I want to become a beta because, as an author I know how difficult it is to write something the way you want to. I know how it is not to be able to find the words you need, continue a tale without a little gentle prodding and/or completely screwing up a character. I also just think it's nice to see what other people come up with and being counted on. Betaing involves trust. Nobody wants to have a beta that will steal your ideas or copy your stories and try to pass them off as their own. I am trustworthy and I value good writing. I value authors who will put themselves out there to tell a story, even if they are not the absolute best. They try their very best and if I can help them do that or achieve some happiness and a sense of fulfillment, then Eru help me I will do my best to see that they have it!

Betaing entails knowing the fandom, genres and characters you're helping to shape, not being a complete troll in grammar and spelling, knowing how stories should flow and being kind. Kindness and patients as well as positivity and support are key features and marks of a good beta I think. Friends can be made while betaing and trusts are formed. It is not just getting a sneak peek at a good story. No. It is so much more than that. It is trust, being able to work with your author, being able to support them when their confidence takes a blow by either their own self doubt or a particularly nasty or critical review or flame. I also think betaing involves sometimes tapping your author on the shoulder, lighting a tinderbox under their butt and tickling them to their computer where you promptly tie their hands to the keyboard until they update another chapter! *laughing* Hey, gentle prodding! Arda knows I need it!

I am self employed as a ghostwriter for my friends who are too lazy or simply can't put a story together to save their lives. (Hey, these are their words, not mine!) Maybe those qualifications can help. If you wish to contact a few of my ghostwriter victims, you can reach them at the following:

Ginny Swan


I wrote her a few short stories that she proudly parades around, too scared to publish them. *smiles fondly*

Anna Watson


I wrote her a long short story, if that makes any sense.

Dave Williams


*blushes* He's a dork and I apologize about the email addie, but he works with me on my writing and I'm in the process of writing him a short novel.

Well, that's about it. Nothing else I want to include except a promise to do my best. What more can ya ask for, eh?

Oh, and I've gotta say, the stories I'm best at betaing are the following:

Genres: fantasy, romance

LOTR pairings: Aragorn/Arwen, Aragorn/Frodo, Aragorn/Boromir, Aragorn/Elrond, Aragorn/OFC, Aragorn/OMC

HP: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Hermione

Sincerely yours,



PS. Please give me a chance.

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