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I recently finished the first two chapters of my novel and I can't help but feel depressed. Sure, when I was halfway through the second chapter, I kept thinking that that last, fifth chapter was very far away, but now that I'm starting the third chapter, I can't help but feel depressed. Sure, I still have a lot of ground to cover. I have two more character back stories to write and the ending plot, but i am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that scares me. I started to write Solstice in November and it is totaling 240 pages and right from the beginning, all I wanted was to get published and return to my gundam wing fanfiction. My whole goal in life is to one day walk into Borders and see one of my books on the shelves. I figure that, after that, I can die happy. A dumb dream, but I'm not very amitious. But now, I've become so attached to my characters, I'm wondering if I should continue stretching the back stories and plot or just to stay strong and end it? Does anyone else have this problem? It's happened to me before with A Stagnation of Love and Tears of the Wolf. The only saving grace of these stories is that they're under revision.



Still miles away from writing a novel, but I think you should finish this one, and if you want to: make a sequal smile.gif


I agree with the one above me....*points up and pokes* poke.gif


I think, to a certain extent, everyone feels a little depressed when they can see the end of a project looming. You've spent time and energy on a new creation, and now you have to let it go. I've done the same; sat around and not written anything because there's something a little terrifying about The End.

But you should also feel a sense of accomplishment! It's a tough thing, sticking with something through its completion. If you feel you need to stretch back stories and plot, then do so. Write a series, write a collection of short stories about your characters that can be independently published. You're ultimately to one who decides how much needs to be said -if you feel there's more, then write it.

I'm not sure if that really answers your questions, or helps in any way. But that's my two cents, for what it's worth smile.gif

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