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Yeah, I post way too much new threads, sorry 'bout that dry.gif

But I wanted to tell someone about how I just fell in love with Miranda from "The Heartbreak Kid" before it went away again. I have this thing were I fall in love with fictional characters way too fast. I see one movie or read two pages and I'd be willing to commit a lifetime to her, seriously. The down side to this being the characters are fictional of course.

Maybe I view the story through the eyes of the male lead and open up a bit more that way, I dunno. But it's so damn frustrating to feel something so intense knowing it's gonna go away again. Life sucks, the only fact that can't be stated too many times. And that's when I hickupped (don't know how to spell that one) in a really weird way, crushing my lung. It's like god is trying to tell me he's there, and he hates me dry.gif

I don't know if the stereotype of every american being christian is correct or not, but even if you believe in god you can't possibly see the point to this random suffering dry.gif Yeah, pretty glad I'm posting this in rants, 'cuz this is a rant.

Guest orleans

Oh well, I know what you mean. I tend to fall in love with fictional characers too. But Im quite positive about it; it's quite safe to love them, isn't it? I mean they can't hurt you, no matter what.

They cannot hug you either, I know that.

But it seems to me you are only seeing the bad and dark sides in life. I know it's sucking sometimes, but there's also much beauty to be found. You will probably not agree with me, but sorry, that's your problem.

*sending some sunshine your way*



God works in mysterious ways.

Many times in my life I have been positive if there was a God, it didn't like me.

The Truth I came to realize is, no matter what happens that "messes up" your life, you still have your life.

Every day I am alive, I feel blessed.

Every time I see a kind face, I feel blessed.

Every time I have a bite of something tasty, I feel blessed.

Every time I look into the eyes of someone who cares, hear the voice of my mate or smell the crisp winter air, I feel truly blessed.

Yes there are many many things we can all chose to be upset about, but in the end, we would not have those things to be upset about if we did not know the incredible goods this life has to offer us.


Thanks orleans!

And shirotaka, I'd thank you too but I'm a serious christophobe. (Christophobia=Fear of Christianity) Well, I thank you anyway, for trying laugh.gif

Guest orleans

Zyx: And it happened again today. I found a new book and promptly fell in love with one of the characers there..... and even although he is not really the hero in this story, but a confused and even a bit of crazy fool....

very weird, if you ask me.... but I'm weird too and like him nonetheless smile.gif I couldn't put the book away, and now I have to wait another year for the second part sad.gif But I'm rambling here, sorry. blush.gif


God works in mysterious ways.

Many times in my life I have been positive if there was a God, it didn't like me.

The Truth I came to realize is, no matter what happens that "messes up" your life, you still have your life.

Every day I am alive, I feel blessed.

Every time I see a kind face, I feel blessed.

Every time I have a bite of something tasty, I feel blessed.

Every time I look into the eyes of someone who cares, hear the voice of my mate or smell the crisp winter air, I feel truly blessed.

Yes there are many many things we can all chose to be upset about, but in the end, we would not have those things to be upset about if we did not know the incredible goods this life has to offer us.

Isn't it enough to say that the garden is beautiful without saying there are pixies in it?


Orleans, I hope you find some nice FF of it. That's usually why I look for FF anyway smile.gif

and Agaib, you're srsly right there. I'm gonna start saying that to every christian I meet smile.gif

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