CrimsonInHumanBlood Posted December 16, 2007 Report Posted December 16, 2007 I'm finding life so pointless these days... Everytime I try to pick myself up again, I'm falling back down. I feel like a two legged horse... useless and should be put down. I've been so depressed lately, and things around me are not improving either. I don't like bitching about it but I need to get something out soon. . . if anything happened. Here I thought that I couldn't be knocked down again... And it happened. Newest off... my mom gave away my best friend in the world, my cat Moo. I'm in such a wreck now. I didn't even get to say good-bye. They gave her away while I was at school again. Just like Kane. I wasn't going to go to school today because I didn't feel like it. I was just going to stay home. But my project for school needed to be worked on before the end of the semester. So I decided to go. Now I regret going, I should have just stayed home and made sure my cat was alright. She should have just fucking given my birds away, I don't give a shit what happeneds to them, I was planning to sell them anyways. And I was planning to take MY cats with me when I moved out next month. She thinks that every way to solve something is to give it away! She doesn't have the fucking common sense t let me deal with it. Then she calls me immature! Fuck I'm sure if you were in my shoes you'd be the same fucking way! I hate the fucking bitch. She wonder's why I have no respect for her and treat her like that. I can't wait till she fucking kicks the bucket. Along with that asshole of a fucking husband. I hope his fucking car falls down on him. I won't bother saving his ass. I really miss Moo right now... Why does she have to give away every thing I really LOVE with every once of me? Why can't I have someone LOVE me as I LOVE them without my heart being torn out over and over again like its some sick twisted game?! I feel ever so more lonely now. Another thing... The other day I was at my grandpas house because my aunts power went out and we were watching my cousins. So we were there and he asked if they were hungry and I went in the kitchen, I said, "I'm hungry, if they won't eat the pizza I will." And he said something like, "Yeah here comes fatty for the pizza," or something like that. Either way, he called me fat. Yeah sure, I've been called that before, but not by family. I KNOW I'm a fucking fat ass, I don't need anyone rubbing it in my face. I'm not fucking lazy, I just don't have a fast mataboilsm. Fuck he should speak for himself, he's fucking fatter then I am. I hate him now. Here, I've never spoken ill of him in my life. Now he just hit that bar. I hear that he called my friend and I fat too when I took her over to a family gathering too. They all did. I really hope they fucking die. It seems lately everyone's been a complete asshole to me too, every time I go over to their homes, I always get the feeling that I'm no longer welcomed. They're all putting up their stupid masks anyways. Just like me, but I always show some resentment anyways now. Like I have something up my ass. What ever though. Fuck I'll never go over to another gathering again anyways. Not even if I got presents and money (which I don't anymore because I'm too grown up). I also feel down because I really like this girl, she's going out with someone though. I'm just a friend with benifits anyways she says. At least it s better then nothing. *sigh* I kinda still wish I was with Brandi again. I still love her a lot. I cut myself off (emotionally) or at least I tried to. I just don't like that she's gotten knocked up again, and she is with that guy. She jumps too much from guy to guy, and I feel like I'm the fifth wheel. I feel like she doesn't make an effort towards seeing me either. I know she says she wants too and she has to think about her mother and kid(s) too; i know that. There are ways around it. But I just don't like hanging there when she has 50 billion guys after her in HER state and she can have any one of them. I'd like to go out with her again, but, I don't want another guy on the side lines. I'm a two person relationship, not three. Maybe some day... I lack a lot of trust I know. I have reasons for lacking it. I'll trust you with my life if you took the hit for me. I haven't had that happen yet. Everyone's all talk no action. And fairly, I've SICK of it! Everyones a poser. I have had my moment of that: all talk and no action, but I've always said I had to cancel for some reason. NOT just leave someone hanging. (Deeep breath) I don't plan to give anyone presents in my family. Only my closest friends: *Jackie *Brandi *Moo (angie) And my pets: Benny, Gabriel, ____ (moo who is no longer with me....*cries*). Otherwise happy fucking merry christmast! I hate it. Nothing more then a disapointed holiday where they rape you of your happieness and money. --I'm going to stop now, my hand's are tired... -__- "Whats the point in my life Quote
Guest Zyx Posted December 16, 2007 Report Posted December 16, 2007 You'll probably hate me for saying this here but I feel the same way. I hope things get better for you soon! Quote
Terri Posted December 17, 2007 Report Posted December 17, 2007 'Tis the season, right? This really seems to be hitting a lot of people now. Myself included. So sorry to hear what happened though. Hopefully things will get better for you - and soon Quote
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