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I'm in the process of reworking the overall archive architecture as to subcategories and such, so that they are easier to navigate in future.

Anyway, I've got the main subcats down, what I need help with are specific PAIRING subcats that you all see regularly. If you post me a response, please indicate what type of pairing it is as well, understanding I have no knowledge of the fandom. Thanks in advance for your help .

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  • 4 months later...
Guest ChaosLacky

Well seeing as how no one else is answering I beleive the common couplings are for Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yugi+Téa (Het)

Atem+Téa (Het)

Yugi+Joey (Yaoi)

Atem+Yugi (Yaoi)

Mai+Joey (Het)

Atem+Kaiba (Yaoi)

Kaiba+Joey (Yaoi)

Atem+Bakura (Yaoi)

Kaiba+Serenity (Het)

Tristen+Serenity (Het)

Atem+Mana\Dark Magaician Girl

Mokuba+Rebecca (Het)

Yu-Gi-Oh GX:

Jaden+Alexis (Het)

Jaden+Syrus (Yaoi)

Chazz+Alexis (Het)

Jaden+Yubel (Het in the English dub, you don't want to know about the Japanese dub)

Syrus+Dark Magician Girl (Het)

Jaden+Blair (Het)

Jaden+Jesse (Yaoi)

Chazz+Jaden (Yaoi)

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Saiyamaru

Can't say I know anything about GX, but the regular most seen Yugioh! pairings are (not necessarily listed by most popular):


Atem or Yugi/Anzu


Honda or Otogi/Shizuka

Technically you could add Seto/Kisara, Valon/Mai, Rebecca/Yugi and DM/DMG but honestly in the 8 years I've read fanfiction I don't think I've seen any of those pairings more then once or twice. That may be because the majority of the fan's are yaoi lovers, though I could be mistaken.



Atem or Yugi/Jounounchi


Seto/Atem or Yugi

Thief Bakura/Malik or Ryou

There's also quite a bit of Seto/Mokuba, and honestly the many forms of Bakura must be some kind of Sex God because I swear if you look long enough you will literally find at Least one paired up with every other character in the entire series. You see them the most with other Bakura's and Malik though. Oh, and Malik and his evil split personality show up together quite a bit too, in case a ghost in a pendant chasing after everything that moves gets boring.


Truthfully, I'm not the person to ask on this. The only yuri fics I've seen floating around are a single Mana/DMG and Mana/Kisara, which is odd because the ladies of Yugioh are all lovely and have interesting personalities and back stories. Except Vivian. :P

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