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I'm going to post this in fandoms where I'm completely unfamiliar with them, as I need a bit of direction from those of you who read them.

I'm in the process of reworking the overall archive architecture as to subcategories and such, so that they are easier to navigate in future.

Anyway, I've got the main subcats down, what I need help with are specific PAIRING subcats that you all see regularly. If you post me a response, please indicate what type of pairing it is as well, understanding I have no knowledge of the fandom. Thanks in advance for your help .

  • 4 months later...
Guest ChaosLacky

I know this is very late but the common pairings include:


Taichi+Sora (Het)

Taichi+Yamato (Yaoi)

Yamato+Mimi (Het)

Jyou+Mimi (Het)

Takeru+Hikari (Het)

Daisuke+Hikari (Het)

Daisuke+Ken (Yaoi)

Daisuke+Takeru (Yaoi)

Ken+Miyako (Het)

Daisuke+Miyako (Het)

Jyou+Mimi (Het)

Koushirou+Mimi (Het)

Sora+Mimi (Yuri)

Hikari+Miyako (Yuri)

Iori+Blackwargreymon (Yaoi)

Patamon+Tailmon (Het)

Veemon+Tailmon (Het)

Hawkmon+Miyako (Het)


Takato+Ruki (Het)

Takato+Juri (Het)

Leomon+Juri (Het)

(Note: Haven't seen much of Tamers)


Takuya+Izumi (Het)

Takuya+Kouji (Yaoi)

Takuya+Ranamon (Het)

Ranamon+Izumi (Yuri)

Kouji+Kouichi (Yaoi, incest)


Don't kill me! OK I started hunting though the Male/Male section of Naruto (Looks innocent...) and actually cataloging the stories and pairings I have found... I won't list all of them (With some I have only found one story in the pairing), but I will list the largest of them (Five or more stories) that are not already Sub Cats:











I've only managed to fully catalog about... 27 pages since last night. If you want I can share the Document I am working on with you. (I have stories sorted by Pairings, as well as the link to each story...) *runs away*


whatever's easiest for you. I'll actually be posting up directions for when we start cleaning up either later tonight (I just got home from work, still night for me) or tomorrow after some sleep. I've got one more subdomain to go through for this part, and then we can actually start with the cleanup.

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