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Title: Divorce, Disaster and Denial

Author: Avenging Angel

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Harry catches Ginny in bed with another man and goes to Malfoy for help. Might be your typical Veela!Draco story. Might not. Have a look.

Feedback: Yes please

Fandom: Harry Potter - Harry/Lucius

URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600011519

Ok, this is an alert for all of you. People seem to like my fic, so I'm giving this warning. My Lucius/Harry fic called Divorce, Disaster and Denial is nearly complete, just two or three chapters to go. Please have a look, and if you have a read please leave a review. Good, bad, indifferent, doesn't matter, just review!

Thanks alot.

Avenging Angel

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