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Fandom: Harry Potter/Twilight

Pairing: Seth/Harry

Rating: nc-17

Word total is unknown at this time

I am looking for a beta that is willing to work chapter to chapter and who is well versed in the Twilight series. I will need help with punctuation, speech patterns for the Twilight crew, over wordiness and possible plot holes. Chapter length and too much/ too little detail is also something I struggle with. My grammar and spelling are decent but they would still need tweaking and I would need help catching things like dropped letters or spaces being in the wrong place.

The setting is Au and the story takes place in the Present. Harry is sort of like Bill Weasley in that he had been turned into something that lies between a human and a werewolf. He has gained the ability to change into a white wolf (there are already two black wolves in the packs and i wanted something different for him).

I Have two chapters written so far but if I had help splitting them or rearranging them, I could easily have four or five. Because of the length of each chapter, I would be willing to wait a week, maybe two for the edited chapter.

There will be lemon but not an excessive amount. In other words, not every chapter will contain it. I don't mind suggestions being made, or being told it needs an over haul.

As for your style in editing, all i ask is that if you criticize something, you also give a suggestion on how to make it better. I once had a beta that thought my description of something lacked originality; she pointed it out by saying that I must have been thinking with a broken brain when I came up with it. I could have handled that but she gave no suggestion on how to improve it. After that, I ended up abandoning the fic, because I never could think of another description.

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