Acal Posted November 24, 2007 Report Posted November 24, 2007 I doubt thought that any bible thumpers would be hanging around here, and if they did they'd probably be morraly offended over Bible Porn Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 24, 2007 Report Posted November 24, 2007 Well, yeah. Isn't that the point of the OP? But when writing offensive literature, you can still take pains to get it accurate. Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 24, 2007 Report Posted November 24, 2007 I wouldn't dream of challenging the TOS/guidelines by setting out to offend other users. Well, I might dream of it but feel I can hardly be held responsible for that. And prefer the dreams with the spider women trapping me in their webs anyhow. The OP was simply an attempt to generate discussion about ideas for one section of the adultfanfiction net archives, which it more than successfully did since it also generated an awesome little story. Way I see it is, that section is probably more likely to cause offense to those pre-disposed towards taking offence than this discussion thread is! Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 24, 2007 Report Posted November 24, 2007 I wouldn't dream of challenging the TOS/guidelines by setting out to offend other users.Good point.Well, if you're looking to see a story that some people are surely going to find offensive because of the content... that's most of my backlist: shrinking women, shrinking men, graphic sex, xenophilia, Clarisse... But if anyone's looking to email a The Books porn story for the sake of scandalizing readers who are not AFF users, i've posted a copy outside of AFF: Quote
Shirotaka Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Ya know.. I never even thought about the possibility of Bible based pornography.. As a former Christian turned.. anything but Christian, I only say, be careful. Some Christians will chase you down and beat you with a chair for even cussing, this might get a hit put out on you. ^^ Or worse, get AFF in trouble. So let's keep Aff out of harm's way lol. I like it here. ^^ But as far as giving it a try, I admire the courage and wish you luck. ^^ Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Some Christians will chase you down and beat you with a chair for even cussing, this might get a hit put out on you. ^^Eh, activist atheist here. I support same-sex weddings and religious freedoms for all religions. More than enough would pop my Darwin-fish off of my car on sight anyway. Questioning the validity of The Books is enough to send me to hell. But rather than put two, three or a sacred orgy of seven The Books characters into a PWP story, i've tried to make the characters real. If i burn in hell for that, i hope i get a window seat. Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Or worse, get AFF in trouble. So let's keep Aff out of harm's way lol. I like it here. ^^ If AFF didn't want Bible porn there wouldn't be a Bible porn section! On a semi-related note, I keep meaning to write a Chick Tract porn story - and the guys handing those out are usually at the frothing mouthed end of the religious spectrum. I just think that Black Leaf and Elfstar from the Dark Dungeons track would have fun getting it on... Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 No, no. It's Mike. The guy that shows up at the end in time to save Debbie from Elfstar (the cleric who's apparently named Wizard). Note how he didn't show up in time to save Black Leaf. Maybe that's because he got her pregnant? Maybe he did Frost a...favor, to get her to drive BL over the edge? Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Mike looks like a sex offender to me. I don't think he would be out for love, he seems more the type to prey on vulnerable girls - like Debbie! He's one creepy dude. Edit: Here is Dark Dungeons for anybody who doesn't know what we're discussing. Doesn't he? Doesn't he look like a sex offender? Edit 2: Also, that speaker talking about a Dungeon of Bondage? Sounds like he's in it with Mike. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 25, 2007 Report Posted November 25, 2007 Edit 2: Also, that speaker talking about a Dungeon of Bondage? Sounds like he's in it with Mike. Yeah. Filth-of-Satan checkerboard, Filth-of-Satan lead figure,Filth-of-Satan D&D book, Filth-of-Satan D&D module, Filth-of-Satan rock music, Filth-of-Satan Pokemon t-shirt...but that cheesy mustache is the Lord's? Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 26, 2007 Report Posted November 26, 2007 Ya know.. I never even thought about the possibility of Bible based pornography.. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 26, 2007 Report Posted November 26, 2007 On a semi-related note, I keep meaning to write a Chick Tract porn storyI just think that Black Leaf and Elfstar from the Dark Dungeons track would have fun getting it on... Interesting. I find a very forceful plot bunny beating on the back of my skull, demanding a behind-the-scenes-story of Dark Dungeons. Miss Frost twisting Mike around like a puppet, losing all respect for Debbie ("She has the Real Power now and she uses it to get more gaming supplies?"), and getting Black Leaf pregnant. If you don't mind, Knorg? If you feel that i'm stealing your story, plot or thunder, i won't do it. Then again, where would it go on AFF? Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 26, 2007 Report Posted November 26, 2007 I'd put it in Comics > Misc, as Jack Chick is a world wide seller of the damn things. Text, pictures, story... the tracts are comic! Edit: Or request a Jack T Chick section under comics! I'm sure one day I'll get around to adding to it. And go right ahead - I sure as hell can't have been the first person to sit down and think, "I know! Chick tract porn fics!" so I wouldn't lay claim to any thunder anyway. Plus, most of the time when I say "I'd like to write this," what I mean is "My crippling writer's block won't let me." Also, your plot idea sounds way better than my basic PWP fantasies. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 30, 2007 Report Posted November 30, 2007 Hey, does anyone have a GAFF account? A review on Why...Unicorns? says i was unjustly GAFFed. I can't seem to get on. The 'forgot password' link isn't sending me any useful email. I just wonder what it says. Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 30, 2007 Report Posted November 30, 2007 I have a GAFF account, but I am not posting there at the moment cos I figured I needed a break from wanting to smack stupid people (mostly other GAFF users rather than fanfic writers) with fish. Why not register a new one to save us the effort of copy pasting? Validation only takes a day or so... Edit: If you had a password/account a while back it may have been deleted when the new forum software was set up in June, which is why ya wouldna get a reply for forgotten PW (I am happy to copy/paste since it isn't registered only for privacy but as a temporary measure to partially reduce server load... but if I can avoid the effort s'all good!) Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 30, 2007 Report Posted November 30, 2007 Interestingly appropos story: Quote
Guest Knorg Posted November 30, 2007 Report Posted November 30, 2007 Haha awesome. Got to leave a review for that slash firestorm to tell him/her about that! Quote
Keith Inc. Posted November 30, 2007 Report Posted November 30, 2007 Huh. Wish that there was some way to offer feedback to Elizabeth Gibson. But i can't see one. A couple of things in the story bother me. The caption for the pic on top: archives NC-17 stories, including 11 about the Bible. Makes it sound like all 11 stories in the The Books section are NC-17. Not true. Which she mentions later in the article, but there's still the impression there for anyone who doesn't read the story closely. The only U.S. writer or reader of Bible slash fanfiction who replied to e-mails to user accounts at said in an e-mail that she was a Chicago teenager. She did not say anything else. Huh. I don't recall any emails about my entries on AFF. I'd have been a lot more forthcoming. The slash fanfiction community tends to be anonymous because of fear about how friends and family would react. No, i tend to be anonymous because of pretty specific notions of how people around my family would react. Kids or wife being asked 'Did your dad really write about a snake woman fucking a guy?' He said communities need to push for better labels for potentially objectionable content. Like what? I keep seeing people write a string of warning codes for a story that are as long or longer than their summary. What else is there to warn about? Premillenialism? Anti-creationism? Postdoctrinal non-Orthodox Existential Heresology? Neither nor list administrator contact information on their Web sites.Okay, is the link to the AFF admin a new thing? I thought it was always there. Quote
Guest Knorg Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 Maybe she only emailed Slashers? Quote
Keith Inc. Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 (I am happy to copy/paste since it isn't registered only for privacy but as a temporary measure to partially reduce server load... but if I can avoid the effort s'all good!)Well, ideally i'd get an account to post any sort of response to the gaff, but nothing's coming through, either for my old account which may or may not work at all, or for my new account attempt.Could you please just tell me what the thing says? I'm dying here. Quote
Guest Knorg Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 I'll send ya a PM so as not to clog the thread. Quote
Keith Inc. Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 Thanx. Wow. A lot of stuff i'd love to respond to. Hopefully, one or another account will be restored/validated in the near future. Quote
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