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Fan fiction Writers/ Fans,

As part of a final project for my Transatlantic Literature class at the University of West Florida, I am compiling research on the topic of Fan fiction. This class is focused on Science Fiction in the Victorian Era (H.G Wells, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, etc). We are studying the ways that this texts cross over the Atlantic to America and also, how these texts become remediated (movies, television shows, other books). For this final project, we are studying a culture of modern day Science Fiction.

I chose my topic, the Hunger Games Fan Fiction, because of my interest in dystopian/utopian fiction. My thesis will be largely based on the genre that is created by the author and remediated by the fans. I will be exaiming the ideas behind fan fiction and the intent of the creators of stories based on Suzanne Collin’s series.

This project is an ethnographic study. This means it is based in actual anthropologic research/field research. I will be reading the original Hunger Games series, your fan fiction, and cross fiction in order to come to a conclusion about the nature and purpose of Fan Fiction. This study will remain completely anonymous except for ages and geographical demographics.

Unfortunately, the time constraints of this class will give me a limited study---but hopefully, I will find some conclusive data that will be interesting and informative to all participants/my peers. I will compile my findings into a short power point presentation for my peers and a final paper with my findings. At your request, all findings, data, and information gathered will be shared.

My requests from the authors on this site: Please complete the survey on this site. Please be warned---it contains questions regarding sexual activity. Please do not click if you will be offended by these questions.



You may email me with any questions/concerns/further information. Also, if you would like to submit your fan fiction to my email---I would be happy to read it and give feedback.

Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you.



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