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I'm always totally confused when I come to this site... I have several stories posted at AFF and I recently made major changes to one of them, but I can't find the link to edit my chapters for any of my stories so the chapters here at AFF are all the old ones and not relevant anymore... so how do I gain access to my stories so I can change the chapters to the new versions so the nice reader that just reviewed me can read the new and inproved version of the story... thanks for any help you can give me.



ALL story functions are accessible through your user panel. You access that at this link. http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/

When in your Control Panel, look to the left. You'll see a listing of subdomains and the story edit options for each one. Whatever you select will open up in a new tab.

Hi, thanks for responding... I had trouble when I hit that link with it not showing my stories in the drop down menu but I think it's working now. Thanks again.


You don't get the drop down menu until you select it. When in your Control Panel, the subdomain listings are on the left. Scroll to the one where your stories are, and select whatever story options you need to use. That opens in a new tab. Once you do that, then you see the story dropdowns

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