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One shot but if you can expand on it.

This idea came from me watching the second season finale of Vampire Diaries.

Basically I want Klaus's plans for Stephan at the end of second season to include fucking Stephan after they leave Mystic Falls.

I'd also like to see a fic with Alaric as the top

also a Alaric/Salvator brothers threesome


Okay this idea is for those who don't care for slash or like mixed threesomes and I should warn you I normally read/write slash so this is an unusual request for me to ask but I would love to see a fanfic where Klaus and Elijah appear in Mystic Falls before the Salvatores and both come to care for Elena.

This one would require being

pre- show

Elena's parents possibly still alive

future trouble with the Salvatore's (though realistically please, not making them the automatic villains altogether, though Klaus still trying to get Stephan back would be appreciated)

Rebekah and Elena becoming friends in the future though with a very rocky start

Realistic characterization and development

More of the less seen Originals appearing

Possible mentions of Klaus/Stephan slash in the past


I would love to see a fanfic with Klaus/Stephan/Elena with all three of them having sex with each other.

Plot idea: Elena get's turned into a vampire after the hybrid curse is broken and she, like Stephan, turns out to be a Ripper. Because of this Klaus decides to take her along with Stephan in order to save Damon. Now my biggest problem with fics about Elena going with Klaus is the fact Klaus just traps her in a mansion and though I am fine with a few filler chapters where Klaus and Elena start to get closer I do want to see Elena, Klaus, and Stephan in something based off the first few episodes of season three.

So please let me know if anyone is willing to write this

Edited by Dark Serpent Cat
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