Solaris Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 I don't usually dream about the site but this afternoon, I did. For some reason, I was wearing my t-shirt from Cafepress and was talking with some guy about fanfiction archives. He made mention of being a fanfic writer and we started to talk. He said he was fucking sick and tired of having to find a Beta to get his story ready to be posted on sites,m unless he was ready to purchase his own domain name and host to post his stories to his own website. The other archive sites wanted you to write up to a certain level like R but he wrote R and NC18 stories and almost no archive sites out there allowed both on their sites anymore. I suggested to him, join He asked me questions like, do I need a Beta reader to post there? I told him no you do not. Can I write stories from R to NC18 without being censored? I told him no you are not censored at all. Any kinks, any gender, any beast stories you write is very much welcomed here. He asked, you mean that site allows you to post all that? I told him, yes, and it is user funded meaning all donations made to the site stays on the site for either server upgrades or to pay the server host our monthly bill. He asked, does this site restricts postings unless they are approved by the moderators? I said, no, no restrictions in posting ability once you join you are able to post your stories immediately, no stories are waiting for approval. He then asked, what do you not allow on the site? I then replied, no minors, plagues or trolls allowed. They are hunted down and removed immediately. This site is for those over the age of 18, not 16 or 17 years of age, but those who are over the age of 18 years. He asked, do I need approval from a moderator or the admin to join? I told him no. He smiled and asked, Where do I sign up? I think I found the archive site for me. I told him where to go. He asked, does the owner take checks, money orders or carefully hidden cash in envelopes? I said, she take them all including PayPal. Why do you ask? He then smiled. I have about five thousand dollars that I want to donate to an archive site that is worthy of having it. I smiled and said, you are speaking to a former owner of the site and this site is very much worthy of it. He then asked, what is the owner's home address as I want to send the money to her immediately. I told him, hold on, I'll get Jaxxxy on the phone and told her what's up and that I have someone who wants to donate a great deal of funds for the site. He would love to have your home address to send the funds to. She was speechless and then she told him where to send the funds and she told him that the funds that he sent will be put to use for the site itself. And just as I was about to hear his response, I woke up from my nap. But wasn't that a wonderful dream on AFF? I rarely, if ever have one about the site itself. It was a wonderful dream but I wish it would happen for the site. It so needs a good wad of donations for backup reasons alone let alone as a huge safety net. Beth Quote
Shirotaka Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 I hope that was a vision of the future more than a dream Beth. I have dreams about AFF too, mostly odd little ones like having lunch with random members or that I am a story being read on the archive.. Anywho. This site is truly too important to too many people for it to die from lack of donations, in the past whenever AFF has needed them, donations have come, so I have no reason to believe that won't happen again and again. No matter how much they try, there is no stopping AFF. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about though I'm sure it would be very well received if some of the membership realized how trying these last couple of months have been for the Administration and threw a couple bucks into a donation. Quote
Solaris Posted November 4, 2007 Author Report Posted November 4, 2007 I know, if I ever got rich as in a millionaire, I'll be sure to send enough money for the site to be secure for a good year or two. I know how much this site means to people. When we needed $500 before the end of one month, I got over three dozen letters with checks and money for the site that ranged up to a thousand dollars. I sent that money to Nexcess to cover us for couple months and even though I am no longer the owner of the site, I still get the occasional letter with donation funds in it and I send them onto Nexcess after changing them into a check or MO. I really love our members. They pulled us through tight places and the site is huge because of them and their love for the site. Beth Quote
Shirotaka Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 I don't think any of us have anything to worry about Beth. The site is in good hands; Since Jaxxy came into ownership last year, we have been up and running all hours of the night, every night of the week, without so much as a hiccup. *I don't care who made it run, how they did it or why, that is inconsequential and the discussion thereof almost always ends in a huge flame war.* I am just glad to know that tonight, tomorrow and every other tomorrow, this site will survive, nay thrive because of the members who refuse to let it go down. Besides, I'm sure all those banners around the site aren't free. ^^ So calm your head Beth, let's just keep on keeping on and enjoy all AFF has to offer. Quote
Solaris Posted November 4, 2007 Author Report Posted November 4, 2007 I'm actaully own of one of the banners - Fanfiction Axis. And you are right, it isn't cheap but it is worth it. And I am actaully glad that Jaxxxy has the site and was willing to fight for all of us lovers of kink stories to still have a place to roost our stories without fear of being censored. Beth Quote
Shirotaka Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 Beth, your banner pays for some percentage of the monthly costs of keeping AFF online, and your stories bring by people to possibly donate, this is what makes this site go round. I have yet to post stories here, but this place means so much to me, it's an icon of free speech on the internet; That alone is reason enough to get a flaming liberal like me to go running and screaming through the streets in support. If I have to panhandle outside a Denny's for funds to keep AFF on the internet I will. Quote
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