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Guest Kitty Felone

It's been a long time since I've logged in. But now when I tried, it makes me do a "Activation resend" and then I get this message: The e-mail you provided may not be registered or is registerd multiple times, please contact support or try registering.

What the heck? Help!

Guest Kitty Felone

Adding to my post: I have tried every password I ever had, in every sign-in location on the site. I still can't get logged in to edit my stories!

Guest Kitty Felone

I don't even get the "activation resend" emails in my inbox!

Guest Kitty Felone

Sent the email. I'm not too sure what email it was. I've had the account since the early days of AdultFanfiction.net. I've had dozens of accounts since. I just want to get in and edit my stories. That's all. Didn't expect to jump through hoops.


With a major software change, such as what we're in the middle of, there are things that you'll have to, one time only; like activation.

I've changed the email address for you.

Your next steps are as follows:

1. Clear your cache and cookies. The cookies have been changed, so in order for you to be able to initiate activation, you have to clear the old cookies out.

2. If your password is LESS than 8 characters, it must be reset. You'll generate an email from the reset link, and then change your password from the link emailed to you.

3. Activate your account.

I've linked to directions for both the cookies thing and for password reset and activation. Once you click the link to activate, this logs you in. Remember that all member functions are initiated from the central member portal. The ability to access these functions from the rest of the archive (i.e. you're in the books subdomain). While the coding is still in progress, there are some things which are display only, such as the old profile and tools accessible from the other subdomains.

Guest Kitty Felone

Since I'm not certain what my password was, I followed your link to reset it.

I get this:

Password Reset

The e-mail you provided may not be registered or is registerd multiple times, please contact support or try registering

Guest Kitty Felone

I've been trying everything. I've tried every password I know. I've tried clearing the cookies and cache. I've tried the activation resend and I get this:

Activation Re-send

The e-mail you provided may not be registered or is registerd multiple times, please contact support or try registering. I don't get anything in my inbox or spam folder. I am at my wits end and freaking out. I need to get in and I can't. I'd be comfortable if my account got deleted or removed but I can still access it as a guest so I know it's still there.

Somebody please help.

Guest Kitty Felone

I checked everything and tried everything. I've searched hi and lo the other problems people have and their solutions and tried them: no luck. I have nothing in my spam folder. Nothing in my inbox either. ...

I just NOW get the email in my inbox. Let me try this and see what happens.

Guest Kitty Felone

Okay, I got the email and followed the steps. It asked for my name, DOB, penname... then I hit update. Nothing happened. I clicked on activate account and put in my email and I got this:

Activation Re-send

Resending you activation could not be completed for the ffallowing reasons

  • You have already activated your acount.
  • You have yet to move your account to the new userpanel system.
  • You have not yet registered
  • there may have been a system error.

Guest Kitty Felone

Yep. Just refreshed the page. My information remained too.


Okay, stepping this out...

Cleared cache and cookies, closed and reopened the browser. For Internet Explorer, a computer restart is REQUIRED. Can't help that, it's how the browser is written.

Password is now 8 or more characters. The minimum for passwords is now 8 characters.

Going to http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/, logging in, using the CENTER box. Email address is the login, then enter password, then CLICK the login link just below and to the right.

Update the information in the next screen. Be sure that the birthday is separated by DASHES. i.e. YYYY-MM-DD

Be sure that any spaces in the pen name are replaced. Either delete the spaces, or replace the spaces with a dash or underscore.

Click edit profile.

Guest Kitty Felone

Yes thank you! That worked. Didn't know to remove the space in my penname.

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