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Hey there. I know this question may have already been asked at some point, but as I don't use the forums very often, I'm going to ask it again. Scream at me, if you've already answered it.

I was just wondering what exactly the setup for the latest page is nowadays? When we were on the old server, I'd edit one of my chapters or the story description, and when I visited the latest page, it would be there, right at the top of the page. Now I've been editing my chapters and my description, and I've even added a new chapter yesterday, but it never appeared at the top of the 'latest' page. I'm just wondering why.

Is it that edited chapters no longer qualify to be on the page, or is it just code that's gone wrong?


To clarify, what you're saying is that the page isn't refreshing the last edit date, as it should be, correct? I ask because this will help point her exactly where she needs to go to fix it.

Although, I just checked in the Anime category, and it's working there. It shows the newest stories by date and time, plus the different subcategories they're in. Which category are you in specifically?


Naruto. I think the edit date is changing, but for some reason my fics once I've edited them aren't coming up on the Naruto 'latest' page. I don't know whether it's just that the latest page doesn't update instantly anymore.


If I recall correctly, this has been brought up before but not really answered specifically yet.

The latests page formerly sorted by last edited, so when you'd add a new chapter or edit your story your story would be sent to the top of the latests page. Evidently some people figured that out and started pointlessly editing their stories every few days to keep it on the first page and thus get more hits.

There was a code patch to change that and I haven't seen its inner workings yet, but I think it's along the lines of, like, "when you post a new chapter, your story should move to be somewhere within all of today's updates (but not at the top of the list); when you edit a story it doesn't move" but like I said, I'm not totally sure that how it works.

Anyway, it's on my to-fix list, so hopefully the latests page will be acting a bit more intuitively soon.

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