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Greetings to all,

My AFF story XSFGC (Xavier School for Gifted Children) has reached Chapter 20 totallying over 122, 000 words and still going strong (Chapter 21 is 3K done).

Since this is my first story I am rather pleased that I have been able to take it this far and thought I would give it a shout out here. Below is a link to the actual story:


I also wanted to point out that when I first posted the start of the story, I errored and posted it under COMICS/NEW MUTANTS vice X-MEN/X-MEN COMICS, so some of you might not of been aware of the story. I debated with myself whether I should delete it and repost it under the proper location but I couldn't come up with a strong enough reason to do so, so it has remained at the COMICS/NEW MUTANTS section.

Since this is an alternate universe, here are some things that don't follow the canon storyline.

No Phoenix Saga; I am not a fan of the 'all powerful' genres, which is one reason I think growing up I preferred the Wall Crawler to the Big Red S. Jean Grey changed her name to Phoenix when she graduated from Xaviers.

No Kree/Skrulls/Shi'ar: there is hints of alien races, nothing decisive yet. This of course means, no Warlock (not a loss for me, wasn't a fan of him). This also means the Danger Room is not as dangerous as it could be.

Sinister is the Bad Ass: I can't stand time travel storylines so Apocalypse and Cable just don't exist. Sinister is the bad ass in this Universe. Doom and Mags are there too.

Sex, Sex and lots of sex. This is an Adult Fan Fiction: Doh! (Note: I didn't want to use the Children part in XSFGC, but for a long time that is how the comics read. I do not encourage sex with children and though it happens in the story, I try to convey that they are not being abuse or use (normally).

This is an Actual School: Like the modern storylines have shown, Xavier's is a school, the original New Mutants are the Year One Class, members of Xforce is Year Two Class and Year Three Class.

Paige Guthrie is now Stacy Paige Guthrie (called XStacy); after I read about Stacy X on Wiki doing a bit of research for the story, I just had to have her, but there was already too many character, so I morphed StacyX with Paige (wasn't impressed with what I read about Paige anyway) and I am quite happy with her so far.

Rachael Summers is not from the future (told you, don't like those story lines) instead she is a test tube creation of Sinister and a plant at Xaviers (that is okay, Chuck and crew know this).

No Bobby/Iceman and Hank/Beast: When I started adding characters I wanted to include, I didn't realize that these two didn't make the cut until after I had started writing the story. Doesn't matter, I prefer the Beast with the Avengers and just today I decided that someone needed to die and killed Iceman on a whim (don't worry, he has been dead for a long time).

Black Thom is stronger, Juggernaut is weaker: Though they have only shown up in the past, expect Black Thom to be a tougher foe and Juggernaut a weaker one (hint, he never found that ruby crystal thang). For simplicity sake, think of Juggernaut looking like Vinnie Jones in X3, but a LOT bigger.

The mansion is laid out fairly simple (at least the floors above ground) but interior wise, if you picture the shots from the movies, you won't be far off from what I poorly try to describe.

New Support Cast: Always thought it was stupid that a crippled man didn't have staff members helping him run his school. Now he does: Mr. Veneer, groundskeeper, Mrs. Veneer, cook/in charge of cleaning and Nurse Prachett, chrome dome's personal assistant.

Lucas/Bishop: An ex cop not some wanker from the future.

Anyway, thanks for reading and if you enjoy it, let me know.


Albert - Pariahsolo - eastwoodaen

Edited by PariahSolo

Greetings All,

Chapter 21 has been posted and I am 3K into Ch 22.

For those who are interested, after I started writing this story (yes, I started writing before plotting, shame on me) here is some stats I came up with as a guidelines (the weight of the girls I took from Wiki)


Prof. X 6 average

Emma -White Queen D

Scott -Cyclops 7 thin

Jean -Phoenix D

Ororo - Storm D

Carol Danvers, D

Logan - Wolverine 5 fat

Warren - Angel 8 average

Ann Marie - Rogue C

Remy - Gambit 8.5 thin

Peter - Colossus 12 fat

Lucas - Bishop 11.5 average

Kurt - Nightcrawler 7.5 + 5.5 thin

Alex - Havok 6.5 average

Lorna - Polaris C

Betsy - Pyslocke B

Kitty- Shadowcat B

Ms. Prachett - Hello Nurse F

Mrs. Veneer - Housestaff - E

Mr. Veneer - Gardener - 6 average


James- Thunderbird 10 average

Doug - Cypher 6 average

Roberto - Sunspot 7.5 average

Sam - Cannonball 7 thin

Danielle - Moonstar B 5’8 125

Rahne - Wolfsbane A 5’2 110

Jubilee - Jubilee A 5’3 105

Shan - Karma C 5’4 119

Teresa - Siryn B, 5’6, 115

Tabitha - Boom-Boom E 5’5 120

Illyana - Magik B 5’5 102

Rusty - Firefist 6 average

Amara - Magma D 5’6 131

Artie - 4 average

Leech - 3 average

Sally - Skids D 5’5 115

Rachael - Marvel Girl B 5’7 125

Stacy - X-Stacy (Stacy-X) B 5’7 128

Ric - Rictor 6 thin

Phillip - Field 3 average


Chapter 22 is now up:

Warning: those who are sensitive about Religion really shouldn't read it.

Having said that, I was not really happy with this issues I was trying to convey. In a nutshell, Rahne is a religious zealot who has serious issues with her sexual side (apparently being a masochist does not help).

Three times in this serious I have been stumped with a scene I was trying to write, I just couldn't write what I had in my head. Each time I had to take a break from writing the story before eventually coming back and changing changing the scene enough to where I could finish (the one scene that I remember having the most issue with was the open Counseling session in the East Room after Wolverine was turned into a crispy critter).

I did not have that issue here, I just wasn't as happy with it as I could of been.

As always please let me know what you like or didn't like.


Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen


With the new change to the forums I will seek to comply:

Title: XSFGC (Xavier's School for Gifted Children)

Author: Albert or PariahSolo (at AFF) or eastwoodaen IM

Rating: Adult ++

Summary: Alternate Universe, a new student (not a MarySue) at Xavier's; X-Men with 2 teams, 3 Class Years (New Mutants Year One, X-Force Year Two and Three). No Shi'ar, No Phoenix Saga, No Apocalypse, Sinister is the root of all evil. So far nothing is sacred.

Feedback: Desired

Fandom: X-Men (but I posted it in the Comics/New Mutants section by error)

URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060161


Chapter 23 is up and maybe for some it is a big one because Phillip got his monkey of his back. Yay Phillip.

Next up will be a short one for Kurt being consoled (heh, I say short one, the last two times I predicted short chapters I pumped out an 11K and 15K ones).

Let me know if you have anything to add. I am assuming that other people can post in the Promotion threads.


Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen

  • 2 weeks later...

Bad News And Good News.

Yes, a snag has occured. As I mentioned in this thread in the writers section (http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=3388) I lost about 3K worth of story including an Ororo cheering up Kurt and Phillip being a bit intimate with Sally as they do a bit of communicating. That put me in a foul mood and work/home life decided to add to it. Now I am ready to rewrite (or at least try to remember what I wrote a week ago) but I found myself not remembering the last chapter or two I had previously written (I knew those gray hairs on my head signified something).

So, here is the Bad News, it will be a bit before the next chapter is written for your perusal. But there is a silver lining.

Here is the Good News, since I no longer have a copy of ANY of my XSFGC chapters on my computer, I am going to copy them from AFF.net and re-read what I had previously written. But it doesn't stop there, I will be also write a synopsis of each chapter (posting them here) because too many times I remembered writing about subject but I couldn't remember the exact detail and had to skim three and four chapters just to find what I had previously written. I am not going to stop there, I will be adding to my notes as well specific details about each character and event.

So, while this may take a bit, please understand the delay.

Thank you,

Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen


I hate when that happens.

But good luck on redoing the chapters, they usually will end up better then ever!


  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I finally got to the first chapter and mostly made some cosmetic changes, but one thing I just noticed is that I will be able to rectify that chapter count error (that I caused) when I added chapter 4.5 after chapter 9.

I am not sure how much I should add into the synopsis, currently thinking a paragraph should be fine but you never know.


Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen

Synopsis: XSFGC 1: A New Student Arrives

Phillip David, a new mutant arrives at Xavier’s School for Gifted Children to join the rest of the Year Three’s, Siryn, Marvel Girl, Magick, XStacy and Skids. After meeting with Charles Xavier, the Headmaster and Emma Frost, the White Queen and Assistant Headmistress, Phillip learns just how different Xaviers is, because it is a school for mutants and because of how sex is looked at in the school. The medical exam given by the Assistant Headmistress is enough to want Phillip to quit the school before his first day is over.

Word Count: 5,685

No sex just slutty acts by the White Queen and Xstacy.


Synopsis: XSFGC 2: The Exam

Emma tries to waylay Phillip’s concern about his ‘package’ while continuing to finish his physical exam. Phillip agrees to let the topless Assistant Headmistress to take certain advantages of him while she completes the final portion of the exam. Never was a prostrate and hernia exam so pleasing to experience. She insisted that Phillip provide her with lotion for her skin before the exam was over.

White Queen gives Phillip a hand job.

White Queen gives Phillip oral sex, he shoots over her chest.

  • 1 month later...

For those who are following this series. No I haven't given up on it. I ran into another hurdle while editing Chapter #3 (which was the first chapter that I really liked and is still my favorite of the series). I made a writers error with measurement. I started off the series using the English system of measurment (inches) and in this chapter, because I liked how it wrote, I switched to the metric system. In later chapters I switched back to the English system because that is what I use in my everyday life and rereading previous chapters I literally stumped myself because I had to stop and think, "okay, just how long is 29 centimers?"

But I really don't want to change it back to the English system though I think that is the correct thing to do, for consistency sake more than anything else.

So, instead of tackling that issue head on, I skirted it like a typical lazy writer and started writing two other stories. The first is the on going retelling/fan fiction of my current computer game adventure of Jagged Alliance 2: 1.13 version, Free Arulco (subtitled: The Bitch Must Die!). I am close to being halfway completed with the game and the fiction but am still waiting for the subcategory request to be filled so I can post here.

The second story I just completed is an Original/Mind Control story called "It is Good to be the King" which I just posted this afternoon under the Paranormal/Supernatural subsection (warning: there is no ghost or ghouls or creatures that go bump in the night, just Mind Control and some submissive sluts, which if you as me, is a great combo. You did ask me, didn't you?)

Thanks and enjoy,

Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen

  • 5 weeks later...

Synopsis: XSFGC 3: Peter’s Muse aka Man of Steel vs Woman of Tissue

Elsewhere in the mansion, Kitty hunts her prey; Peter who is frustrated with his art. Kitty steps in as his muse and shows her oral skill before mounting him. She is quickly satisfied but Peter isn’t. Understanding that she let him down, she teases him about his sister and how she lost her virginity to Nightcrawler’s double pronged and how his sister has some un-sisterly thoughts for her brother. When both are beyond ready, she makes Peter mount her, screaming at him to pound her like he has never been able to. He does and is estatic; Kitty was Phasing her cervix to allow him to mount her the way he longed to.

Oral sex by Kitty, best at the school.

Quick ride with Kitty on top.

Kitty teases Peter about his sister and how she lost her virginity by raping Kurt, while jacking Peters peter.

Aggressive Missionary fuck thanks to Kitty Phasing her cervix.

NOTE: Yes, this means I have started back up with the editing process (in the mean time I have been spending the time writing 4 and 1/2 other Original stories with two of them already posted here. The other two are in the editing process (slow).

Additionally, I have accepted the assistance of a Beta for XSFGC but am waiting to hear back from the Beta.

Thank you,

Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen

  • 3 weeks later...

Synopsis: XSFGC 4: The Tour

Phillip is meets his new roommate and is shocked to learn that it is the shy female Sally. He can tell that she doesn’t like the idea of having a male roommate but accepts Ms. Frost’s reasoning. Phillip goes to bed but is woken by an aggravated undress and was surprised to see that Sally hides a smoking hot body underneath her baggy clothes. At breakfast Phillip is really impressed with Mrs. Veneer and it is hinted at that something happened the night before between Rusty and Sally. Phillip is awed by the school and the 100 acres it stands on, though the Danger Room worried him, the fact that the school has its own private runway and planes about made Phillip cream his pants.

No Sex

Phillip sees that Sally minimizes her rather large breasts.

Authors Notes: Because I have completed my Original side stories, I am starting to pickup steam with the self-editing process (I had a Beta say yes to working with me but the Beta has be MIA for almost a month and if I don't hear from them in two days I will be again asking for Beta assistance) and I have a feeling it won't be long until the next chapter shows up. However, I must admit that I really hosed the chapter count sequence and hopefully when I am done with the self-editing, that embarrassing point will be done away with.


Synopsis: XSFGC 5: The Nightly Visit

Emma settles in for the night, and after making sure all is well at the Xavier School, realizes that she has a visitor. The mysterious Bishop, torn between his ‘future’ belief that Emma will betray the X-Men and his desire for the decadent Assistant Head Mistress acts both as a stalker and protector in her presence. Emma can’t help herself and has to tease the man but his resolve actually frustrates the mentalist.

Teasing by Emma

Submission by Emma

A little oral sex by Emma

Bishop rejects Emma offer of her body


Synopsis: XSFGC 6: Field’s School Curriculum

Phillip meets with the two headmasters of Xaviers where they discuss Phillip CLEP his high school requirements and what possibly advanced courses he should take the school. Phillip is shocked that the school curriculum is heavy on various physical training courses and it is reaffirmed that all they want is Phillip to be happy with himself to which sex is encouraged and Phillip is given the opportunity to get his pilot’s license. Emma gives him the code name of Field while the Professor is worried that Phillip has stunted his mutant growth while he was trying to suppress his mutant ability’s manifestation.

More teasing by Emma


Synopsis: XSFGC 7: X-stacy’s Touch

Phillip learns more about his fellow classmates; Siryn, Marvel Girl, Magick, X-stacy and Skids. Marvel Girl is offended by Phillip’s first thought when she confessed to him that she was cloned by Sinister from samples taken by force from Cyclops and Phoenix; both of whom do not acknowledge her as their flesh and blood. X-stacy shows Phillip first hand while she insists on being named after a sex drug.

X-stacy makes Field spuge in his drawers and then offered to clean up the mess she made


Synopsis: XSFGC 8: The Show

Phillip is hazed by a gruff Wolverine before sitting down with his class mates to watch Ororo water her plants. The girls laugh at Phillip’s shocked expression when he realizes that Ororo does her watering mostly naked, with the only attire she wears is gold metal: nipples, belly and clit rings all attached by light gold chains. Phillip was shocked even more when Wolverine started raping her like a dog! His teammates calmed him down telling him that Wolverine knew when Ororo, or any other female wanted his style of rough love. Stacy offers Phillip a surprise if he carried the passed out Ororo to her bed, Phillip wasn’t expecting a lip lock from his classmate.

Ororo shows off her naked glory; nipple rings, belly rings and clit rings all attached by chains

Wolverine fucks Ororo violently

Stacy gives Phillip a kiss as thanks


Synopsis: XSFGC 9: Skid Marks

Miss Frost’s Mutants and Ethics class enlightened Phillip on how a couple of his classmates were without ethics, specifically Jubilee and Magick. While Rusty had ethics he wasn’t very supportive of Sally’s plight, a plight which she shared for everyone. What he heard Sally’s father do to her disgusted Phillip and made him question Sally’s sanity.

Sally described how she was raped for three years by her father.


Synopsis: XSFGC 10: The Power

Phillip meets up with Rogue, his personal trainer who wastes no time punching Phillip to get him to work on raising his field to stop her. The Professor had just installed some pain blockers so when Phillip manifested his power he wouldn’t cry like a baby. Except that Rogue’s aggressiveness angered Phillip who summoned his full power which knocked Rogue twenty feet and Phillip unconscious. Ten hours later he woke with Rachael looking over him and discovered that he could not summon his power without pain, though he did tire and that Marvel Girl couldn’t read his mind while his power was ‘on’.

No sex.


Synopsis: XSFGC 11: Midnight Musings

Phillip needs to talk to the Professor about the previous nights events. Sally tearfully trying to handle her past, sex and a game called ‘Longshot’ in the West Commons Room, Dani and Rahne going at it in a way Phillip would never have guessed and to top it off, the Hellfire Club got the better of the X-Men’s Blue Team with Bishop shot, Storm blasted and Wolverine fighting for his life as a crispy critter while Phillip spent the night getting used to summoning his field.

Illyana riding James

X-stacy presiding over Longshot

Illyana tries to cut

Dani being eating by a hairy Rahne


Synopsis: XSFGC 12: Inappropriate Behavior

Phillip is woken to attend an emergency Support Meeting because of the injuries the X-Men suffered. Ms. Frost directs him to sit between the very uncomfortable Dani and cringing Rahne while Ms. Frost works the room flashing most present with her naked body under her white cape. Jean lets everyone know that the three X-Men will heal from their wounds and a tickle fest broke out excitement. A strange acting Rogue shows up and insists Phillip follow him for training. Pounding Phillip’s field Rogue is finally subdued by Colossus and the Professor before she could take Phillip’s head off.

Emma flashing her naked body


Synopsis: XSFGC 13: The Attack

Cyclop’s Gold Team is called out to rescue Field and Rogue who were mysteriously attacked. Field was found unconscious and Rogue was missing with no signs of a struggle. Phoenix probes Field’s mind and discovers that Field saw their attacker, SINISTER! Rogue is mesmerized and flies away with Sinister. Only it wasn’t Sinister but one of his Hounds posing as him.

No Sex


Synopsis: XSFGC 14: Loose Ends

A week has passed and still no sign of Rogue so Emma has the Years compete in an intramural volleyball tournament. Overall the Year Ones win but the real winner was Rogue being deposited on the front stoop of the school, unconscious and badly scarred. Much jubilation occurs at the school and in the West Common Room everyone is shocked to see Sally literally break out of her shell. When the expected call for a game of

‘Longshot’ comes, Phillip tries to jet but Sally asks him to stay.

Sally strips Phillip

Years show their junk prior to Longshot


Synopsis: XSFGC 15: A New Trainer

After apologizing to the Professor about using his powers on his classmates to escape the West Common Room, Phillip finds that he is assigned a third personal trainer, only this is one that he doesn’t want; Wolverine. Except that Wolverine starts their training session not yelling at Phillip, but with meditation and goes on from there. After leaving Phillip with a riddle, Logan joins the Summers hot-tubbing. Jean and Scott are content with themselves so Logan joins Alex and Lorna, first gagging Lorna to orgasm and then slamming Alex’s rear.

A sexual Philosophy question

Jean rides Scott

Lorna thinks about how Messmero made her his slave

How Messmoro made her perform with the animals when he tired of her

Alex munches Lorna as Logan gags her

Lorna begs Logan to slam Alex in the butt


Just to let everyone know. I am almost done with this editing process (emphasis was put on fixing the chapter numbers that I hosed and finding the small typos that no matter how many times I proof a story, it always seems one or two sneaks through). I have the final two chapters to edit and I have to post the 16 through 24.

Thanks all,

Albert - PariahSolo - eastwoodaen


Synopsis: XSFGC 16: Race’s Pen

Phillip is again pondering leaving Xavier’s when he is confronted by his fellow Year Three’s. They admit to him that they all know his secret and that they are fine with it. When Phillip resists, Teresa decides that they need to share with Phillip to build up his trust. Rachael goes first, giving more details about what it meant to be a Hound in Sinister’s service. Again, Phillip is shown that his issues pale compared to some others.

Rachael tells of how the Kennel Master treated the Hounds

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