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Harry Potter/Glee


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Pairing: - Top/Bottom order - Harry Potter/Kurt Hummel mpreg (Follows the movie timeline 2001-2007, but is completely book descriptive. This is so the age gape isn't so large.) side pairings are Ron/Hermione and whoever else.

Harry Potter decided not to become an Auror. He instead just wanted a break after completing his eighth year. He took an extended vacation across Europe and Asia, taking with him Andromeda and Teddy. As he did this he took to learning how to prepare many different foods they ate and found himself enjoying it very much. It used to be one of the few chores the Dursley's gave him that he actually liked to do, and now it seemed fun. And as soon as he was back in England a year later, he decided to enroll himself in culinary school.

Harry moved to Boston, Massachusetts soon after he graduated. There he met the most pretty creature on one of his trips into a wizarding alley.

Kurt Hummel Had just finished his sophomore year and was off to see his maternal grandparents. Every Summer he woud spend at least a week with them, and the reason why was because he was a fifth generation squib. This in itself wasn't a big deal, but the fact that he was also a carrier changed everything. This year, however, was different. Last Fall his grandparents moved from their house in Columbos to Massachusetts and this year Kurt decided to spend the whole Summer with them so his dad could spend time with Carole.

After a week in Boston, Kurt came upon a small jewelry store and he saw the most peculiar pendent. It was a crystal quarts wand pendent set within a white gold claw and a long chain. He didn't understand why, but he felt as if he had to have it. A few days later he met the most stunning green eyed man he'd ever seen in the old wizarding shopping block near his grandparents new house. And the thing that shocked him most was that the man was as interested in him as he was in the green eyed man.

When the subject of age came up, Kurt was a little dismayed when Harry said he was going on 21 and Kurt 17. He found that Harry was from Surrey, England. Harry found out that Kurt was a squib. And they hit it off from there.

The necklace Kurt bought was actually a pendent that was stolen from the Potter family 100 years age. Neither Harry or Kurt know. The pendent however did have magical properties and was aptly named the Potter Family Betrothal Necklace. This necklace had the power to test the magical and genetic compatibility between the current Potter heir and the wearer of the necklace. Harry had just recently gained the Head of the Family ring and the necklace activated. And when the two engaged in sexual activity, the necklace bound the two magically in marriage. Which alerted the Boston Wizarding Records of a magical bonding, and they in turn made a muggle copy and since one of the registered was British, they sent a copy to Britain's Ministry of Magic.

Of course I don't expect everything to go smoothly, after all Burt Hummel doesn't strike me as someone who would accept this sort of thing right off the bat. Though I expect he would come around and accept it eventually as long as Kurt is happy. And Kurt who doesn't learn he's married until halfway into his junior year, think of all the conflicting emotions he would have. He would be glad that he's with Harry, but he is still in high school and what about college. Then there is Harry. Can he really make a marriage work with such a naive teenager who hasn't gotten to experience some independence and crazy adventures yet? He really likes Kurt and could definately fall in love with him, but would it last? Would his family and friends understand? The Weasley's forgave him for breaking up with Ginny, but would they support him when they found out he was married to someone he barely even got to know?

Please, don't make Harry look like something he's not. I follow the books discriptions of Harry, not Dan Radcliffe. I don't want Harry to look different, his hair is black and messy, he wears glasses, has green eyes, and gotten taller in the sixth and seventh year (I have bad experiences of a 15-17 year old Harry being described as a badly malnourished 12 year old). I also don't think there is a solid resemblance between Harry Potter and Blaine Anderson. And I don't think even Kurt to get Harry to have any sense of fashion or say words like fabulous and such.

Kurt also isn't very confident in his sexuality. He tries to act as if he is, but its painfully obvious that he isn't. So a story were he truely does gain confidence in all aspects of his character would be nice. He is a feminine boy and needs to accept himself fully, and I think in this storyline Harry would help him do just that.

This is a reason I am not a big Blaine/Kurt fan. Blaine tells Kurt to tone himself down; to blend in. I'm not cool with having someone pretend not to be all of themselves, especially not for the sake of other people's opinions. Though I do want Blaine to appear in this story. He could be Kurt's friend. Though I think it would be funny if Blaine thinks that Kurt has a crush on him even though Kurt is just in awe to finally have a friend who can understand where he's coming from. In canon, Blaine unconsciously leads Kurt on - though I'm not really sure its entirely subconscious or not - so I would like to see him learn some hard truths about himself that he needs to know about what his actions could do. And I would really love to see Harry totally school Blaine on how to serenade someone, I heard the song Only One in Color by Trapt today and it suddenly gave me inspiration for a scene in which Harry sings to Kurt.


Kurt is also a 'minor' when Harry and he engage in sexual activity although Kurt is of the 'Age of Consent' so you should make sure to use the proper warnings and disclaimers.

(Please don't accept any challenges if your not serious about writing it. I find it rude and have already been disappointed three times.)

Edited by SuirenAngel
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