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Cannot log in cannot update

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Guest legatodarkfall

I can't seem to log into the site and I can't reset my password because I have yet to update to the new system. I couldn't figure out how to get into my account so I'll hope that I get an email from one of you friendly folks on staff.

Account name: legatodarkfall

Contact Email: legatodarkfall@gmail.com

( I know this is public )

Thank you for your time, I hope to get this resolved soon cause boy oh boy did I get a heck of an idea tonight. XD

Guest legatodarkfall

I thought I should add that it tells me that I have not registered when in fact I have, and when I attempted to make a new account with the same information ( in case it had gotten wiped in the update somehow ) it told me that the email is already in use, so I'm sure that it's not the case.


Okay, checked, you only have the one. Have you cleared your cookies and cache, and restarted your browser? Depending on the browser, you may also need to restart your machine. Link to instructions on how to do it.

After you do that, then follow the directions as given here.

Guest legatodarkfall

Well you see, that's the thing. I've done a full system restore and I've changed browsers since the last time I've logged in. It's not the cookies as far as I know, because a format clears them better than any program that I know of. XD

But back to being serious. I don't have any cookies from the old site on my browser, not this one. It was the first time that I've used Opera to log in on the site and it failed, I've also tried with my old browser and it too failed ( even after I cleared my cookies as they are often a problem with login troubles ) I'm not sure if I just don't remember the correct password or what, but I can't reset it as I've previously posted, so I have no idea.

Guest legatodarkfall

Alright, got it working. Turns out I'm just scatter brained and I must have not typed out my email for the password reset because I'm so smart and that's how it works.

Honestly, I'm just such a derp sometimes. Thanks for being so helpful and understanding with me.

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