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CBS should pull plug on "Kid" reality show

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Guest echtrae

CBS should pull plug on "Kid" reality show

Industry observers began to wonder why the parents of young children would send them to a New Mexico desert for 40 days, entrusting them to producers they barely knew. And they questioned the wisdom of turning youngsters into entertainment fodder before they are old enough to understand how much national exposure might change their lives -- and not necessarily for the better.

Yea... thats pretty screwed up. How is it that big networks and reality TV shows have a greater amount of leniency on what they can and cant do than professional experimental psychologists?

I'm not necessarily saying that experimental psychologists have enough leniency, but perhaps its time that reality TV shows developed some sort of ethics committee? Psychologists have tons of them in the wake of the Stanford Prison Experiment and past, and arguably present, treatment of those who are mentally ill.

EDIT: What kind of parent signs away their kids life like that? At the very least I would have demanded to be present with the child and allowed to interfere should anything get out of hand.

Guest DarkAvenger

Should I be embarrassed to live in New Mexico after that? Wait... no, I'm not the parents of those children, so no, I shouldn't be. It's not NM place to protect the children from bleach and kitchen fires, it's the parents responsibility. *snort* Way to go parents!

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