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(Linked from the story)

This story started out as what I thought was going to be a two or three chapter story - Reno gets called to Rufus' office, Rufus does the dirty on him, Reno goes kind of angsty and Tseng takes him under his wing. You have to bear in mind I'd only been in the fandom a few months when I did my first draft of chapter 1, and I didn't know as much about it as I did when I submitted it here. Anyway after writing the first draft I realised just how complicated this was going to be. There was too much of a story to fit into one or two chapters, and I wanted to go into Reno's past as well - as much for myself as for anyone reading it. The next thing I knew chapters were just rolling out from heck knows where in my mind, and before I knew what had happened I had a full blown novel-length fanfic spanning out in front of me and a story line which from this side of the paper at least seemed pretty involved. So I'm hella proud for how it turned out, oh yesh. Even if nobody else in the world likes it, I'll love it no matter what :3

Oh... and for anyone reading -yes I do think the red on Reno's face are scars. While we're on the subject, I just want to make this clear - The Reno I wrote here Is not the Reno from Advent Children. I'm taking this from the original. Every main character in Tseng's Company is based on how their personalities are in FF7. I started writing this waay before I even knew there was going to be a movie, so everything I got here isn't even remotely influenced by that. In fact, I dont much like the movie. I prefer the characters as they were in the original so if you've only seen the movie so far? Play the game. The graphics may be utter crap but the story and the characters are so much ...well, better xD So, no Advent Children Reno in this if thats what you were thinking - this is Reno from the original, and if anyone tries to tell me otherwise I'll rip their heads off and use them to go bowling *smile*

Oh yeah - a couple of things that really bugged me in the reviews. Scuse me if it seems kinda bitchy thing to do, but these few things bugged me and I really wanted to have my say.

'You had Rufus abuse Reno, and you had Reno enjoy it.'

Well this is pretty simple. Despite what you might think, I did actually do some research on this subject, I didn't just think 'hey what a great idea'. Its more than possible for the body to get aroused even if the brain doesn't want it to happen. I think most people who read it understood that was what was happening to him.

Secondly - 'Reno could take Rufus'

Probably. But in case you didn't notice, on all three occasions Reno wasn't on top of his game, AND also if you didn't notice - Rufus was blackmailing Reno. Fighting back would mean Reno lost his job, and if Reno lost his job, he'd be sent back to the slums. If Reno was sent back to the Slums, he would end up dead. Which would you prefer? Raped or dead?

Finally... I know a lot of people have criticised the overuse of swearing. There are a lot of surplus 'fucks', 'damns' and other swearwords in there that seem a little... dislocated. I'd be the first to criticize that, since I agree - towards the end of the story there's a lot of that, and that's something I intend to rectify as soon as I have the time and patience to trawl through about eleven chapters and edit everything. As I've always said though - this is, and always has been, a work in progress. Unfortunately, the excess cursing is more down to my insecurity at the time about Reno's characterisation, rather than his actual character. So there, I'll put my hand up and say yup, I screwed up.

As for the spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes people have referred to - that's cause I don't have a beta reader. There are also a few made up words (i.e 'asshattedness') Trust me - they're MEANT to be in there. I've got a good grasp of the english language, and I already know these words don't exist. My idea of Reno though, has a very quirky style of speaking, and I like it. So nyeh :P

Anyway onto the nice stuff - Thanks a lot to everyone who reviewed my story, from beginning to end, it kept me going, knowing that people were enjoying it a lot so THANK YOU! everyone who's reviewed (or who is hopefully still gonna review *hopeful smile*) have helped me. Seeing reviews up here have really helped me keep writing when at times I wasn;t sure I still could. I'm gonna go on to some individual thank you's from here - to some people who helped me along a lot, so here we go -


Thanks a lot. Seriously more than a lot - thanks to infinity and back for getting me into Tseng and Reno - into the Turks - into Yaoi, actually. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't have ever found this fandom. If you liked my story, it was influenced a lot by the first story of hers I read - Tough Love. Its on AFF, so check it out. Its one heck of a masterpiece.


Thanks a bunch sis, I promised I'd finish it for ya! She was the person I bounced ideas off from time to time. She helped me get Tseng into Reno's apartment when I couldn't figure out a way xD So thank Renea for your TxR smut - if it weren't for her, Tseng would never have even gotten near Reno's sofa, so thank her for it.


For actually following the link to my journal and seeing my pissed-offedness at some stuff. Sending me an email that helped me get over the idea of stopping writing this fic. I'm hella glad for it now - thanks a bunch for both those emails, they meant a lot :3

Calliope purple for the incessant reminders that I had to put some smut into it. Hope you got all the smut you wanted, maybe you'll stop pelting me with fish now.

apart from that all I really want to say on this note is thanks a bunch to everyone who reviewed. It really did help me pep up and become more determined to write. Hey, if you still want to leave a review - dont hesitate! Seriously I'm still writing here, it'll make me type that much faster if more people review this one, because then I'll want to show you what else I can do.

Oh... and...

There IS A SEQUEL, called 'Taking care of business' and the first few chapters are up there. Most of the cursing and spelling errors have been cleared up, and there's less dislocated paragraphs of babble to contend with so... yeah... go check it out. Updates are slow at the moment, but its not abandoned.

Anyway thats all I have to say. Much luff x

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