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Hello all, I'm looking for someone to help me continue a fanfiction I've started. The person I was writing it with has long since stopped talking to me over a year and a half ago and I'd like to continue it.

The fanfiction is called Potions in the Moonlight located here http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=600023262

It's so far got 51 reviews and [+++++ /88] rating, I've got enough people asking me to continue it to feel like I should find a replacement for my last partner.

It's a Snupin Fanfic ((Snape/Lupin)) If you'd like to check it out, or have read it already and would like to take over as Lupin, or Snape if you prefer I don't care either way. It's pretty easy going with posting to it, I sort of do it as like an RP type deal. And it's a bit OOC, but we were going to try to make it a bit more canon once we got to Potter years. But we can discuss where we want to go with it.

If you are interested then feel free to message me, either through private PM, through this thread, or email/add me to MSN the_half-blood_prince@live.ca

Thank you


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