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Guest happy_anarchy

hello i just got an account and am still trying to get use to everything. I would like to ask a question about a story I posted. I got a review from an admin saying i needed to fix my disclaimer, so I did within two days of getting the message.Then deleted the review like I was told, the story was back up within the next two days so I thought I fixed the problem. I looked yesturday and my story is back down and I can't look at my reviews to see what I need to fix. I would really like some help with this so as not to do it again thank you.


to help, we need the name of the story and where it's located, like Harry Potter, Anime, Originals, etc...

Guest happy_anarchy

my fic name is nightmare wedding and its under harry potter.I think I fixed the disclaimer,but it would be really helpful if someone could look at it to see if I did it correctly. thank you


I unhid it earlier today so you should be good

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