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Need a beta (or two) for two HP fics


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I was in the middle of writing an HP slash fic when my beta suddenly bailed on me. Now I am orphaned and don't know what to do! It's a Snarry thing, and it's angsty but there's enough humourous quips to keep it light. The first two chapters can be found here http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094781 and I have the next two written but they need to be polished.

I also need someone to beta a cute, funny little oneshot (just under a thousand words).

If anyone's interested, please drop me a line.


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I should also probably mention that the second story doesn't actually have any sex, but does take involve Severus Snape speed dating against his will. I found the idea fairly amusing...

I just need a once over for both stories for grammar or any kind of plot hole or redundancy I didn't notice. Fresh eyes, really.

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