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  Zyx said:
Yeah, the members of my band. We actually have another ticket, so if you can be in the netherlands by friday :)

You're in a band? *fangirl squeal* What do you play? And I just can't see that happening...it's a bit far from me but that's for the invite. It's tempting despite the distance! :P

Oh yeah...music that I'm listening to...

Psycho by Puddle of Mudd


We're gonna be playing with some really heavy metal and death metal and such.

but we're going to be auditioning a drummer in a couple of weeks. We'll start songwriting after that :)

probably upload some stuff pretty soon after that actually :P

I'm listening to In Flames - Dreamscape


Cool! I like heavy metal...not really sure what defines to the shift into death metal, to be honest. What instrument do you play? I'm envious. I have absolutely no musical ability. If it's possible to have a negative aptitude for music, it would be me! lol

Listening to....

Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger


I think the change occurs when the singing turns into screaming :P lol

I play bass :P The highly underrated instrument the sound of which everyone assumes is the guitar :P

Listening to Flogging Molly - Lightning Storm


It actually sounds like music that I would love to sing along to! :P And yes, bass is highly underrated but essential to a solid sound. I'd love to hear some of your music. I have to go and eat now but I'll be back later. This is a lot of fun!

Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become


Animal I've become is an AWESOME song, I cannot get over how good that song is....

Imma listen to it rite now :P

  maidenhair said:
Godsmack - I Stand Alone

also an awesome song

In Flames - Reroute to Remain


Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - Robert Cray

That would be great. I tried sending you a message to declare my momentary domination of the forum but I don't think I did it right. I'm hopeless with the control panel here.

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