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Well, my computer is packing it in (my drives that have alll my writing/fanfiction/other crap on it and a spare drive that I use as storage space), and while I'm busily copying everything off it like mad, I couldn't help but wonder if anybody else is enjoying the love of crashy crashy computers^__^

(For the record? Yes. My mind left a looong time ago and I'm very tired smile.gif)


I can understand the joy of a crashing computer and I know that if you don't laugh and find the humor in the situation you'll kill it and then yourself. I thank Murphy that I had AFF and most of what I was doing on CD...


I used to particularly love screaming very loudly: "AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!" and pulling upon my hair in a very dramatic manner, then running around the house, my arms waving wildly, saying over and over: "Bluescreenbluescreenbluescreen!"


Oooh, yeah. I love the blue screen of death^_^ Although since I've had XP, I haven't seen it o_O

Backing things up... I should really back up my fic archive at some point... hmmm...

UPDATE: Due to some quick work, it now works! Like, waaay more smooth, quiet, and it's waaay better!

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