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Sexy Slash HP Challenge 1

Guest Kurai Ame

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Guest Kurai Ame

A) Challenge One

Fandoms: Harry Potter

Length: Multi-chaptered Story or Series

Genres: Romance/Horror/Suspense/Mystery/Adventure

Main Pairing: Severus Snape/Mathias Englewood (OMC)/Tom Riddle jr./Bill Weasley/Harry Potter

Type of Story: Creature (Harry, Lucius, Severus, Draco, Hermione, Weasleys...etc.), Gray-Independent Harry, Betrayed Harry, New School Story, Supportive Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, ...etc. (More below)

Side Pairings: Ronald Weasley/Amelie Noir (OFC), Viktor Krum/Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Lucius Malfoy/Regulus Black, Lord Voldemort/Bellatrix LeStrange, Nikolas Knowles (OMC)/Narcissa Black, Remus Lupin/Adrian Trelawney (OMC), Odysseus Malfoy (OMC)/Blaize Zabini, Orpheus Malfoy (OMC)/Susan Bones, Arthur Weasley/Sapphine Cole (OFC), Arthur Weasley/Molly Prewett...etc.

Must Include:

  • Albus Dumbledore/Minerva McGonagall/Molly Prewett/Ginny Weasley/Kingsley Shaklebolt/N. Tonks have placed compulsions spells, memory charms, creature inheritance suppressors, magical core binding spells, and physically altering spells on – Seraphim L. Black (formerly HP), Ronald Weasley, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Bill Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Hermione Granger, Viktor Krum, Susan Bones, Lee Jordan, Blaise Zabini, Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, James Potter, Lily Evans, Rabastan LeStrange, Rodolphus LeStrange, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Nicolas Flamel, Perenelle Flamel, Petunia Evans, Dudley Dursley, Amelia Bones, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Theodore Knott, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Tom M. Riddle JR., Tom Riddle SR., Merope Gaunt, Marvolo Gaunt, Fleur Delacour, Gabrielle Delacour, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, and Bellatrix LeStrange

  • Harry J. Potter is really Seraph Lumenis Black, son of Sirius Black (father by blood), James Potter (father by Magic) and Lily (Shadowclaw) Evans (mother). He is the heir to the Black Line, Peverell Line, Potter Line, Gryffindor Line, Ravenclaw Line, Shadowclaw Line, Nakamura Line, Flamel Line, Le Fae Line, Grindelwald Line and Wren Line. Seraphim will inherit a combination of family magics and creature inheritances – 37.5% Forest Elf, 25% Shadow Fae, 25% Elementalist, and 12.5% Incubus

  • Lillian “Lily” Evans is the great granddaughter of Gellert Grindelwald and Nicolai Flamel, the granddaughter of Ophelia Flamel and Oisin Shadowclaw, and the daughter of Aoife Wren and Caitle Shadowclaw. She was adopted by Muggles when her parents were mysteriously murdered.

  • The Shadowclaw line is part of the Irish Shadow Clan, a clan of powerful Mages with creature inheritances, disguised as a traveling Circus. Because the clan is incredibly close, Lily could’ve been the daughter of any six of Caitle Shadowclaw’s mates. So Harry would be treated as the grandson of all the Mates.

  • Regulus Black was engaged to Lucius Malfoy (and carrying his twin heirs – unbeknownst to Albus), when Albus alters Lucius’s memories and the marriage contract with the Black family. Lucius forgot Regulus and married Narcissa. Dumbledore did this to prevent the conception of a powerful heir between the Black and Malfoy head families. Regulus Black faked his death and hid the Horocrux from Albus. Regulus Black gave birth to Odysseus and Orpheus Malfoy in Barcelona Spain, 1978. So Draco is not the Malfoy heir. Narcissa was previously engaged to Marry a Lord Blackwood, who she loved dearly.

  • Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, and Percy Weasley are not Molly’s children. Arthur was previously married to Sapphine Cole, a powerful sorceress and Shifter. Molly murdered Sapphine and forced Arthur to marry her with memory charms and compulsion spells. Molly renamed Caelum Weasley – Percy Weasley, Corvin Weasley – Bill Weasley and Devon Weasley – Charlie Weasley. Molly has a small suppressed creature inheritance, while Arthur has a larger one.

  • Tom M. Riddle was driven insane by Albus Dumbledore. Tom’s real body, frozen at sixteen years old, lies under Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his ever growing magical core is used to fuel Hogwarts' wards

  • Neville Longbottom’s Hufflepuff inheritance was stolen by Albus Dumbledore, scarring his magical core.

  • Mathias Englewood is a healer contracted by the Goblins to heal "A mysterious Abused Teenager" in their care, while staying at the Englewood Manor in the Private Medical Wing Mathias runs for just this purpose with his grandfather, Markus Englewood. They live in Milan, Italy. Even though they know no personal information on each other and any identifying features of Harry Potter has been hidden from Mathias by the goblins, Mathias begins to fall in love with the extremely intelligent and quirky young man in his care.

  • Harry was rescued from Vernon Dursley along with his Aunt and her son, who are not really related to him or the Evans. Lady Antoinette Vignelli, a young French aristocrat who spoke out against Dumbledore's policies, mysteriously disappeared. Eighteen years later, she awakens from her spelled induced life realizing the ogre she has become - Petunia Dursley. Her son Dudley born of the spell's affection for her retainer Vernon Dursley (rape), had tried to save Harry on numerous occasions only to for Albus to alter his basic personality and appearance.

  • While not a Pure-blood, Hermione Granger's grandmother was a Moonlight Veela, a Veela who can not change into a bird and has entrancing golden eyes and an enthralling voice.

  • Seraph's heritage gives him the following abilities: fire/lightning manipulation, Wind/Storm manipulation, earth/plants manipulation, water/ice manipulation, creating magical weaponry, anchoring magic, animating inanimate objects (no sentience), Shadow manipulation, sex magic, blood magic, musical magic, Light Necromancy– the ability to summon spirits of the dead and craft them into ghosts or poltergeists, this is a very rare and highly coveted ability, Natural Legilimens – the ability to innately pick up unprotected thoughts, emotions and memories, Natural Occlumens – the ability to innately create a shifting mental plane designed to protect one’s thoughts, emotions and memories, Illusionary Magic – the ability to manipulate ambient magic into many layered illusions, Aura Sight – the ability to see an Individual’s Level of Magical Power and the “Nature” of their Magic, Natural Healer – the ability to heal without wand or spell by transforming magic into healing energies, which result in a better and quicker recovery, Spell Sight – the ability to innately manipulate and create spells, Multiple Animagi Forms – the ability to change into multiple animals, magical and mundane, wandless/non-verbal magic, Runic Magic, Blood Runes
  • The following Kink is required: Multiple Male pregnancies (involving Harry), Double penetration, Anal Sex, Female pregnancies, male and female masturbation, fellatio, hand jobs, Feminine looking Harry, Uke-Harry, Cock-Whore Harry, Biting, Bonds, courting and dating, cuddling, exhibitionism, possessiveness, protectiveness, Intelligent Harry, chain sex, Wet dreams and anything you want to add. If you need more information see: Definitions List

And well, anything you want to add?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest AmetrineEnirtema

I actually love this. I think I am going to run with it, i just started writing on this site and I think it will make an excellent story for me, my original story is nearly as complex, but i don't want to get burned out on it. This will be a good way to alternate and still be entertained.

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