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Black Lagoon fic featuring Hansel and Gretel, with a special celebrity appearance.

Title: Les Jumeaux Justiciers

Author: St. Araqiel

Summary: A pedophile gets more than he bargained for on a "date." 3+, AFFO, Anal, BDSM, Bi, COMPLETE, Contro, Fet, Fingering, H/C, HJ, Inc, Loli, MiCD, M/F, M/M, Minor1, Minor2, Nec, OC, Oral, Other, RapeFic, Rim, Shouta, Solo, Tort, Violence

Pairings: Hansel/Gretel, Hansel/OC, Gretel/OC

Spoilers: "Sit down. Have a seat."

Feedback: Constructive criticism would be appreciated, as I feel this one was a little rushed.

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