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Hey guys! I've never posted anything her until last week. (I think I was intimidated. lol) But I thought I'd share what I've got going on.

Title: Among Wolves

Author: Curious Lyss

Rating: Adult +

Summary:Being Kidnapped by Werewolves and used for reproduction wasn't exactly on her bucket list, but as "Fay" will learn, there's a reason werewolves and shape-shifters never mix.

Feedback: Would be oh, so greatly appreciated!

Fandom: Orignal.

URL:First chapter

Latest chapter

Thanks! :D

- Lyss

  • 2 weeks later...

I am listening to what reviewers have to say. Chapters have been taken down to be edited. The first has been replaced. I'm hoping it's an easier read. The second should be up again soon. (After I attack it with a magnifying glass.) I'm also looking for a beta to double check things. If your interested you can see more here


- Lyss

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