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My GOD what a weird dream...

Keith Inc.

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I was with the army between Gondor and Mordor. I was in charge of liaising with the camp followers for catering in the wardroom tents.

Pretty much the same army as in the books, but the orcs had a Stargate, which allowed them to bring in reinforcements at a deadly rate. Where, exactly, the Stargate orcs were coming from, i have no idea. They just flowed through regularly.

So, i got this great idea, to go to the South Pole, and use the gate there to cause a feedback loop on the other gate, destroying it utterly in a great whopping explosion. (I am ashamed to say that i was going to effect the feedback loop by reversing the polarity on the crystals. In my defense, I was raised in a Trekker household.)

Eagles flew me, dropped me there with my tool kit, and as i was about to blast them to an unhallowed hell i woke up. So, i woke up my wife and told her about my weird dream. She listened, then fluffed up her pillow, said, 'Again?' and went back to sleep.

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Guest Yhitzak

Dude, I want *your* dreams. It sounds like -if nothing else- you at least can figure things out, or at least make some progress within them. In mine, I'm always part of a team of rebels and we're running around with ray-guns, trying not to get caught by whoever it is that we're fighting against. The setting is usually a very, very tall office-building or an amusement part and both are routinely covered with water. I'm always trying to find the next piece of the puzzle, or the next mission, but there's always something missing.

Just out of curiosity, what do you do before bed that makes you dream these things? Or is there any correlation between your waking activities and your dreams?

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Or is there any correlation between your waking activities and your dreams?
The only correlation i've ever noticed was if the ship rocked.

If i slept while we did a surface transit, i had the bug-nuts weirdest dreams. Or the weirdest dream experiences. In one, i was under this great two-ton round stone that was slowly rolling over me, starting at my feet. I was beating on it with my fists, screaming 'No, no, no.'

This woke up the guy in the rack above me. He screamed at me until i woke up just enough to realize i was in the bunk room, shouting, and beating on the bed tray.

I said, 'Hold on a minute,' went back into the dream, screamed and beat until it rolled all the way over me (not killing me), then, with the dream over, i woke up and apologized to everyone in the room. And the next room. And the watch, a deck up.

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Oh, i hate those.

What i hate worse is dreaming that the alarm clock went off, so you wake up at 0300...

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I had this dream last night where I saw the 5 chosen childern surrounded by this white light, and they smiling down at me because I was the only one that could see the signs. I was trying to warn them about this man that was hunting them -he wanted to kill them- and I was screaming at them because when I turned around there was another kid (one of the chosen), and he was tied to the ceiling with hooks through his skin and was quite dead.

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