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Please help! I am trying to post a new chapter to one of my stories. Everything is just fine as I'm writing the content in and putting the chapter title, but then when I click the "Add Chapter" button it goes to an error page that Reads Http 501/ Http 505. If anyone can please tell me how to fix this that would be very helpful. Anything will help!


I need to know which subdomain, so I can attempt to duplicate the issue. By subdomain, I mean anime, anime2, bleach, etc.

I know plenty of people have been successfully adding chapters after the hardware upgrade, so pinpointing the exact location will be helpful.

  On 7/24/2011 at 10:48 PM, DemonGoddess061 said:

I need to know which subdomain, so I can attempt to duplicate the issue. By subdomain, I mean anime, anime2, bleach, etc.

I know plenty of people have been successfully adding chapters after the hardware upgrade, so pinpointing the exact location will be helpful.

It's in the originals section. Vampire/General. Yes, I've seen other people updating also so I'm wondering if its my computer for some reason, but I've never had this problem in the five years I've been here. Hopefully you can pinpoint it!


Okay, so I just tested out something by posting a little test on one of my other stories and it worked, so something is wrong with just that one story I'm trying to update. It's called Moonlight Conviction. I posted the test on Moonlight Denial and it worked just fine. So, the problem is with that one story.


God, I'm posting a lot, but I'm trying to be helpful! Okay, so through a series of suggestions I looked up I got a different error thing to come up, which basically states "METHOD NOT IMPLEMENTED POST to /base/trans.php not supported" Not exactly sure if that helps you any, but it may be more descriptive on whats going on here. Hope it helps!


I personally will see that when my connection speed is dropping. Are you doing the formatted text upload, or using the RTE and the c/p option from word or whichever program you're using?

If you're uploading an actual file, the archive no longer accepts html files, only text.

If you can, step out for me EXACTLY what you're doing, so I know where to go next with ya. ;)

I very likely won't answer until this afternoon, as I'll be leaving for work in the next half hour.


Okay, so I go to the author panel, click Edit Story, then Add Chapter and I use the text box. I will enter in the title and then copy and paste the authors note first and then copy and paste the body of the story from Word. Once I look over everything to make sure there are no mistakes I hit Add Chapter and that's when I get the error. I've also tried arranging it on Word so that I can do just one big copy paste, but no result from there.

Thank you for taking the time to help and no sweat. I won't be able to reply till the afternoon either. Work calss to us all :P


Okay, so I kind of found out what's wrong. It's something WITHIN the chapter, but I don't know what. I was able to post up to this much of the chapter of SILVER STING http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600104016&chapter=3 but it rejects something within this page.

(“Nearly superhero worthy, wasn’t it?” Ethan asked.

“I’m just glad you’re a good catch,” Amelia said, trying to catch her breath from the fall and sudden rising.

“Awe, I wouldn’t drop either of you precious, fragile, squishy humans,” he said in a cutesy voice.

“Oh fucking great!” Van yelled, getting their attention. Both sides of his face were now disfigured with bumpy, splintered skin that was trying to heal. “Now we have to deal with you, too?”

“Good to see you, too, Van,” Ethan said with a salute. He cast a questioning look at the other two. “Well, hello. Didn’t expect to see you two here.”

“We’re up to new tricks. Never know where we’ll be,” Roni said, looking even more ruffled and seared from the second blast.

“You know these people?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, I’ve run into them a couple times before. Didn’t expect to see them now,” Ethan said, his face trying to remain indifferent, but Nicoli could see his mouth tighten a bit.

“Didn’t think Meier would be laying down roots so fast, huh?” Van asked with a grin. “Turns out your dear little brother is far more capable than you thought.”

At that Ethan dropped all illusions of pleasantness and scowled and for good reason. Meier just happened to be Ethan’s identical twin brother. How Meier had come to betray his brother and his clan was a long, heartbreaking story that left its invisible marks of suffering on Ethan. For that Nicoli hated Meier even more.

“I’ll be happy to tear out your throat for Meier,” Roni said, her smile wide and wicked. “He’d rather do it himself, but as long as you’re dead he’ll get over it.”

“Right, a little runt like you kill me. That’s rich,” Ethan said, making Roni frown.

“Kill, maim whatever,” Van said before Roni could explode. “It’s three against three and two of your three are humans, so the odds are against you.”

“Yeah, we’re useless. Your face was like that when you got here,” Nicoli said, making Amelia snicker and Van snarl as his fingers unconsciously touched his scarred face.

“I don’t quite understand why we’re all just standing around talking. We have things to do and this isn’t it,” Malcolm said gruffly. “Let’s just take them down now.” Before anyone could speak or react Malcolm launched himself at Ethan and tackled him.

Nicoli and Amelia cried out to him, but had their own problems to worry about. Roni jumped at Amelia and Van socked Nicoli in the stomach, making him stumble back. It didn’t hurt like Malcolm’s hit, but it was enough to be annoying. He tried to swing his staff, but Van hit his arm, making him drop it and then an uppercut sent him sprawling to the ground. Van stood over him and his staff was out of reach. That wasn’t good.

“Not so tough now, are you?” Van asked, stomping down on Nicoli’s ankle when he tried to scurry away. Luckily his ankle didn’t break. “Even with a bit of training you’re still just a human.”

“I’m a thousand times better than you, Metal Face,” he spat.

“We’ll see about that.” He stooped down to grab Nicoli. Then a curious thing happened.)

But I have no idea what. I even thought maybe now it won't post long chapters (Even though its only ten pages) and tried to post it as another chapter like a part 2 thing and it still rejected it, so its something in this page. Is there something wrong within this page that I'm not seeing? Well, at least I was just able to pinpoint where the problem is! Hopefully it'll help you figure out whats wrong with this one page.

(“Nearly superhero worthy, wasn’t it?” Ethan asked.

Try removing the ( at the beginning of that sentence. Parentheses are used to enclose queries, and having an open parenthesis in from of a quotation mark is confusing the interpreter.

What is the native file format you're working in for this document?


Oh, no no, the parentheses aren't in the story when I try and post it. I just put it there to show you what chunk of the story isn't posting. Native file format? Um I just use Word Document as the save type and the normal Time New Roman as the font and all that.

  On 7/25/2011 at 1:52 PM, Devilofdarkness said:


Okay, I found the problem. Still don't quite understand HOW this was a problem, but I found it. It was this one word in the sentence of the page. I narrowed it down sentence by sentence then word by word and it was the word kill (which I have used a thousand times before). I got rid of it and the rest of the chapter posted just fine. So, I have no idea why this one word caused me such a headache, but apparently the system didn't like it. Hopefully you can find out why that happened, but I'm just glad I found it! Thank you so much for your time, patience and suggestions! Knowing you were helping me work on it kept me from completely paniking ^-^ Now I just hope it never happens again >.>


There is no reason why that word shouldn't work. Unless there's something else in the document itself as setup. Could you email the chapter doc (the one you were c/p'ing from), so I can look?


Sorry to drop in on this, but it's very relevant to the problem I am having! I was editing my chapters today, and the first and second went fine, but it gave me an error message on the third. I tried everything from cutting down the length to reposting the entire chapter, and nothing worked. I think it must be the same kind of error as above with my formatting, but I can't seem to figure out what. Here's the exact error message I get:

Method Not Implemented

POST to /base/trans.php not supported.

Any idea why? I post in the original section and I use Firefox. I've never had this problem before and I thought it might've been a temporary bug or something, but it's still there, and it's only doing it to that particular chapter.


DemonGoddess: is it possible to send it to you in an email that doesn't require Outlook? I don't have that installed on my computer and would rather not have it because I had some major issues with it a couple years back. Paranoia at its best ^-^;

Tempestous: Oi, I was hoping I was the only one with this problem! No one else should have to go through this kind of headache. But yours happened when you tried to edit? Not add a chapter? That's worrying. I hope it gets figured out!


here is the straight e-mail addy, just copy and paste it in where you need it ; technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org


One thing I forgot to ask about, as the data has been migrated to a new dedicated server, this means that your cookies for the archive very likely need reset. They would no longer be valid.

Have either of you tried clearing your cookies, closing the browser, restarting it, and then posting?

Guest Atris

I had this same problem, same error message, but was also able to post after removing the word "kill." Didn't have problems with any other chapters and was copy/pasting from a Word plain text document.

Guest Atris

Just tried to edit the chapter and put the word "kill" back in and it had the same error as when I originally tried to upload the chapter. Don't know why that word is a problem. I was uploading in the Games section under Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.

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