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Title: Angel's Love, Halfling's Trials - Chapter Four: Zhent's Lair, Harper's Way

Author: Hopebringer Jem/ meself

Rating: Adult +

Summary: Set in the year 1373DR, a halfling and her love face the challenges of Faerun.

Feedback: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=228040.

Fandom: Forgotten Realms, Dungeons & Dragons

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600086672&chapter=4

Um... Let's just say I didn't make the challenge deadline in time and wanted to at least have this up before working on the next chapter of this. XD;;


New chappie up! In time for the prompt as well. XD

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