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KING 4 NEWS - Was 9/11 An Inside Job Cartoon

Guest echtrae

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Was that intended as lampoon or a serious incrimination of the United States?

And I am curious as to what nation they were referring to when they claimed history showed that nations would attack themselves in order to stir up the population. Za?

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Guest echtrae

I believe that was in reference to what Hitler did before kicking off WWII. He burned down the equivalent of the German congress and blamed it on terrorists. Then he had German soldiers dressed up like Polish soldiers and had them attack a German outpost, which he then used as an excuse to invade Poland.

This isn't the only example of when a country's leaders attacked their own people, but it's the first one that came to my mind.

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Was aware of the firebombings, but was under the impression that had holocaust relations. Wasn't aware of the Polish get ups, though there was the fifth column troops. Thanks for the info.

Still confused on the lampoon/serious nature though.

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