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Lord of the Rings Crossover

Guest Tamala

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Guest Tamala

Pair one, more, or all of the following elves with Harry:

High King Gil-Galad

Glorfindel (of Gondolin)



Elladan AND Elrohir


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Guest Kaylee

I think there's an author named ArwendeImladris both on adff, and fanfiction . net who posts a lot of these sort of stories.

I also think another author, don't remember exactly who, did a oneshot with Gil-Galad and Harry on fanfiction . net. Gil-Galad saw Harry in his dreams and learned that Harry's spirit was trapped in the dream world separate from his body until someone could find it. The only problem was that he was sure that it had been so long that his body was no more, or at least unfit to possess. Gil-Galad dies in the war before he can find Harry's body, and he is so depressed in the afterlife from their separation that the Valar bring him to where they had been keeping the body preserved, and the two get their happy ending.

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