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Guest alwayslove

I would love if someone, anyone, would write this story for me. The only requirements are as follow:

The main character is a exotic looking male who is rude, blunt, extremely sarcastic, stubborn, ambitious, truthful to the point that people don't ask if they don't want to know, and has masochistic tendencies. He also ends up with Tsu'tey.

Other then that I do not care. It can be cross over (i like harry potter if anyone want to try that), m-preg (love it but it's your story). All I ask for is the pairing be that OC (based on what I put)/Tsu'tey.

In all truth i just want to read a slash where the main character stands up to Tsu'tey. So if any one writs this send me the title and authors name to: sesshomaruiluv@yahoo.com

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