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Hi, I have a story that is being reposted on my page as a collaboration and would like the reviews, etc. from the old version to be merged. The other author and I would like to delete the original in our own time (which will be soon, anyway), but if that's not cool, feel free to merge and delete. Thanks!

Original version

New version


Going by the note in your collab author's profile, I've opted not to delete, but let you guys do it. Reviews and rates transferred/added to the new upload.

Have a suggestion for you two, if, for example, you want to allow your co-author to add to the story, you can change the "add chapter" feature to yes so he/she can.


We've been thinking it over, might enable it around exam time so I can stress less. I do the editing (among other things), so I usually have the last look at a chapter before upload. Thanks for not deleting the original :D

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