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At moderator request, I'm moving the content of reviews with questions and answers here and removing the reviews in question. Not my idea, I have to do it or the story will get hidden. Sorry for the inconvenience. In the future, all discussion of the story will take place here.

TVO vileone316@hotmail.com 2011-03-14 id # 3000030205

Very interesting so far. Looking forward to see where you go with this. Though I'm not sure why is everyone so ticked off at Spider-man, specifically Felicia, Red Sonja, and Spider-woman? Is it because he disappeared? Wouldn't they have been worried about him and be happy to see him again?

It looks like Mephisto here mind-wiped Spider-man or Spider-man from the past was plucked through time.

I appreciated the line about an actress playing Aunt May dying since that is one of the stupidest things in comic history. It was basically the perfect ending for Aunt May before they went and mucked it up.

DarthMeow504 2011-03-14 id # 3000030206


Thanks for the review, and I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I promise that everything will be made clear in the very next chapter which I am hard at work on finishing ASAP.

I did want to address your question about the women's reaction to him, though, which is in the current chapter. I point you to the quote "He'd been living with [Aunt May] ever since the deal went through, and... he'd lost his job, and began freeloading and acting like an immature ass, sleeping around and getting drunk and in general acting like a fratboy. It was infuriating..."

Basically, just like in regular BND continuity Peter went on to make a complete ass of himself as often as possible, pissing off just about everyone in his life. As soon as they realize that the Peter in front of them either didn't do or has no memory of any of those actions, their attitude towards him softens immediately and they begin trying to figure out what happened instead of blaming him.

I'm glad you enjoyed the line about the "actress" plot, I feel the same way about it and it's part of what I wanted to fix here. By the time this next chapter is finished, I will have fixed all of OMD and BND, as well as some other points of Spider-history that have long bugged me, and put Spider-Man on a repaired and rejuvenated path that retains the key elements of continuity but retcons them in a way that makes sense and brings back the Spider-man we know and love.

Thanks for reading, and I hope the reveal works for you. I'll be posting it soon.

TVO vileone316@hotmail.com 2011-03-15 id # 3000030207

Thanks for answering my questions. Also great story so far and its off to an awesome start. Now that Spider-man is there I hope you will also share some of the lady loving with him as well ;) .

Personally I also hate OMD and BND so I appreciate the intention of "repairing" it as well. I also personally didn't care for how in Captain America: Rebirth and the aftermath, the writers have basically avoided and ignored Steve Rogers realizing that Sharon was pregnant with his child and it was literally stabbed and miscarried from her body by Red Skull's daughter.

TVO vileone316@hotmail.com 2011-03-15 id # 3000030208

I can only imagine who that could be at the end. My predictions are Thor or Conan the Barbarian which would be both fun and hilarious.

Man you really had to be mean and tease us with Spider-man, Black Cat, and Sonja/Mary Jane. So mean. Oh well, great chapter and thanks for the update. The next one promises to be awesome.

TVO vileone316@hotmail.com 2011-03-15 id # 3000030209

Man I kind of feel bad for Peter here. Shouldn't Thor have recognized Spider-man when he confronts Thor? Or does Thor resent the person that Spider-man apparently became while under possession and then vanished? Even though MJ is giving Peter permission it still seems sort of off that they are finally reunited and she gets with Thor for the night even if its Sonja possessing her body.

Oh well next chapter should be a lot of fun if it delivers what is promised. Looking forward to it.

TVO vileone316@hotmail.com 2011-03-17 id # 3000030210

Good stuff for the most part. I'm glad Peter was able to enjoy his time with Black Cat and Spider-Woman nonetheless. I appreciated the mutual feelings with Black Cat and Spider-man especially.

The final scene with Mary Jane and Spidey was really good. I liked the happiness and loving feelings the two shared and I'm glad there wasn't too many lingering bad feelings about Spidey basically getting the "sloppy seconds" with MJ there. The buildup was good but the middle and end of the scene was a little too abrupt IMHO. There could've been maybe another conversation in there too just too reinforce that they love each other and are back together for good. Its sort of a weird new chapter for them considering Mary Jane is now part female warrior Goddess as well.

I don't think Spider-man got enough time with Spider-Woman either ;) .

I'm hoping Wolverine and Iron Man will get worked into the story if you continue it down the line. It sounds like you do have plans on bringing in Cap as well which is cool. So I hope you continue because the story is a lot of fun.

DarthMeow504 2011-03-20 id # 3000030215

TVO, since you are such a Spider-Man fan, I reposted this for you here, hope you enjoy it http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060782 . At your advice, I will also write a bonus epilogue to Chapter 5 to expand on the sexy fun that took place at the party that night. Jessica will be returning in the next chapter, as well, and playing with Storm's group which will include Wolverine as you requested the character. Stay tuned, this ride isn't over!

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