yourfacekillsme Posted January 29, 2011 Report Posted January 29, 2011 (edited) Anyway, I posted the story Not Quite There Yet, and I made this thread for review responses and any extra information I have to give you all about it. =] So, anyway. Yep. Review Responses for Chapter 1: Sen_nightshade= Thank you so much for the review. It came so fast after I updated and I didn't think anyone would even read the story. Hope you enjoy the future updates. rainxkira= Thanks for your review! I'm thrilled that you liked the story, truly I am. I hope you enjoy the update=] Itrasheditgood= I was thinking that I'll probably keep it, was just not sure if anyone would like it since it's not really a typical story. Thanks for your support! I enjoyed your review a lot. I hope you enjoy the future updates, and they aren't boring or typical to you. =] angelmay= Thanks for the review! I appreciate your telling me that you liked the story =] It means a lot to me, since I'm new at this and wasn't expecting any! Hmm. I think Cai would be cute with kittens too, but not sure I'll put it in the main story line. Maybe I'll write a spinoff story though...I like the idea! Skittles Pirate= So I saved your review for last because I was truly blown away by it. My inner schoolboy squeed all night. Well not really but it made my day! I am so glad you liked my story, and then enough to review so in depth. So to answer your questions, and probably other's questions too haha, I'll put them below. 1.] Okay, I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of POV changes, only and really only, because I personally dislike reading stories in which the character I find myself Most liking, is not the only one who's perspective I am seeing. However, I do plan on putting in snippets of POV changes, but probably not like whole chapters. I hope thats not a turn off of the story to anyone, but it's just kind of a personal thing. But, I definitely will do descriptions. I tend to forget that people who read the story can't see what's in my head, I have to write it haha. 2.] Changelings and Noemadas, well they're kind of my own creation sort of. I'll start with Noemadas. They are characterized by many different things. Vibrant hair colors, unusual eye colors, the ability to shape shift, morph and change nature. They have one animal form, in which they are born with, and usually within days of birth, change to their animal form, in which they stay for about six months. After that they change back and forth as they wish. They aren't immortal but they do live for a very long time. Each one is inherently different and no two are alike or share the same aspects. They are perceived as something akin to a demon, but are nothing like them. They are extremely powerful, and are sought after as lovers and friends for their deep sense of loyalty and passion. =] So, Changelings, are very similar. Except that they are humans, who have either had crossbreeding in the past, or who had ancestors who dabbled in rituals they shouldn't. Once they were extremely uncommon, but due to the amount of breeding that went on, are now almost as common as a Noemadas. They are born human, have normal functioning human attributes. However, anywhere from the ages 8-18 they begin to Change. Some Change earlier and some later. One may one day wake up and have sprouted fur/claws/tail/ears, and the ability to understand cats/dogs/etc. One could wake up and speak every language ever known, including animals and aquatic life. Some may wake up and control the elements, they could start or stop rain, cause tornadoes, etc. A few could cause different weather related incidents by their emotions. Some had the same abilities as a Noemadas. Basically a Changeling is a watered down Noemadas, and though they have characteristics of them they are called Changelings because they do not usually have as much power, usually Changelings don’t have an animal form, and because they are not as beautiful as a Noemadas usually. However, Changeling/Noemadas and Noemadas/Humans, were more like a Noemadas, than Human, even though they have their Human characteristics more than the others. Does that make sense? 3.] Khaos, well I can’t really answer that yet, but he wasn’t in heat =] 4.] He is disdainful, because even though I like this character, he’s a pompous ass. =] And, basically the same goes for all of the hubbies. They’re just kind of…snobby and a bit pretentious. Anyway! I hope I answered all of your questions? And helped make everything clear? Until then, James =] Edited January 30, 2011 by YourFaceKillsMe Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 29, 2011 Author Report Posted January 29, 2011 Hey! Wow, by the time I had typed this up I was stunned to see more reviews. <3 Thanks so much you guys, they made my daaay! Gslinger= Thanks for the review! Haha, Nice pun on Almost there =] Also, did this description in the new update help? He is cute, and exotic. He just isn't much used to having anyone ever tell him. I kind of like that he can't speak sometimes, but then I forget and start to use "____" instead of // // and I forget who was talking and mess myself up. But, I think the mute thing isn't permanent =X ceedee= Thanks so much for the review! I am glad you liked it. Part of me wonders what I was thinking with making 8 husbands! O_O 9 main characters haha. Anyway. I hope you stick around... Quite possibly smex in the next chapter.... CharredK= I'm sorry, I giggled a little when I read your comment. Sorry I got your hopes up only to dash them! does the update make it better? =]Thanks so much for leaving me a review, I truly appreciate them. I really thought this story would bomb out when I added it, so I am actually shocked that people like it. Midnightsscream= Thanks for the review! I hope this doesn't sound too much like other stories? eeap. Just out of curiosity, which ones? I haven't ever been able to find a multi-moresomes relationship before that didn't just operate on a three basis. I was just curious. Thanks again! <3 Until next time, James<3 Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 30, 2011 Author Report Posted January 30, 2011 More Review Responses: Sen_Nightshade= Hello again=] Thanks so much for the two more reviews <3 Cai is pretty innocent, and his husbands reaallly do need a massive forklift to get their heads out of their bums. Am I updating too quickly? I tend to just write and write and write. I'm glad you like Cai, personally, even though I like all my characters, he's totally my favorite. =] CharredK= Haha, I’m glad you liked them =X Better than false hope? =] I totally agree with you, I’m a little partial to Cailean over the hubbies if only because he’s so cute and innocent. They’re like rawrlicious and he’s the bleating lamb…or something. But, I’m glad you see both sides, cuz truly it is both a problem for them and him. I mean technically, he is invading their life and love life, even if he didn’t mean too. So yep. Thanks for the review! Hope you enjoy the coming updates. Gwengwel= Thanks for the review! And to answer your question. Well they do know what happened, Cai told Pete who told James, who was also told by Khaos, and so everyone knows. The problem is, they think Cailean knew who Khaos was or took advantage of the situation. But, I agree with you, its more Khaos’ fault then Cai’s. I’m really glad you like it =] And, this is a happy ending story^^ My first one too haha. NightRoseFox= Wow, thanks so much for the review! I really enjoyed it a lot. But, I do want to clear just something up. Well, Skittles Pirate actually said it in their comment, but, my story takes place in the present, but these first few chapters are of the past. I personally am not a huge fan of pointless sex, I think it’s….well pointless. But, see, the point is that this isn’t exactly, WE LOVE YOU LETS BOINK, craze. It’s a means to an end. They have to have sex, to finish the mate bond. So, I couldn’t really skip it, because of where I started in my story. And, frankly, Cai probably wont get any sex after that for like forever and ever in chapters. But, I do see your point, and I will go more in depth on the future chapters. =] I hope you do like it, and that it isn’t totally blowing for you. Seiri= Ahh, beat me to it haha. Yes, he does get a break, and it’ll probably be somewhere in between. I mean, on top of having sex with all of them, it’s already almost 12am. So, he’s beat. Thanks for the reviews ;] Camille appreciates it xD teasing, it’s fine! My MicroWord keeps changing words for me T_T It changed bathroom to basement, and it refuses to acknowledge that orgasmed is a word. Omelette too. And, I will soon explain Cai’s mute thing, and form. It will probably be right after the sex. Dekorx= Thanks for reviewing! And, I agree with you, I can’t imagine someone mating me and then telling me that while it was good, they don’t like you. But, Cai has a happy ending, eventually. =] hope you enjoy the coming updates. Carissa= Ahh, so you’re the only one who caught that. So, for Noemadas/Changelings, their natural blood sugar is low to begin with. Can be anywhere from 40s-80s. 127 is actually high. However, he actually took a glucose shot. Its normally used for emergencies only for humans, if they pass out/blood sugar drops too low. However, for him, and only him, his blood sugar has to remain above 100, which is abnormal for Noemadas and Changelings. It’s an adaptation to his problems. It’ll make more sense, when I explain why it is he had diabetes/is mute/and doesn’t change into his form. Thanks for the review! Also, nope, this story has a happy ending for everyone. I can’t say much more without basically giving it away. Hope you enjoy the future updates…And hmm, I’m going to post something in my next chapter about the Noemadas/Changeling information…. Skittles Pirate= Hello again! Thanks so much for the review. One of my pet peeves about slash writing, and it’s nothing against anyone in particular, is that either the relationship is entirely too drawn out, and the characters become mundane or irritating, or when the relationship goes from not to hot. It’s like over night these characters find love and passion. Frankly, I find it hard to believe, even if you have an A/U. So, I am really glad you like it. It’s my first story to have a happy ending planned out, and it’s become my favorite one to write. I hope you enjoy the future updates. Thanks so much for the support <3 Haha, I am definitely going to write a spinoff story with Mpreg. Maybe after I finish all the sex chapters. =X Itrasheditgood= Thanks for the review again! <3 I’m glad you like them separate, I was just a bit worried that it’d become mundane, all the sex chapters. =] Guess not! Hope you enjoy the next updates. Thanks again! Violetta Valery= Thanks so much for your review! I am glad you liked it. Cai’s personality beneath his mute self, is probably going to really start to come out soon, and it’ll be really fun to write. Hope you enjoy the updates. Rainxkira= Thanks for the review. Glad you liked the chapter=] Ah, well he doesn’t blame her for the diabetes, but he truly hates her, and so, by thinking of her, he became made enough to insert the needle. He really loathes needles. His hubbies are really little bitches haha. Glad you like them though =] Aoe= Helloooo! Thank you so much for your review! I totally enjoyed your review, I giggled like a school girl. So, I am glad you came back to read it, AND liked it. I love Chubs too! They’re my favorite stories. They’re way cute. And there aren’t many of them sadly…Hahaha yes there is a happy ending! And his husbands are douches, but they end up being really sweet actually. I mean, they have to have some redeeming qualities if they found each other…Anyway, hope you enjoy the future updates! Redlightspin= Thank you for the review! I am glad you like it, and I should have an update posted soon! criss_cross= Thanks for the review! Hmm. So, I have to admit your comment threw me for a fruit loop. It made me smile, if only because I think you have better in depth questions on the plot that I do! I mean I have a plot in my head but I tend to let it flow through my head rather than plan it. But, you aren’t too far off from what I am thinking of sorts. Although, I am going to write a spinoff with these characters and make it an Mpreg. Only because to do that in this story would mess my character up a little bit. Anyway, thanks for the review again, and I hope you enjoy the coming updates. Ceedee= Hello again! Thanks for the review. =] Ahh. Cai doesn’t have a good opinion of himself, if for the smallest reason, he never had a reason to think well of himself. He’s not had anyone ever compliment him, talk more than moderately kindly (few have I mean), and he has been degraded by people all through his life. He truly is a sweet kid. I hope you enjoy the future updates. Anon= Thank you for the review, my anonymous reader. =] I hope you enjoy the coming updates. Okay. Thats all for now. Thanks so much everyone for the support and reviews. I loveee you, in a non creepass way. Anyway. I'm off to type the next chapter! Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 30, 2011 Author Report Posted January 30, 2011 (edited) So I just remembered as I opened my file for the story. I thought maybe you all would like to see what I had in mind for the bond marks? I had originally had a picture for each, but I lost them. So I researched for some and these are the ones I found. I'm going to post Khaos' and Abbán's for Cai. 1.)Abbán's 2.) Khaos' 1.]Abbán's 2.] Khaos' for Cai Edited January 30, 2011 by YourFaceKillsMe Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 30, 2011 Author Report Posted January 30, 2011 RIGHT. I should be typing, I know. However, my friend emailed me these links and was like this guy reminds me of your character James. And I normally never do picture comparisons if only because it's never exactly what you're picture... BUT, my friend was so right. I mean except for the hair, which should be a little longer, but otherwise. I was like omg haaawtness thats him. James? James? (they are two different pictures...) Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 30, 2011 Author Report Posted January 30, 2011 Since, I obviously can not concentrate on my story right now. I decided that I was going to do something productive. I, who dislikes photo comparisons, is now looking through the most gorgeous collection of beautiful men. so here. Pete: Pete Maël: Maël Okay, I'm done for now. I am seriously typing the chapter. Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 31, 2011 Author Report Posted January 31, 2011 (edited) Hey! I edited this completely because I revamped it a little. My friend had edited a photo of a wolf to look like my characters form, but then she decided to make photos of some of the others. They may not be that "great" but I appreciate the effort. Also, my other friend did one as well after I showed her them. So, I thought you'd like to see them? Fáelán Khaos Abbán Maël Alexios Caderyn Personally my favorites were Caderyn and Alexios. Just thought they looked really cool. Anyway. I'm off to finish the chapter. Edited February 2, 2011 by YourFaceKillsMe Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted January 31, 2011 Author Report Posted January 31, 2011 Review Responses =] MountainLake= Thanks for taking the time to review! I appreciate it a lot, and I am so glad you like it! L.S.= Hello, thanks for reviewing my story! <3 I am glad you like it. And, I agree with you. It's kind of like they're so stuck on themselves and their worries/problems/etc. that they don't even want to see him. but, they'll get their heads out of their bums soon. =] Thanks for the review again. SneakySpy= Thanks for reviewing! I am glad you liked it, and I hope you enjoy the new update. reader= Thanks for taking the time to review. I am really thankful. And, I don't plan on stopping updating, even if they become a little further between. I know, 8 husbands, a lot to handle. Althydia= Thanks so much for the review. A big secret about Alexios? He's actually really sweet, if not a bit of an ass. Actually, the bitchiest underhanded one is Maël. Um, can't answer Cailean's form question, if only because that'd totally ruin it haha. Thanks so much again! I hope you enjoy the update. Midnightsscream= Thanks for the reviews again! I appreciate them a lot. Honestly, sometimes when I'm writing and so into it, I forget what they look like because I type the wrong name, and get confused. After this next chapter I'm going to make Character studies. =]I kind of skipped some of the sex, but it'll come back eventually. Hope you enjoy the update! CandyCoatedCyanide= Thanks for taking the time to review my story! I appreciate it a lot. And, thanks for the thoughts, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I hope I didn't overkill on the sex time, I was trying to go for a more of a necessity thing than a I want to. But, the next few chapters will be more about the characters, or at least Cailean. =] Hope you enjoy the update, and thanks again! mooness= Thanks for that, and I apologize. I'll try not to in the future. Sometimes I get into what I'm writing, and it flows out and I forget to go back and check to make sure I didn't repeat the same word too much. sdfghjk= Nice name, that's what I say whenever I can't remember how to spell something. =]] Thanks so much for the review! I loved it. I am glad you like the story too, and the pictures! I didn't think anyone would really look at them, so I am glad you did. I'll have to see what I can do about others then =] I almost wrote seven chapters of sex...but then I was like Um no. Anyway, hope you like the update! Ardoniell= Thanks for reviewing my story. Glad that you like it! I hope you enjoy the update as well. =] io_non_ha_paura= Thanks so much! I hope you like the update. ^^ Thanks so much for the support everyone! I really, truly appreciate it a lot. Until then, James <3 Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 2, 2011 Author Report Posted February 2, 2011 Hello everyone again! Sorry these are a little late! I apologize for that. I figured youd prefer an update than responses first though. =] Review Responses: Sen_Nightshade= Thanks again for leaving a review! Ah, his Aunt is abusive, and neglectful. =] I guess that was obvious from the update haha. Ahh man haha, amusing in a bad way? Like they stunk? Im glad you love my story! And okay =] Ill keep updating at my norm. Violetta Valery= haha, your comment made me laugh. I had a conundrum about what to do about all the sex. I mean its a balancing act in my head. Then I was like AHA! I had wondered if anyone would object to the manner, but I figured meh, oh well. I know, I was like I am so mean to poor Cailean. Abandoned after being mated, but to stick around would have been uncharacteristic. Thanks again for the review! Seiri= Hello again! Thanks for the review, again as well! Frankly, Maël is kind of just one of those pissy characters that you cant help but like. Honestly, he is really sweet; hes just got his claws extended right now, is all. I am glad youre enjoying the story! Thanks again! Midnightsscream= Thanks again for the review! I am not sure if you read the newest update already, but if you didnt then, well your answers are somewhat answered in Chapter 5. I am glad you like the story! Sdfghjk= Hello! I think you may have left me another review after this…so if I make a twat out of myself, I apologize. Anyway, thanks again for the review! I appreciate it out the wazhoo. Sorry if the name stuck. Its cute anyway. =] If I had written those 7 sex chapters, Id probably have facepalmed my face to death. =]] Aoe= Im so glad my update made your day better^^ Maël, I almost feel bad for him haha, all my readers probably will hate him. Hes actually really cute/sweet, buut not to Cailean =] Hell get better, eventually/maybe. xD I used to be like ew spanking not hot, but now I totally appreciate it. Alexios spanking Maël actually was a bit of something I threw in at the last second because I figured its something Alexios would truly do. He has a deeper sense of justice than youd think. Anyway. Im glad you gave it another looksee as well! I am sorry this is me rambling on and on. Thanks again so much for the review! Dekrox= Thanks for the review! I appreciate it a lot, truly I do. I kind of cheated on the punishment thing, but youll see what Cailean had to go through, soon. His Aunts a little bit of a meaniebutt. Luctsubasa= Hey! Thanks so much for the review! I am glad you enjoyed it enough to leave me one. The marriage&life with the hubbies will be a huge role from here on out. =] Hope you enjoy the to come updates. Thanks again. Sen_Nightshade= I didnt want to combine the two reviews, partially because my brain doesnt have that much talent. Id have confused myself entirely too much. Thanks for the review. Im glad you enjoyed the chapter. Cailean is totally the cuddle bug type too. In fact, I already wrote a future chapter practically all about it haha. Well, not all about it, but a good portion. Anyway. Yep, the James going out of town thing is going to be really important actually. I guess I should clear the whole Khaos/Cai situation up…Hmm, Ill throw it in the next chapter or so. Thanks again for the second review! Dekorx= Thanks for the second review! I appreciate it a lot. Glad you liked the chapter! I agree with you, I need to make the chart too before I get confused! Im going to type up some Character Studies and post them in the forum. If you want to, you can use them? Thanks again for the review! criss_cross= Hello again! I guess its because even though I am posting this for people to read, the fact that they are giving me their feedback makes me indebted to them. I appreciate it immensely that they do! I never expected anyone to even remotely LIKE this, and to get such positive (mostly) feedback makes me grateful. Im completely thankful to you for your nice comments/insight on the story as well. I have this sort of ladder in my head of things I wish to put in each chapter, or if I think its too soon, but I try to balance it all out. I am so pleased you like the story enough to even read it! I dont mind silent readers either. =] If you ever find something to critique I would appreciate it you telling me (if you would like to only) I dont mind constructive criticism. Thanks again so much! Im quite thankful to you for reading and commenting. =] aoe= I am sorry your day started cruddy. =[ I hate days like that. Haha Im not so sure Alexios would appreciate that too much. =] Cailean would like to snuggle though…I am glad you liked the update, and that it cheered you up! Thanks so much for the review! I appreciate it a lot. Itrasheditgood= Thanks for reviewing again! I do think I am just going to do a quick typo edit and thats it. I think Im keeping it mostly as is. I am glad you liked it! Hope you enjoy the next updates. Rainxkira= Hello! Im glad I update fast enough for you His Moms death isnt a huge part of the plot, its just an underlying thing. Well, Ill explain eventually xD His hubbys are SO obnoxious haha, and I think youre right, Caileans a perfect fit, even if they dont know it yet. Thanks so much for the review! I am glad you liked the new chapter! Henrietta= I just want you to know that I love your name! My dogs name is Henrietta*hes a boy though* and hes my bud, and yep. I am glad you liked the story! Im going to post character studies *soon anyway* in the forum if youd like them to help you out with remember whos who? Thanks for the review! I am pleased you liked the story. Violetta Valery= Thanks for the second review! Sorry I didnt combine them, but I wanted to do separate responses since you did two different reviews! Im glad you like that there isnt a sudden infatuation thing going on. I haaaaate stories where these “tops” are assholes/cunts to the “bottoms” and suddenly theyre boinking like made and confessing their love. I like independent and flawed characters that grow like Jack and the Beanstalk. So, anyway…yes! There is terrible friction between the characters. And isolation is actually a slightly big thing for Cailean, but hes resourceful. Thanks again! I appreciate it vastly. CandyCoatedCyanide= Ahh, his Aunt is actually kind of fun to write, because shes that feel good to hate character. Shes a massive cunt though. Oh well. And, I am glad you enjoyed the chapter. The talking thing is a soon to be uncovered thing. =] Its crazy too, well in my humble opinion I think so. Thanks again for reviewing! Sdfghjk= Heyyy there again. I am glad you liked the chapter! =] I was worried itd be borring. Glad it wasnt. Yes, see, I was the real tard who made names for the characters with special accents. Its a pain in the butt, but I love the names. Caileans is my favorite actually. Im thrilled you liked the chapter! Thanks again so much for the review. =] L.S.= Im glad you like the names! Cai will have some abilities, otherwise he wouldnt be as interesting as his hubs. I seriously smiled at the Chinchilla thing. And, Mansion life is a blast to write! Glad you are enjoying the chapters! Thanks so much for reviewing! I appreciate it a lot! nivell= I seriously died of embarrassment/laughter when I went to check and sure enough it said James in the middle of the story. Talk about not thinking! Haha, Sorry about that. I love Maël too actually. Hes a bitch, but you cant help but love him. =] Thanks so much for the review, and for telling me about the name thing. I overlooked that completely haha. Anon1= Okay, so thank you for taking the time to review my story. I have to admit I was a little uncertain how to respond because the tone of it wasnt very…conciliatory. I appreciate you taking the time to review my story, however you came off rather…unconstructive. I cant help my writing style, and I choose to write my story how I personally would like to read it. Im sorry it isnt quite doing it for you. I dont mean this rudely but my summary specifically says, “Kittens would be more likely, BUT its given birth to husbands.” I would have put an Mpreg warning in the summary if I had planned on it. I did offer to write a spin-off story with a Mpreg theme because some people had said they liked the idea. And, you are correct, about Household cats. However, the penis size of a Big Cat can actually get to be rather large, if not as big as a mans or even bigger. *Lions/Tigers/Panthers/ etc.* I understand the barbed thing, I think everyone knows cats have barbs on their penises that cause the female cat to ovulate. Since my characters are not human/animal/were, theyre slightly different and are my own creation.. Im sorry I didnt clear it up sooner but I figured the fact that I called their penises “slick” would give it away. Theyre an adaptation, and as such, have smooth penises, that are thick and taper off into a tip, like cats are. Im sorry if this came off rude or even puts you off my story. Thanks for taking the time to review my story even though it wasnt doing it for you much. Id like to say Id change everything, and all that jazz, but I cant evolve my writing style over night. Its something that evolves itself. Anon2= I am so glad youre enjoying the story. Thanks so much for taking the time to review it as well. I should update sometime tonight. =] Anon3=Ah, their ages. Theyre fairly young, but they age differently than everyone else. I have to explain that. Give me a rain check? Ill throw it in the chapter. Thanks for reviewing! I appreciate it immensely. Susan= Hello! Thanks for the amazing review. I have to agree that I may take into account too many peoples opinions. I dont mind peoples critiques and comments and even criticisms, however, some dont know how to do it in a constructive and helpful way. I am so pleased you are enjoying it. I know Im not perfect/stellar at writing, but I do try hard to do my best. Im glad you think Im doing a good job, I worry sometimes its subpar. Glad you liked the humour as well I didnt know if anyone appreciated that Cailean is actually hysterically sarcastic, but doesnt convey it much. =] Hope you enjoy the future updates! Thanks again so much for making my day. Althydia= Ahh I cant answer most of your questions except for one. Theyre very much so big in the social eye (Caileans a big ignorant on media/news) so they dont want him to be working like a “poor” person. Not even in a snotty way, they just have to keep up appearances of sorts. They dont mind him going to visit Pete and hanging around, they just want him to get a high class job doing something less manual. Does that make sense? Your questions will be answered soon though! Thank you so much for the review! I appreciate it loads. AGH done. The monster of all review responses. =]]] I dont mind though since you all made an effort to review I should at least make one back! Annyway. I cant tellll you how much I appreciate each and every comment and story feedback. I love you guysss, in a non creepass way. <3 Until then, James <3 (Sorry for typos I did this fast so I could update sooner. Also, I did away with commas because they kept forming boxes instead.) Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 3, 2011 Author Report Posted February 3, 2011 (edited) I'm typing the chapter, really! But I just was looking at hot guys, and I saw the perfect Alexios. I thought you'd like to see someone I thought fitting. =] Im off to finish that chapter! Alexios Alexios 2 Alexios 3 Edited February 3, 2011 by YourFaceKillsMe Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 7, 2011 Author Report Posted February 7, 2011 Responses: MiriuOniaya= Thanks so much for the review! I am glad you’re enjoying the story. Glad you are enjoying the husbands too =] They’re some of my favorite characters I’ve written. Thanks again! Techno-Ninja= I loved your review, it totally made my day. =] I know I already thanked you, but I wanted to reiterate my thanks! I’m definitely going to look for a beta, I really do need one. My problem is that when I’m done writing it and read it over-my brain just reads it as I still think it should be more than what it says. If I can’t find one, I’ll definitely edit more! I’m pleased you like Cailean too. I like characters with flaws because they’re more realistic I think. Thanks again so much for the amazing review! I appreciate it a lot. =] Kayya= Haha, Cai really does need some cuddling. There’ll be chapters later with cuddling. =] I don’t know if you meant to make a funny but I totally giggled over “Khaos started it” Just reminded me of when you’re little and petulant and your only reason is to say “But he/she started it!” =] Thanks so much for your review! I hope you enjoyed the update! NekoSinn= Thanks for taking the time to review, I appreciate it a lot! So actually James’ name was supposed to be either Jaemas or Jae, but when I was writing I kept thinking, this man is the Leader of a massive enterprise. SO, If he has this hard name to say/spell, it wouldn’t be very easy for him. So, I stuck with James. Thanks so much for your opinion though, I really appreciated it a lot. MustLove_PrettyBoys= Thanks for the review! Ah, the spot in his mind is more related to his Mate bond, but there is also a little bit more to it as well. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. CharredK= Aww. I’d update even if wasn’t doing so well haha. Well, I might have scratched the story if NO one liked it, but I’d still update it even if I had just one or two readers. =] I am so glad you’re enjoying it! I hope it lives up to your expectations (the update!) Thanks so much for the review! I truly appreciate your support xD Gslinger= I laughed a bit if only because Chapter 5 was the longest one I’ve written. I am so sorry to everyone about the font! When I uploaded it under the new format it messed up all my chapters so I went through and fixed all of them. Not thinking *facepalm* I put the font under 12 instead of 14-16. I apologize for that. There will be sex scenes like that….just not for a few chapters. XD Sorry. Thanks for the review though. Maybe I’ll upload some oneshots. Sayoko= Aww I loved your review! I am really glad you’re enjoying it. Sorry, it wasn’t in five seconds. But, better than months right? Also, coffee will be back in the story again probably. I love coffee and it always shows up in my stories because I’m usually thinking about it haha. Actually, it is sometimes confusing. Usually I go by Jamesy and he goes by James, but sometimes people who don’t know us well make us both so confused. Thanks again for the review! Dekorx= Hello again, and thanks for the second review! Haha, I’m sorry for making you think I had updated instead of just edited. I really am a ditzball because I was like O_. when I found the name James in my story. It was a little embarrassing hahah. I’m with you about remembering stuff. I still haven’t made character references and I am constantly rechecking. I should make them before I get even further along, buuut if I take the time to make them all I take out of writing time… I have the same problem, even my stick figures look like infant scribbles. I will keep looking for the other characters though. Alexios was a really awesome find! Except for the hair being just a tad bit darker than Alexios’ that was exactly what I was envisioning. Haha, Cailean is probably thinking about cuddling or his husbands. Or cuddling…with his husbands. =]] Anyway, I’m glad you like my story enough to daydream about it xD Thanks again! <333 Dreamer27= Hello! Thanks for taking the time to review! I appreciate it a lot! I am glad you’re enjoying the POV things. I am not a huge fan of writing multiple views, if only because I hate reading them, so I tend not to write it too much. But. I will do snippets of POV changes depending on the scene. I hope that’s okay with you. =] Thanks again! I hope you enjoy the updates! Anon= Thanks for the review! I appreciate it a lot! Ahh. Well I didn’t mean to use the name, I truly didn’t. It was a total accident. It fits his character though I think. His Aunt is such a cunt. I really like writing her character because she’s one of those characters you love to hate. Ahh the husbands aren’t too bad, you’ll see eventually. =] And, Pete will be back, but Cailean probably won’t be working. I’ll update asap. Thanks again! Divanora= Haha, It was a total accident. I honestly didn’t even realize James was in there. My nick name is Jamesy and my boyfriend goes by James so it’s a bit easier. I don’t think they’ll be Gary Sues! I hope not. Plus, none of these characters are like me or my boyfriend, so it’s all good. Thanks so much for your review! I appreciate it. ^^ 1likerice= Thanks for the review! Glad you’re intrigued, I’ll update asap. Thanks! L.S.= Know you said I didn’t have to answer this, but I couldn’t not haha. I really love that picture of the man who looks like my character! I was so glad to find it. Plus, it’d not be much fun writing sex scenes with penis swords. =] Thanks again! <3 NightRoseFox= I’m glad you’ve stuck with it too! =] Ahh man, haha, I’m not really anything like any of these characters. I’m super sarcastic, and that kid who pokes the sleeping tiger with a stick. My characters are sadly not at all like that. I’ve written characters who were more like my personality but I’m kind of a little monster. At least with my boyfriend anyway. XD I normally write at the least 15pages a day. But my problem is I wrote other stories too so sometimes I spend more time on a certain story more. I don’t have much of a muse. Well, if I do, it’s my boyfriend and his git personality xD I hope you don’t mind I emailed you the chapter update last night. O_o I realized it may have been really creepy. After your second review though I couldn’t help but email it to you. Hope you enjoyed the update! <3 Thanks so much for the reviews! <33 Carissa= Sorry I ended it there, but I wanted the next chapter to be a new start. I’ll answer those questions in the next chapter xD I’ll update soon! Thanks for the review! Eatmorefish= Wow, thanks for the awesome review! I am so pleased that you’re enjoying my story. Cailean is my best character I think, because he isn’t perfect and he is strong but he doesn’t know it. So he’s cute too but he also doesn’t know, he’s totally the Eeyore here xD I think you’re the only one who really noticed the layers. I mean the story isn’t “heavy or dark” but it’s really not as light hearted as I think most people think it is. xD If you ever want to ask me something you don’t understand feel free! I’ll try and answer it as best as I can without giving something away. Either review, or through the forums, or email, or even on yim. I mean only if you want. I totally am sorry about the small font thing. A mess up on my part when I was editing. Thanks so so so much for the awesome review! I love your name by the way. I love love fish. Sushi is my favorite thing everrrr. Hope you enjoy the coming updates! Love, James XD Sen_Nightshade= Thanks for the review! I giggled a little at your review. I’m glad you liked it! I was worried it’d come off as odd. I promise to answer your questions in the next chapter! Which should be updated either tonight sometime or early Monday morning*anywhere from 12am to 3am* I am going to do a Mpreg spin off story probably when I get more through the story and move involved in their relationships. I don’t want to give anything about the main story away so maybe in a few more chapters. Thanks again so much for the review, I appreciate it so much! Anon= Hello! Thanks for the review! I can’t tell you what his Form is because it’d kill the surprise xD But I’ll be updating soon I promise. Although, Cailean wasn’t so much scary as he wasn’t sure how Cailean would re-act to his meaniebutt hubby hugging him. Thanks again! <33 Moonloveless= Thanks for the review! Well the age doesn’t have anything to really do with it. They’re all between the ages of 20-30, I’ll post their ages when I post the Character sketches. They’re just taking me awhile sorry. Ahh there wont be Mpreg in the main story but I am going to write a spinoff with mpreg in it. In this story it’d mess up a few things if I made it Mpreg. Thanks for the review! Susan= Hello! Thanks for the review! I loved it. Maël really isn’t as bad as he comes off as. He’s kind of just a kitten with very sharp claws extended. I should update before tomorrow! I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I’m touched you were so effected by the story. I hope you enjoy the coming update! Thanks again so much! nivell= Thanks for the review! I appreciate it =] Also, that picture does kind of remind me of Maël a bit, only Colton has a bit less of a cherubic face than what I was thinking. But, still could see it. =] Glad you like their animal forms, I’ll have to pass that on to my friend who found/edited them. Thanks so much for the review! Hope you enjoy the next update! Anon= Ahh, well one of them is a wolf. And personally, I love both wolves and big cats. But his Form could be that of a gleaming, slick Tiger and they still aren’t going to love him overnight. Its not something his Form is going to fix, it something that will only come with time. Haha, honestly, I haven’t ever read yaoi, even though I’m gay. So, I cant say that I know what the norm would be. But, I hope you do enjoy the next update! Passing Reader= Hello! You made it! X] And, its okay! I understand that! So many authors seem to give up on their stories before they even get going, so I can understand wanting to know the author willl update. All the hubbys will get spotlight time soon. Thanks for the review, I am glad you are enjoying the story! Means a lot to me! <33 1likerice= I will try to update ASAP. I’ll answer those questions soon! And, his name I pronounce it Kay-Lin, but I don’t speak Gaelic so I’m not sure…I can look it up. xD Glad you’re enjoying it! Thanks so much for the review! L.S.= It was a bit intense, especially compared to my other chapters. Pokemon LOL. Sorry, I can honestly say he isn’t a chinchilla. They are kind of complex, they’ve all got quirks. But, I’ll explain soon, why. Thanks for the review! Ceedee= I can’t say yet! The path thing was his Changing. Because he waited so long, he had formed or had put on him by someone else a mental Block. It’s basically something that retards or stops him from Changing. Changing is Very painful when it’s not done when young. I’ll explain more in the future. Thanks for the review! Dekorx_Ao= I just have high standards for my writing, so when I think its off, I can’t stop thinking it is. I am glad you liked it though! I’m updating soon though, promise! And, then you’ll have answers! Also, he’s not a celiac. He had an intolerance of wheat/gluten, that the Dr. told him about, and he just gave it up. When you have an intolerance and then stop eating it, eating it again can have the same effect as a Massive allergy. I actually eat gluten free too, and thought it’d be fun to throw in the story. Actually, most granola bars&Honey nut cheerios don’t have wheat in them! Theyre made from oats, which aren’t bad. xD Preetty neat, huh? Thanks again for the review! Sorry it’s a bit less in depth, I’m writing the new chapter right now so I stopped in the middle to answer reviews. xD Itrasheditgood= Very true! I just normally update sooner, and I like to get it done so I was like ACK. I am a little shocked at how long some authors take to update. Like, do they digest their writing or soemthinggg? O_o But, hey, I also LOVE writing, so it could just be I’m an anomaly. Thanks for the review! Glad you’re liking it. Violetta Valery= Cailean and his hubbys really have some issues, but they’ll get fixed with time. They all are very territorial, and Cailean’s kind of a bumbling, cute Klutz. =] Anyway! I am glad you’re enjoying the story! Thanks so so so much for the review! I appreciate it! Susan= I am glad you liked the animal forms! I will definitely pass that along to my friend who found and edited them! Thanks! <333 Thanks to all my silent readers, and all my Reviewers! I appreciate all of you immensely! Love you all! Sorry if there are typos, my Micro Word is sticky tonight, it keeps bumping format. Sorry! Until then, Jamesy Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 7, 2011 Author Report Posted February 7, 2011 (edited) ZOMGO I DID IT. If you knew how daunting this task was to me…you’d appreciate it immensely. 1.] I will start with James. a.] He is 29 years old. His birthday is April 1, 1982. b.] He’s an Aries and a Dragon. c.] He’s the Oldest and only child from the Raymes family. d.] His description from the story. “He had black hair, and by black I mean the true absence of any remote color. It was inky in its colorless glow, and it was cropped close to his head, with just enough to shag over his ears. His eyes were an unnatural icy blue, outlined by the most strikingly deep blue, and they were stunningly vibrant as he glowered at me” e.] Likes reading any newspaper or magazine in reach. Prefers non fiction over fiction, but adores humorous memoirs. f.] Likes Summer and winter, hates spring. g.] Favorite foods are sushi, anything Italian or Greek, and has a secret love for Peanut butter and fluff. h.] He is 6’3. He has an athletic build. Played tennis, basketball, and was on the swim team all through school. i.] Haven’t said yet what his Form is. xD 2.] Alexios a.] He is 27 years old. His birthday is November 19, 1984. b.] He is a Scorpio and a Pig. c.] He has fours sisters and two brothers. His maiden name was Alexios Cato Tranx. d.] His description from the story. “His hair was so white blonde it was practically white, and it gave off an ethereal halo. His eyes were a deep indigo blue, so dark and yet so bright in their own way. His eyes were wide, his nose was slim yet had an aristocratic look. The mouth was small, yet his lips were soft and very pink.” e.] Loves fiction, hates newspapers. Not much a reader though. Prefers to be doing something. f.] Loves Fall. Hates winter. g.] Fave foods are meat, any kind of meat, Greek food, and anything spicy. h.] He is 6’2 and very in shape. i.] His Form is a Snow Leopard. 3.] Caderyn a.] He is 21. His birthday is March 14th, 1990. b.] He is a Pisces and a Rabbit. c.] He has one brother, but is estranged from his family. His maiden name was Caderyn Mattias Nannon. d.] Story description “He had short brown hair, and cute angular faces. However, Caderyn has wavy hair, and his eyes were a chocolate brown.” Also, he has a cherubic face, a plump bottom lip, and a thin upper lip. He has a button nose, and his eyes are wide and thick lashed e.] Loves reading anything he can get a hold of. Loves his pets, and is always active. Plays the violin and piano fluently. f.] Loves Spring. Indifferent about other seasons. g.] Fave foods are meat and fish, and vegetables. Obsessed with veggies. Also, loves cake and sweets. h.] He is 5’6 i.] His Form is an Asiatic Golden Cat. 4.] Riagán a.] He’s 24. His birthday is May 3rd, 1988. b.] He is a Taurus and a Snake. c.] Has four sisters and one brother. His maiden name was Riagán Dwyn Dillots. d.] Story description “He had long hair, it stretched down to his shoulders, and what shocked me a little was the color. It was purple, and not like some oh my god holy shit what happened to your hair purple. It was glossy, and shiny, and such a gorgeous shade or purple that I couldn’t help but stare at it in awe.” He has an aristocratic nose and high cheekbones. His lips are soft and pink and thin. e.] Huge bibliophile. He and Abbán practically live in the library. f.] Loves Winter. g.]Favorite foods are fish, tofu, sushi, and anything with lots of salt and spice. h.] He is 5’11. i.] His Form is still not told yet. =] Cat though. 5.] Abbán a.] He’s 26. His birthday is January 29th, 1986. b.] He is an Aquarius and a Tiger. c.] He has three brothers. His maiden name was Abbán Ailín Champyon. d.] Story Description “Abbán had black hair, a little longer than James’ but not by much. He had soft brown eyes, which contrasted with the tight set of his lips.” He has pale pouty lips and a thin but perfectly shaped nose. e.] Biggest reader of the family. Is huge intellectual person. f.] Loves Fall and Summer. g.] Favorite foods are anything foreign and exotic. Especially Asian and Greek. h.] He is 6’. i.] His form is of a Black Panther. 6.] Maël a.] He’s 20 years old. His birthday is July 21st, 1991. b.] He is a Cancer and a Goat. c.] He has two sisters but not really close. Maiden name is Maël Ainsley Sutton. d.] Story Description “Maël had straight brown hair that fell into his eyes, and his eyes were a gorgeous yellow brown topaz color.” He has a rugged haw line, and high cheekbones. His lips are small, but soft and has a perfect cupids bow. e.] Reads more cartoons and funny books. Gets bored easily. Prefers to draw/paint/doodle f.] Loves all the seasons and the activities that come with all. g.] He is a huge health nut and doesn’t eat anything store bought. Enjoys cultural food as well. Likes Indian and Chinese. h.] He is 5’3. i.] His form is a Eurasian Lynx. 7.] Khaos a.] He is 28. His birthday is July 27th, 1983. b.] He is a Leo and Monkey. c.] He has one sister and one brother. His maiden name was Khaos Aohd Banden. d.] Story descriptions. “A cat as big as a small horse that was so red he glowed, and his eyes were such a pure gray that he gave off a possessed demon presence” His human part is quite similar. He has long red wavy hair which he normally braids back. High cheekbones off set by sharp edged jaw line. It was an angular face that was both exotic and intoxicating. e.] Prefers to read detective books or horror. He likes Manuals, and would rather tinker around in the garage or in the kitchen. f.] Likes Summer best. He sprawls around outside in his Form, soaking up the sun. g.] Fave foods. Meat, red meat best. Loves Fruit loops and cheese cake. Prefers anything home made as long as it’s got good taste. h.] He is 6’4. i.] His form is a Royal Bengal Tiger. 8.] Fáelán a.] He is 25. His birthday is September 9th, 1986. b.] He’s a Virgo and a Rooster. c.] Only child. Maiden name was Fáelán Noah Vastilles. d.] Story Description. “Fáelán had gorgeous hair. It was a strawberry blonde, but by strawberry blonde I literally meant that he had pink and blonde hair. It was short and curly, and hung around his head in disarray. He had a pouty bottom lip, and a thin upper lip, and he was the only one who smiled at me, show casing two small but adorable dimples.” e.] Reads when he’s in the mood. Prefers to play music, or write. He is more of a home body, preferring to spend time with one of his husbands than do much else. Is obsessed with racing. Horses, cars, bikes. Anything. f.] Loves Fall. He loves to run through the woods and hunt during the brisk weather. g.] Fave foods are fresh kills. He loves anything that fills his belly. Not really picky. h.] He is 6’7. i.] He is a massive Blonde/Pink Wolf. 9.] Cailean a.] He is 19. His birthday is June 1st, 1992. b.] He is a Gemini and a Horse. c.] Only child, parents deceased. His name was Cailean Gus Parks. d.] Story Descriptions. “He’s just so exotic. His eyes are a low colored blue, residual from the pain of falling, yet quickly changing to the gray of confusion. Cai’s hair is so unusual yet beautiful. The colors were so unique. A mixture of brown, white, grey, and black, yet intermingled so complex that it almost appeared to be the coat of a mountain wolf. Yet, when he moved his head, chunks of his hair would separate and show how the hair was sectioned by chunks of color. My gaze lowered down to his mouth and I felt a slight pang of wont go through me. He had a small bow shaped mouth, with very pink lips, and a full bottom lip that practically begged for someone to suck on it. And his body wasn’t bad either. Sure, he wasn’t the most fit kid but he wasn’t swamped down with fat rolls either. He was plump, portly even, but not fat. Probably his best asset was his ass. Gods, it was so cute and round, and perfectly shaped…” Also, his eye color changes depending on his emotions. e.] Loves to read anything. Prefers Dickens and Doyle. Loves Classics. f.] Loves all the seasons. Doesn’t have a preference. g.] Loves sushi. Hates wheat/gluten. He isn’t picky on eating, just has to eat specially due to Diabetes and having Intolerance to Wheat. h.] He is around 5’4-5’6. i.] His form is a ______ (to edit soon) I will add more info as I remember it. Got to check my Character Folders. Hope you enjoy! Edited February 8, 2011 by YourFaceKillsMe Quote
Guest AnObserver Posted February 8, 2011 Report Posted February 8, 2011 I am confused. You say Mael is 20 and born in July of 1991, but Cai is 19 and born in June of 1991. Doesn't June come before July? So shouldn't Cai be the older one? Quote
Guest kayya Posted February 8, 2011 Report Posted February 8, 2011 On 2/8/2011 at 12:48 AM, AnObserver said: I am confused. You say Mael is 20 and born in July of 1991, but Cai is 19 and born in June of 1991. Doesn't June come before July? So shouldn't Cai be the older one? I think he meant for Cai's year to be 1992 because 1991 is the year of the goat which would make Mael's year right. Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 8, 2011 Author Report Posted February 8, 2011 On 2/8/2011 at 12:48 AM, AnObserver said: I am confused. You say Mael is 20 and born in July of 1991, but Cai is 19 and born in June of 1991. Doesn't June come before July? So shouldn't Cai be the older one? Sorry it was a typo. Cai's birth year was supposed to be 1992, I accidentally typed 1991. Cailean's the youngest. Quote
Guest AnObserver Posted February 8, 2011 Report Posted February 8, 2011 Don't apologize! Have you read my reviews? I think there was like 50 typos in the first one alone. And it was just a few paragraphs! I was just really excited to see ages and then noticed an inconsistency and I wanted to know where the mistake was. Was Cai really older than Mael? Was Mael born in '90? Was Cai born in '92? Thank you very much in clearing it up! So, is this story set a year from now in our time (2012)? Cause that's what the ages seem to point at. Quote
SayokoHime Posted February 8, 2011 Report Posted February 8, 2011 On 2/8/2011 at 5:48 AM, YourFaceKillsMe said: Sorry it was a typo. Cai's birth year was supposed to be 1992, I accidentally typed 1991. Cailean's the youngest. Awww, that makes him younger then me. Well I guess there's only Mael born my year.... Which I didn't notice till it was pointed out. Btw, with my inconsistency in names, you don't know which review I am. I'm Sayoko, and I was thinking of changing the name.... But I don't feel like it. Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Posted February 9, 2011 On 2/8/2011 at 5:01 PM, AnObserver said: Don't apologize! Have you read my reviews? I think there was like 50 typos in the first one alone. And it was just a few paragraphs! I was just really excited to see ages and then noticed an inconsistency and I wanted to know where the mistake was. Was Cai really older than Mael? Was Mael born in '90? Was Cai born in '92? Thank you very much in clearing it up! So, is this story set a year from now in our time (2012)? Cause that's what the ages seem to point at. Haha, The only one I really noticed was your fools/follows, but I don't think I saw the others. Hey, I just wanted to let you know I totally appreciate your in depth reviews! I know some others thought they came off really rude/nit picky but I really appreciated them a lot. I'm typing up my review responses but they're taking me a little while because I'm easily distracted. Just wanted to let you know real quick though. Anyway. Oh right. Yep. I calculated it as being 2012 (for some reason I keep thinking it is already 2012) and so I decided to just write it as in the present but the present is 2012. Although, technically this part of the story is the past, so we can say it's 2011 in the story now....xD Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Posted February 9, 2011 On 2/8/2011 at 6:47 PM, Luraji said: Awww, that makes him younger then me. Well I guess there's only Mael born my year.... Which I didn't notice till it was pointed out. Btw, with my inconsistency in names, you don't know which review I am. I'm Sayoko, and I was thinking of changing the name.... But I don't feel like it. I recognized you as soon as you said the age thing. Sorry, he's younger xD I like both of your names, btw. Quote
Guest AnObserver Posted February 9, 2011 Report Posted February 9, 2011 Ahh. You're so sweet! Thanks for taking the time out to tell me (seriously, I don't know how you do all of this)! I really love your story. I have it permanently up in a tab and check on it periodically. I feel all stalker-ish! I think some of the reaction I got was like Cael. They like your story so much, and then by osmosis, they like you, and they get defensive when they feel you are being attacked. So they went all protective on me. Says how good your work is. Anyway, if I ever go too far or you're sick of me nitpicking on you, just tell me. I'll shut up, I swear! Have a great day! Happy writing! Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Posted February 9, 2011 Responses: Janx= Glad you’re enjoying the story! The library is one of my favorite parts of the mansion too. The bookshelf stairs…*melts* Thanks for reviewing! I appreciate it! NightRoseFox= Ooh, I don’t know who that may have been. *innocent face* I am thinking of starting a mailing list actually, so if you’d like me to add you to it… I could. Well I’m gad this story is holding your interest. I think that’s a good thing x] Actually, I have this one story I’m writing that I have to admit, the character is scarily like me, without it being intentional. I just haven’t posted it because well I don’t know why. Ahh Maël, haha, he’s such a crazy fun character because he’s such such a Cancer*horoscope* I’m glad you liked that description! I’m not a big fan of silence, can you tell? =] I hope you continue to enjoy the story and that it continues to pique your interest. Thanks so much for the review, I enjoyed it a lot xD Sorry for being a creepy stalker authour. *facepalm* I admitted it. It was me! Aoe= Haha, I’m glad you liked the update! Aww, I’m sorry you have to spend an entire day working/researching. That absolutely sucks. I hate days like that. Haha, yes you made #100! I can’t believe how well my story is doing, I really thought it’d bomb in the first days. Thanks again for the reviews! Anon= Ah Cai’s form is of an Ocelot. xD It’s one of my favoritest small Big Cats. I did think of making him a wolf but the Ocelot call was greater. I’ll ask her to. Or I’ll upload the pictures I used as a reference for his description. Thanks for the review! I appreciate it a lot! <3 Seiri= Maël really is a sweet man at heart, he’s just really possessive/protective of his family. I answered what he looked like in Chapter 7. He’s an Ocelot, and they’re stunning. Some of his appearance will change since the Block on his Form had caused a lot of his problems. But, not over night. =]] Ahh, his Aunt is an antagonist in the story, but not the main one. She’s more of a background problem for Cai. She will definitely be popping up again soon though! =] SecretQuill= Thanks! Glad you’re liking it! Eien_no_Ren= Ahh yes I wondered if people might get confused about that. His changing was so painful because they are meant to change when they are young. The older they get without changing the harder the change is. It’s like a 1 out of 200 Changelings that doesn’t change before 18. Ah yes. It depends too though on the blood sugar thing. They tend to run low into the doubles only, but some pure blood Noemadas have naturally high blood sugar, somewhere in the 200s. His was too high though. He needs his to be around 80-100. I’m glad you’re enjoying this! I hope you enjoy the update. =] Midnightsscream= Hey there! Ah, well no he didn’t always have a tail and cat ears xD A Block is just what it sounds like really. I’ll write more about them in the future chapters. I like the bond they have because they can’t always help but want to help him/protect him. I’m glad you’re liking it! I’ll try to update as regularly as possible! NightRoseFox= LOL. My boyfriend has a shirt with the saying about Stopping Anorexia One Piece of Cake at a time. I never heard the floor&ninja one! I totally giggled like a school girl over that. Thanks for sharing with me! <3 Nymph Nyx= Thanks so much for the review! I’m happy you’re enjoying the story! Sayoko= Heyy x] He’s an Ocelot. I can tell you since I already updated xD I’m glad you’re finding it exciting! Aww I’m sorry he ended up being born 1992. At least Maël is a 1991. xD Hope you enjoy the update! *and you don’t squeal in front of yer sister! ^^* Fallout-Angel= Hah, they definitely do need sensitivity training ASAP. Ah, he’s a mix between small and big, but he’s way way adorable. And, his eyes, hmm, it’s a mutation of his breeding. But, I’ll bring it up in the story. I really do sometimes forget that people actually CANT see inside my head. xD Thanks for the review! <3 Susan= Thanks so much for the review xD I have to admit though I don’t mind constructive criticism too much. I appreciate it because it really helps me as a writer, to grow. I mean, heck, I know I’m not perfect. x] I think that AnObserver didn’t mean to come off as rude/nit picky so much as telling me what they would do in my shoes and trying to help me with pointing out my flaws/good points. I’m glad you’re enjoying the way I am writing it though! I tend to start my stories in a weird way, because I normally write in a way I’d like to read if I was a reader. I do have most of it planned out in my head, but a large part of it is still floating in my subconscious throwing popcorn at me and laughing. xD I am so glad you’re enjoying the updates! I hope you enjoy the new chapter! nivell= No, I don’t mind at all. It’s something for some odd reason I do a lot. I think it’s because in my head when I’m writing I am thinking of the character doing/saying it, so I tend to think of it backwards, and accidentally write it. It rarely even sticks out to me much now because I am so used to seeing it. I remember in 12th grade my teacher made us write a fifty page short story as our final project, and her most cross outs were exactly that. You’d think I’d learn huh? I’ll definitely keep it in mind though, sorry about that. I’ll definitely keep it in mind. *writes a note* Also, I totally understand about the Main Character thing. I think I need to incorporate more of them into the story. I didn’t want to just jump randomly into a different POV until I had Cai where I wanted him, but then I realized I was making them 2D instead of 3D. So I apologize for that. I mean, honestly, no one wants to read about flat boring characters. I’ll definitely try to throw more of their personalities out there. I’m not saying this as an excuse but I have to wait awhile before editing because I could read it backwards/forwards/sideways and my brain won’t see the typo/grammar error. I have to wait at least a few days, or else my brain skips right over it. For example, I read every chapter at least 10 times before uploading it, and for some reason I still can never see them. Then I upload it, and the next morning I am like How did I miss that it’s blaringly obvious!? So. I will definitely spend more time editing then. I guess more time editing, less time writing. =] Sorry for the long arse review answer. Ayamxam= Thanks for the review! I appreciate it. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. I’ll try to update soon! Kayya= I’ll definitely post a few soon! Yeah, Guard was kind of an asss. And yeah, Lee is such a slimeball guy. Thanks for taking the time to review! I appreciate it! <333 Sen_Nightshade= haha, were you surprised? I adore Ocelots! Someday when I’m rich *ha ha ha ha this means never* I am totally buying a $20,000 Ocelot. They are sold by some Breeders, but I’d never purchase one illegally*putting it out there!* I’m glad you liked him! I hope I didn’t make him too kitten-y but I figured it’d be like a newborn baby since he wasn’t used to it. LOL I love Motorcycles, can you tell? I threw the names of the cycles out there, and just called the car Flash cars. I will name them eventually buut, I have to do some research on the names first. Glad you liked the POV changes! I will definitely try and do some more! Thanks for the review! I appreciate it always <3 Anon= Thanks for the review! I don’t think they meant to come off as rude though. I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! I hope you enjoy the coming updates! Gslinger= Howdy again. x] Maybe Cai will talk somedaaay. Then again maybe not. It’s like…a 50/50! I’m so dense, that was a no brainer there. Anyway. I’m glad you’re like kitty Cai, and I am thrilled you’re enjoying the story in general. Thanks so much for the review, I’ll write as fast as I can. =] Midnightsscream= Thanks for taking the time to review! I always appreciate it a lot. Cailean is really too cute for his own oblivious good. =] Aren’t they just the most precious thing ever??? I adore Ocelots. Ocicats are cute too. He’ll definitely be going through adaptations soon. Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. =]]] CharredK= SQUEE I’m glad you liked it! XD I’m with you on the Cailean needing Spoiling! He’s destitute in lovage. And it’s totally okay! I’m grateful you left one at all! I’ll definitely update ASAP. Thanks so much for the review! <33 Sae= Thanks for taking the time to review! I’m glad you’re liking the story! It is actually harder for me to remember to put dialogue in! Sometimes I forget and I’m like Um James, this is getting booooorrrinnnnggg. I’m glad you think I’m balancing it well. It helps to hear what the readers think! Thanks again! Ym= Thanks for the review! Thrilled that you’re enjoying it! Thanks again! Deathsangel= Thanks for the review! I’m glad you like the Form thing. There will definitely be more of them in their Forms soon. I promise. I adore Ocelots, probably why he became one! Haha. Anyway, thanks again so much! I hope you enjoy the coming updates! Thanks to allllll my reviewers and silent readers! I appreciate each and every single one of you! Thanks for the support&I loooove you all! <33 ^^ [[AnObserver I’m doing a separate post to answer yours because it’ll probably be loonnng x] ]] Quote
yourfacekillsme Posted February 9, 2011 Author Report Posted February 9, 2011 Hey! I was in the middle of responding to the last few Reviewers when my friend emailed me these. I just uploaded them and thought I'd share! I adore them. These are all her Manips. of Cailean's Form. She couldn't pick just one so she did multiple. Cailean 1 Cailean 2 Cailean 3 Cailean 4 Kitten Cailean cuute Quote
Guest NightRoseFox Posted February 9, 2011 Report Posted February 9, 2011 Just to let you know, while you got the western zodiacs right the eastern/Chinese are wrong. Please don't mind, but I corrected them below, by each name. You have to remember that the Chinese year is not the same as ours. Usually it starts any where from late January to middle February, and ends the same as well. I could even give you information about how both signs affect the personality of each person, and if they are metal, wood, water, fire, or earth. 1.] I will start with James. a.] He is 29 years old. His birthday is April 1, 1982. b.] He’s an Aries and a Dragon. (Rooster: Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983) c.] He’s the Oldest and only child from the Raymes family. d.] His description from the story. “He had black hair, and by black I mean the true absence of any remote color. It was inky in its colorless glow, and it was cropped close to his head, with just enough to shag over his ears. His eyes were an unnatural icy blue, outlined by the most strikingly deep blue, and they were stunningly vibrant as he glowered at me” e.] Likes reading any newspaper or magazine in reach. Prefers non fiction over fiction, but adores humorous memoirs. f.] Likes Summer and winter, hates spring. g.] Favorite foods are sushi, anything Italian or Greek, and has a secret love for Peanut butter and fluff. h.] He is 6’3. He has an athletic build. Played tennis, basketball, and was on the swim team all through school. i.] Haven’t said yet what his Form is. xD 2.] Alexios a.] He is 27 years old. His birthday is November 19, 1984. b.] He is a Scorpio and a Pig. (Rat: Feb.02,1984 to Feb.19,1985) c.] He has fours sisters and two brothers. His maiden name was Alexios Cato Tranx. d.] His description from the story. “His hair was so white blonde it was practically white, and it gave off an ethereal halo. His eyes were a deep indigo blue, so dark and yet so bright in their own way. His eyes were wide, his nose was slim yet had an aristocratic look. The mouth was small, yet his lips were soft and very pink.” e.] Loves fiction, hates newspapers. Not much a reader though. Prefers to be doing something. f.] Loves Fall. Hates winter. g.] Fave foods are meat, any kind of meat, Greek food, and anything spicy. h.] He is 6’2 and very in shape. i.] His Form is a Snow Leopard. 3.] Caderyn a.] He is 21. His birthday is March 14th, 1990. b.] He is a Pisces and a Rabbit. (Horse: Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991) c.] He has one brother, but is estranged from his family. His maiden name was Caderyn Mattias Nannon. d.] Story description “He had short brown hair, and cute angular faces. However, Caderyn has wavy hair, and his eyes were a chocolate brown.” Also, he has a cherubic face, a plump bottom lip, and a thin upper lip. He has a button nose, and his eyes are wide and thick lashed e.] Loves reading anything he can get a hold of. Loves his pets, and is always active. Plays the violin and piano fluently. f.] Loves Spring. Indifferent about other seasons. g.] Fave foods are meat and fish, and vegetables. Obsessed with veggies. Also, loves cake and sweets. h.] He is 5’6 i.] His Form is an Asiatic Golden Cat. 4.] Riagán a.] He’s 24. His birthday is May 3rd, 1988. b.] He is a Taurus and a Snake. (Dragon: Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989) c.] Has four sisters and one brother. His maiden name was Riagán Dwyn Dillots. d.] Story description “He had long hair, it stretched down to his shoulders, and what shocked me a little was the color. It was purple, and not like some oh my god holy shit what happened to your hair purple. It was glossy, and shiny, and such a gorgeous shade or purple that I couldn’t help but stare at it in awe.” He has an aristocratic nose and high cheekbones. His lips are soft and pink and thin. e.] Huge bibliophile. He and Abbán practically live in the library. f.] Loves Winter. g.]Favorite foods are fish, tofu, sushi, and anything with lots of salt and spice. h.] He is 5’11. i.] His Form is still not told yet. =] Cat though. 5.] Abbán a.] He’s 26. His birthday is January 29th, 1986. b.] He is an Aquarius and a Tiger. (This one is right.) c.] He has three brothers. His maiden name was Abbán Ailín Champyon. d.] Story Description “Abbán had black hair, a little longer than James’ but not by much. He had soft brown eyes, which contrasted with the tight set of his lips.” He has pale pouty lips and a thin but perfectly shaped nose. e.] Biggest reader of the family. Is huge intellectual person. f.] Loves Fall and Summer. g.] Favorite foods are anything foreign and exotic. Especially Asian and Greek. h.] He is 6’. i.] His form is of a Black Panther. 6.] Maël a.] He’s 20 years old. His birthday is July 21st, 1991. b.] He is a Cancer and a Goat. (Sheep: Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992) c.] He has two sisters but not really close. Maiden name is Maël Ainsley Sutton. d.] Story Description “Maël had straight brown hair that fell into his eyes, and his eyes were a gorgeous yellow brown topaz color.” He has a rugged haw line, and high cheekbones. His lips are small, but soft and has a perfect cupids bow. e.] Reads more cartoons and funny books. Gets bored easily. Prefers to draw/paint/doodle f.] Loves all the seasons and the activities that come with all. g.] He is a huge health nut and doesn’t eat anything store bought. Enjoys cultural food as well. Likes Indian and Chinese. h.] He is 5’3. i.] His form is a Eurasian Lynx. 7.] Khaos a.] He is 28. His birthday is July 27th, 1983. b.] He is a Leo and Monkey. (Rooster: Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994) c.] He has one sister and one brother. His maiden name was Khaos Aohd Banden. d.] Story descriptions. “A cat as big as a small horse that was so red he glowed, and his eyes were such a pure gray that he gave off a possessed demon presence” His human part is quite similar. He has long red wavy hair which he normally braids back. High cheekbones off set by sharp edged jaw line. It was an angular face that was both exotic and intoxicating. e.] Prefers to read detective books or horror. He likes Manuals, and would rather tinker around in the garage or in the kitchen. f.] Likes Summer best. He sprawls around outside in his Form, soaking up the sun. g.] Fave foods. Meat, red meat best. Loves Fruit loops and cheese cake. Prefers anything home made as long as it’s got good taste. h.] He is 6’4. i.] His form is a Royal Bengal Tiger. 8.] Fáelán a.] He is 25. His birthday is September 9th, 1986. b.] He’s a Virgo and a Rooster. (Tiger: Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987) c.] Only child. Maiden name was Fáelán Noah Vastilles. d.] Story Description. “Fáelán had gorgeous hair. It was a strawberry blonde, but by strawberry blonde I literally meant that he had pink and blonde hair. It was short and curly, and hung around his head in disarray. He had a pouty bottom lip, and a thin upper lip, and he was the only one who smiled at me, show casing two small but adorable dimples.” e.] Reads when he’s in the mood. Prefers to play music, or write. He is more of a home body, preferring to spend time with one of his husbands than do much else. Is obsessed with racing. Horses, cars, bikes. Anything. f.] Loves Fall. He loves to run through the woods and hunt during the brisk weather. g.] Fave foods are fresh kills. He loves anything that fills his belly. Not really picky. h.] He is 6’7. i.] He is a massive Blonde/Pink Wolf. 9.] Cailean a.] He is 19. His birthday is June 1st, 1992. b.] He is a Gemini and a Horse. (Monkey: Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993) c.] Only child, parents deceased. His name was Cailean Gus Parks. d.] Story Descriptions. “He’s just so exotic. His eyes are a low colored blue, residual from the pain of falling, yet quickly changing to the gray of confusion. Cai’s hair is so unusual yet beautiful. The colors were so unique. A mixture of brown, white, grey, and black, yet intermingled so complex that it almost appeared to be the coat of a mountain wolf. Yet, when he moved his head, chunks of his hair would separate and show how the hair was sectioned by chunks of color. My gaze lowered down to his mouth and I felt a slight pang of wont go through me. He had a small bow shaped mouth, with very pink lips, and a full bottom lip that practically begged for someone to suck on it. And his body wasn’t bad either. Sure, he wasn’t the most fit kid but he wasn’t swamped down with fat rolls either. He was plump, portly even, but not fat. Probably his best asset was his ass. Gods, it was so cute and round, and perfectly shaped…” Also, his eye color changes depending on his emotions. e.] Loves to read anything. Prefers Dickens and Doyle. Loves Classics. f.] Loves all the seasons. Doesn’t have a preference. g.] Loves sushi. Hates wheat/gluten. He isn’t picky on eating, just has to eat specially due to Diabetes and having Intolerance to Wheat. h.] He is around 5’4-5’6. i.] His form is a ______ (to edit soon) I will add more info as I remember it. Got to check my Character Folders. Hope you enjoy! Quote
Eien_no_ren Posted February 11, 2011 Report Posted February 11, 2011 On 2/9/2011 at 6:25 AM, YourFaceKillsMe said: Hey! I was in the middle of responding to the last few Reviewers when my friend emailed me these. I just uploaded them and thought I'd share! I adore them. These are all her Manips. of Cailean's Form. She couldn't pick just one so she did multiple. Cailean 1 Cailean 2 Cailean 3 3 and 4 plus the kitten are FABULOUS!!!!! I adore these!! Fit right into my mental image of Cailean! *squee!* Cailean 4 Kitten Cailean cuute Quote
Guest NightRoseFox Posted February 11, 2011 Report Posted February 11, 2011 I realized something when I was reading over a previous reply that I had left, a few days before, and that was that I had made a mistake on my correction of James' chinese zodiac. I had the right year down, but I put him down as a rooster, rather then the dog. My bad. I suppose if I am bold enough to point out your mistakes I should be bold enough to point out my own. As for being part of your mailing list, I would love to join, but send me a message so that I can give you the account I check more often, okay? I look forward to hopefully seeing a chapter this weekend, and I would love to read this other story where the character is like you. Anyway, hope to hear from you soon, and good luck on the next chapter. Quote
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