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This is for the story Bits and Pieces of Naruto by Faery's Delight (me).

Requests are welcomed. Thank you.

Review by jennifer: I love the shorts can u do a foursome with ibiki, kakashi,naruto,and iruka I think that would be reallllllly HOT.


My response: Thank you! I'm glad you loved it and I do have your request written down, some where.

Review by sesshysangelgirl: I love the stories the last one kinda scared me but i still thaought it was excellant.

My response: You're quiet welcome. I'm sorry my Urban Legend based stories kinda scared you but I'm glad you still enjoyed them. :D I hope you keep watching for more.

Review by mistress0fyaoi: i have loved all that i have read here. mistress would like t make a request though can you write one with orochimaru in it? i dont care what its about just as long as his a main character in the story please and thankyou.

My response: You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the stories so far and I can write that. I have you written down, again, somewhere and I will be adding it to my list. I have an idea for it eventually. *nods*

*I have answered NarutoVixens reviews on another site*

Review by Rebelgirl666: That seriously creeped me out at the end *shudder*

My Response: Urban legends are fun. *nods* *smiles at* I'm sorry that I creeped you out though.

Review by JaydenNara: Kiba and Shikamaru... they have to be one of my all time favourite pairings. thanks for writing that, it was pretty awesome.

My response: I'm glad you enjoyed that. It was much of the fun writing that pairing. *clings to them* *pets* :D I hope you keep reading. *bounces off*

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