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This here is the forum for the reviews for my story Tales of a Broken Society.

My name is Faery’s Delight. I welcome you and thank you all for your reviews.

Please note that I am only doing the last pages of reviews since I have SO MANY of them.

Thank you.

Pairings still on my list (please take note of what is what, and that yes, I am taking pairing suggestions for the next round):





Urahara/Renji (also asked for by Dragonmists753 and Anon)



Aizen/Ichigo with Virgin!Ichigo


Byakuya/Ukitake/Ichigo continuation (smut)


Continue the Renju/Shuuhei with Grimm babysitting Ichigos and Byakuas kid






Byakuya/Ukitake with Dom!Bya (kinda evil) and Sub!Ukit (taken by surprise)

Athello from Y!Gallery:


Round 2:

RemyJones: Shuuhei/Ikkaku

Mulle: Gin/Hitsugaya

Jade: Kenpachi/Renji

HazankoVoid: Hitsugaya/Hana

Ane: Starrk/Gin

Bethany on ff.net: Starrk/Ichigo

Felnore on Y!Gallery: Muramasa/Ichigo and/or Ruri’iro Kujaku/Ichigo

Axel Calamity: Ikkaku/Ichigo

Nosyrosie16: Aizen/Ichigo/Gin

Review from chibi_luna_chan: Could you do an Ichigo/Hichigo (Shirosaki) where Hichi manages to get an actual body. Oh and bonus points for smut.

My response: I actually had to think about if I had written this story but so far…I have you on my list. :D I’m glad you like my stories.

Review by sakurakitten234: You have such great characterization! And I love how you allude to things, too. You really bring out the Grimmkitty!

My Response: Aww, why thank you. :D I rather liked doing it actually. *nods*

Review by: remyjames: I refuse to accept Shuuhei and Ikkaku unless there is a fic to accompany this slanderous allegation. If you have already written a fic to prove this point, then I must have missed it and will rectify my statement at a later date. However, if you have not written anything, I would suggest you get cracking and prove to me that this crack pairing deserves to be known and brought into the spotlight.

Thank you!


My Response: *cackles* I have you on my list and will be writing it when I get to it, promise. :D

Review by happygirl24: thank you so much for doing my requests i don't have any more but i'll be reading this anyways.

My Response: I’m glad you enjoyed the stuff that I’ve done so far and know that I AM getting around to the other pairings, promise. :3

Review by Stormraven: Hi, I love your Hana stories! You're an excellent writer, have an excellent grasp of tone. I would love to see an Aizen/Hanatarou story! You know it just screams for it

My Response: I think I wrote that…Yeah, I did, under the perfection series title. :D I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it. *hugs*

Review by Rosy: Awesome series! Are you going to be updating this one anytime soon? I like the ones where Ichigo is a breeder, you seem to twist the story just enough that it's still in line with the charters. I hope you keep up the good work.

My Response: :D I’m glad you enjoy my writings and yes, I will be updating soon. Once I get my bits and pieces list down a bit. *wiggles*

Review by Mulle: I know you aren't taking requests anymore, but i feel there is a giant LACK in the Gin/Hitsugaya department.

Only one of the greatest couples ever in Bleach, and there's only one request for it?!

I request, if possible, a one-shot with that couple.

Hitsugaya in denial, and Gin is trying to persuade him. (or something like that, whatever gets you going :])

My Response: *giggles* I love them. *nods* And I have you on my list. *nods*

Review by Jade: Will you write the story of how Kenpachi and Renji got together please? I really like the series so plese keep on writing.



My Response: Of course I will. :3 I has you. *hugs*

Review by Hazanko Void: Can you do a Hitsugaya and Hanatarou with Hitsugaya being the dominant of the two?

My Response: I can give it a wack! I just hope I come through with it.

Review by Axel Calamity: Please do a continuation on the Halloween one!!!!!!!! I love your stories!!!

My Response: I can do that. *bounces* I rather like those two together.

Review by blu kat: That's the first time I've seen this pairing so I skip chapters to read it. I like it. Thanks for the read.

Ahh, they do make a cute couple. I can so see Hanatarou in his wedding kimono with his baby bump. Going to skip around your chapters again. Thanks for the read.

My Response: …you kinda confused me with these reviews. Though I do like Hana and he is absolutely adorable. *nods*

Review by Affie and Rysha: oh good gods it's been a while since we could read/review hell i can't remember even when i've had a chance to sit and read your work. it's wonderful and rysh just choked on her tea laughing at the deer in the headlights reffrence to poor ichi-chan. i'm sorry it's been so long since i've read/given feedback but World of Warcraft invaded the household and two modem blow outs will do that i guess. keep up the great work

affie and rysha

My Response: *clings to the cute* You’re long forgiven lovely. I hope things get better, I really do. Anyways, I’m glad you found that line rather funny. I loved writing it. *cackles*

Review by nosyrosie16: please update soon. want to know what happens next or to read another short oneshot of another couple. preferably a threesome between Aizen/Ichigo/Gin please!!

My Response: I will! I Promise. *nods* And I will be writing that pairing soon. *nods*

Review by Yakumo: Yay, I'm glad to see that you updated, and with such a rare pairing (Gin/Byakuya)! Nice job!

My Response: :D *giggles* I love the rarer or just out right crackish pairings. *clings to it with a giggle* Glad you liked it.

Review by Kaishii: Hey I just wanted to say i love that you are doing all of these rare pairings for people. Your writing style is very addictive and I find myself reading even if i originally dislike the pairing. By the end Im begging for more.

My Response: I’m glad you enjoy this story, I really am. It’s taken me time and a lot of push to do them but I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.

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